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New theory, maybe?


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So I'm betting this has probably been mentioned, but I haven't seen it.  Or it has some better explanation that I've missed.  Anyway, I was re-reading Knife of Dreams, and I got to this paragraph where Aviendha is picking up all the various ter'angreal and saying what they are for...


A stone carving the size of her hand, all deep blue curves--it felt like stone, at least, though somehow it did not really look carved--was for growing something.  Not plants.  It made her think of holes, only they were not exactly holes.  And she did not believe anyone had to channel to make it work.  Only sing the right song!  Some ter'angreal did not require channeling, but really!  Singing?


It's used for growing something (not plants).  It makes her think of holes, only they weren't exactly holes.  Maybe their not exactly holes, because they've got crumbling seals in them.  Maybe this ter'angreal is going to be used to grow the dark one's prison.  Not to patch it, but grow it whole.  And it is activated by singing.  Only not any song, but a particular song that was lost.  A song that a certain group, the Tuatha'an, have been searching for.  So the Dark One's prison would be sealed by the Tuath'an finally finding the song that they've been searching for, and using this ter'angreal to grow the Dark One's prison. 


Maybe its the reason the Tuatha'an got massacred in a previous book (Lord of Chaos? FoH?  can't remember).  Maybe they had figured it out, and that is what they were saying they had to tell the Dragon Reborn.  Who knows....


I had interpreted it as a Talisman of Growing, used by Ogier to grow Waygates.  (But, I also think Mat is no longer bound to the Horn of Valere.)


The Tinkers will never find their song because it doesn't exist. Luckers explains it best here:



The ter'angreal is most likely the Talisman of Growing.


Yeah, thats pretty much it.


Not plants.  It made her think of holes, only they were not exactly holes.


Thats the most important part here.


The "song" or talent of "singing" as Luckers points out in the link MR provided, helps with the growing of Chora trees and other such plants and crops.


Note, Plants and crops. Aviendha explicitly says "Not Plants" so by that definition, it cant be the "Song".


However, the suggestion of a hole that is not exactly a hole. Well, that fits in with Waygates perfectly. It is kind of a gate (hole) into another (world, dimension, universe?) so yeah.


It could also be something completely different, in which case, we dont really have enough information to know, so yeah. RAFO  :D


That's the most common theory, and it fits well with singing being the trigger. Somehow I always think of vacuoles as well.


Mmm, vacuoles could be interesting. Bubbles outside the pattern, or of the pattern, it could be considered a hole. That could be interesting. Not sure how it would work though, but would definitely be interesting,  we havent seen enough of vacuoles IMO. Although I assume they will be explored more in the Encyclopedia


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