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Quick August Roll Call...


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We're going into DM 8.0 and probably rolling out some major Rps. So we'd like to know who's active and who's not. This way we can start planning stuff. Also, if you're not active, and you're holding onto a Talent... well... byebye Talent. And if ya're active and ya want a Talent. Feel free to apply.


So please post like this:


Character: Skechid Aran Teobon

Rank: Storm Leader and ADL

RPs involved in: Bleah bleah bleah (URL)

Ideas for RPing or things you wanna do: I WANNA KILL NAUGHTY PEOPLE!!!

Talent: AOL Healing


Thanks again!



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  Here ya go:



Character: Linten al'Dracain


Rank: Ashy and general thorn in leaderships side


RPs involved in: *whistles* ummmm .... ya .... should do some


Ideas for RPing or things you wanna do: Work on his talent in more RP's, dance a few rounds with dreadies or dark friends, see about getting one of them Seanchant, understanding linking and controlling links, keep an eye on those WT types.


Talent: Dream Walking



So ya ..... there ya go for now.

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Hmmm looks like it's just you and I for now.


Ya know how it's like one of those Yahoo multiplayer games where you have to start a game and for HOURS noone else joins and you're like... what's going on? And it turns out you've forgotten to connect to the internet?


Well this is NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL. *sighs*

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