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DAES DAE'MAR - The White Tower & Warders Yard Newsletter - June 2010


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Welcome to the New, Improved Daes Dae'mar!


I'm sure you're all aware that DM was invaded by Darkfriends on numerous occasions this month. Since our Staff have been off fighting the foul fiends / getting chicken nuggets, this month's issue is just a tad late  ;)


But it's here now, so read on, and let us know what you think!



Editor in Chief



by Alanna Jr


Welcome to this month’s edition of what’s been happening here around the White Tower! Maybe you missed some new faces, or perhaps want to know who to congratulate on their raisings or bonds? Well, now you’ll know! And, I quote “Knowing is half the battle!”


New Aspies!

We have a singular new novice this month, as she was caught up between newsletters, so please welcome Egwene Aes Sedai to the Tower!


We also gained a nice amount of Algai this month, and they are…



Ben 10


Please welcome these four to the White Tower and make them feel right at home!



Let us congratulate the new GLO for the Green Ajah (sounds redundant, doesn’t it?), Adella! Congratulations dear!



As for raisings, we had five this month!

Bela the DO and Pankuri were raised to Accepted, with Bela being accepted to the Yellow Ajah!

Marta Sedai was raised to the Shawl, congratulations to your new Aes Sedai, Red Ajah!

Adella was also raised, and is now an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, and aren’t they proud!

Lastly let’s congratulate Al Jenn Mael, who was raised to der’Manshima!


Congratulations to all of you, may you find comfort in your accomplishments!


New Bonds!

There have been a whomping FIVE Souvra Bonds this month!

Adella and Marta Sedai

Charis sedai and Marta Sedai

Little Miss and Marta Sedai (see them here: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,58182.0.html)

Boopsy and Dah’mir (http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,58177.0.html)

Tynaal Consen and MashinShin! (http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,58279.0.html)


And there were FOUR Warder Bonds as well!

Adella and ed2funy (See it here! http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,57666.0.html)

Bela the DO and Tharengore! (Watch here: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,58216.0.html)

Marta Sedai and Millon (All here: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,58486.0.html)

Wolfie to Loranflame (Here: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,58488.0.html)


Congratulations to Souvra, Aes Sedai, and Warder alike!


Thank you everyone for stopping in for a little catching up! See you again next month!



by Marta Sedai


July is perhaps one of the most interesting months in the year. It is at the very middle, for most it is the month when you go to your vacations, and it is one of the warmest months in most parts of the world, or coldest, for others. The very fact that people mostly go on vacations in July is the reason why there are not many bondings in this month. But yet again, those that did happen in the past Julies, are always worth mentioning. Let us now see who bonded in the past years in the month of July.




We have only Warder bonds in the past Julies, and those are:

July 11th, 2007 Talya from the Red Ajah and Doselan see thread here

July 6th, 2009 Besolyn from the Blue Ajah and Verbal32 see thread here


And now, the Upcoming Events!


In the month of July 2010 you will be able to participate in amazing events in the WT. Those are:


A joint event by the Yellows and Greens about the history and various forms of dancing. This should have started on the 24th of June, but due to the Darkfriend uprising (ie DM being down  :P) it will be slightly delayed.


Talking about Darkfriends, though ... guess who's coming to visit?? That's right! Shayol Ghullers are coming to Town! Well, to Tar Valon, anyway. That's us, in case you've forgotten. The rules are simple: no force-bondings, no gentling / stilling, and above all do NOT drink their tea! Oh, and Fades are really sensitive - no teasing them, ok?



by Boopsie aka Wayward Fool



Hello again! Thank you for tuning into this month’s issue of Interview with the Vampire cool people who are part of this great Organisation called Dragonmount. Since we undoubtedly cannot have any sparkly, pale faced supernatural beings for our articles *mutters about unapproved interviewee requests* we are going to go with the next best thing… Samuraiflip05!


