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Dreamwalkers in ToM?


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So, I recently asked Brandon why Amys or Bair didn't try to contact Edarra in her dreams when they were looking for Tam. Brandon replied...


BrandonSandrson:    @WoTLuckers There's a reason. TofM may shine light on that.


Exciting. Maybe something happened to Edarra and the others--I've long suggested that Masuri and Annoura might be darkfriends, and there was always the question of 'how could Masuri get away to visit Masema's camp so often without Wise One approval. Maybe they are darkfriends as well, or get killed by Masuri or Annoura (or the Shiny Fake Dragon).


What do you guys think?


So, I recently asked Brandon why Amys or Bair didn't try to contact Edarra in her dreams when they were looking for Tam. Brandon replied...


BrandonSandrson:    @WoTLuckers There's a reason. TofM may shine light on that.


Exciting. Maybe something happened to Edarra and the others--I've long suggested that Masuri and Annoura might be darkfriends, and there was always the question of 'how could Masuri get away to visit Masema's camp so often without Wise One approval. Maybe they are darkfriends as well, or get killed by Masuri or Annoura (or the Shiny Fake Dragon).


What do you guys think?


Obviously Edarra can't dream 'cause she's a ROBOT!;D


On a more serious note, Edarra's not a dreamwalker. Sure, the WO could send her messages in her dream, but since they find it an evil thing to pull someone into T'A'R how are they going to get a reply out of her? Edarra would have to send it in the waking world, I think, and there isn't any direct exchanging of troops or materiel between Rand's camp and Perrin's camp right now (else they would already know where Perrin was). It could be days before Edarra's reply got back to Sorilea and Amys. Much quicker to just ask Rand.

On a more serious note, Edarra's not a dreamwalker. Sure, the WO could send her messages in her dream, but since they find it an evil thing to pull someone into T'A'R how are they going to get a reply out of her?


Wise One's are trained to know a dreamwalkers touch, and we see them convey information back to the dreamwalkers in the past--Seana repeats what a Wise One named Alsera told her.


Yeah, I was wondering about his answer myself. It's always possible that the problem isn't with Edarra at all, but it's actually Amys and Bair that aren't cooperating with Cadsuane.

As to why that may be, I couldn't say (possible reasons could be as benign as not thinking the Aiel interest coincides with hers, or as malignant as both being Darkfirends).


I really wonder whether I'll be able to pinpoint the real reason after reading ToM. Brandon's answer could be taken either way.


So, I recently asked Brandon why Amys or Bair didn't try to contact Edarra in her dreams when they were looking for Tam. Brandon replied...


BrandonSandrson:    @WoTLuckers There's a reason. TofM may shine light on that.



Unless I'm reading too much into the language you posted, Brandon suggested that there's a reason Amys/Bair didn't even TRY to contact Edarra.  If so, Edarra's ability to be contacted via dreams is not the issue, but rather the motivation of Amys/Bair to not even attempt contact.  The only reason I can fathom for this is that Amys/Bair were trying to thwart Cadsuane's attempt to find Perrin.


Correct me if I misinterpreted Brandon's statement though Luckers -- if you simply asked Brandon why they didn't contact Edarra, but not why they didn't 'try' to contact Edarra, my theory is out.  Thanks.

The only reason I can fathom for this is that Amys/Bair were trying to thwart Cadsuane's attempt to find Perrin.


But shouldn't they have been in periodic contact the whole time? I mean, it doesn't make sense to send those WOs with Perrin and never check up on them, when there is a routine method at hand. IMHO, the dream-walker responsible for keeping tabs on them (Bair, most likely) is a DF and probably Edarra as well.

They know about the ta'veren tripod and about Min's viewing that Perrin needs to be there for Rand twice and so they do what they can to keep Perrin away for as long as possible.



The only reason I can fathom for this is that Amys/Bair were trying to thwart Cadsuane's attempt to find Perrin.


But shouldn't they have been in periodic contact the whole time? I mean, it doesn't make sense to send those WOs with Perrin and never check up on them, when there is a routine method at hand. IMHO, the dream-walker responsible for keeping tabs on them (Bair, most likely) is a DF and probably Edarra as well.

They know about the ta'veren tripod and about Min's viewing that Perrin needs to be there for Rand twice and so they do what they can to keep Perrin away for as long as possible.



This doesn't prove Bair is not a DF, but I will at least point out that Bair can't channel so the 13/13 trick would not work on her.  I figure if they were in contact with Edarra she would have told them about locating the Shaido camp with Sevanna and all the Wise Ones and that they were uniting with the Seanchan to fight them, and that virtually all of the Shaido Wise Ones were then captured.  This is only reported to Amys and Aviendha in tGS, and Aviendha had no idea and Amys appeared to be surprised. 


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