I am sure none of you are going, “Who~!?” except possibly the five of you who never come out from the Closet. Probably the cause of DM going down really. *ahem* Today, Daes Dae’mar (Represented by lil ol’me) speaks to the head of our furry brethren from the stedding. And boy, does he have things to share.


Boopsy (B): Hello!


Samuraiflip05 (S): (Looks up from his thick, thick book) Hmmm… I see you appear, but I do not see you enter. How odd, young one, how odd.


B: Yes, grandpa. So you say. Anyway, I’m here to interview you for this month’s Who’s Who article, which you will be featured in, tufty ears and all.


S: Oh my. How droll. You young ones are so excitable. But I must oblige. Should I comb myself a bit. I will need to go fetch my comb. Maybe braids? What do you think?


B: No, grandpa, me thinks that would take up most of my youth. So! Without further ado, I hear you're the Head Honcho at the Ogier's, what's it like being the king of the furries?


S : (grumbles) Always rushing into things, these humans. (smiles calmly) But yes. About your question. It's been fun.  There are a great group of regulars, and we get an occasional blast from the past coming round.....but they usually are gone again too soon.  Darn RL.


B: Real life? Shouldn’t the stedding shelter you from its effects? So, what is the main point of this org, besides the fuzzy teddybearness?


S: Well, topically, we are about books and history.  The history part plays a big role, as our builders can talk about ancient architecture, our Deathwatch Guard can speak on Historical battles and tactics, and our brewers provide top notch refreshment.


B:  I have yet to try any of the “refreshment” that you speak of. But… Eurgh. Really? History? Like, really, really history? Gee… what would you say to someone who says that history is BORING?


S: I'd say they have probably repeated it....time and time again. 


B: Really? Well, I always found the people in history far more interesting than the events. What is your favourite historical personage?


S: That is a tough question.  Probably less a personage, and more a belief.  That would be the ancient teachings and code of the Samurai, later identified as 'Bushido'.


B:  Samurais? Interesting. I would never have guessed that from your DM Handle. *ahem* What plans do you have for the Ogiers, besides nefariously hedonistic parties involving furry handcuffs, perfumed whips and aforementioned “refreshments”?


S: Well, we do have occasional coup's by Jaim to get all the Ogieresses into Bikinis.  He went so far last year as to have an Ogier Beach Olympics. 


Mostly, I am trying to rekindle activity in the Group.  We nearly stood chance of losing our Group(Org) status before I took over. 


B: Oh dear. But why should anyone want to join your org?


S: We have a little bit of everything.  From military talks, to book discussions.....architectual comparisons, and Ogier lectures, there is a wide variety of activity available. 


B:  Aw. Something for everyone then. I’d be there for the “refreshments”. Right? No? Blah. So what are you like, under all that fur and flippy ears?


S: I am a proud father of three.  I live pretty simple....I work, come home, enjoy my family, and on occasion suck all the 'good' out of a golf course(I am realllllllly bad). 


B: Tell us something random about yourself.


S: If one day Sam was turned into a butterfly WITH NO FUR, he would probably get squished for peeking in the girls locker room and be in big trouble but mostly, try to find a fresh made strawberry cheesecake.


B: Strawberry chessecake huh? Is that to go with the “refreshment” you spoke of? *ahem*


S: Maybe.


B: The same refreshment I’ve never been offered or gotten the opportunity to try?


S: Possibly, yes. Very possibly.


B: Right. (gives up) So, in the books, Ogiers are often portrayed as slow minded and uncomfortable in their own skin, who do you think killed Asmodean?


S: I think it shows an unfortunate lack of patience in the rather hasty Human race that this is the most pressing WoT question.  But then, you all live such short....oh dear, I apologize.  I know how you hate to be reminded of your short life-spans.


B: It’s alright, after all my short life span hasn’t quite permitted me to try that “refreshment” that you spoke of.


S: Which one?


B: The one made by you members, grandpa. That one.


S: Right, right.


B: (gives up again) What would you say to someone who is able to only join one Org and is considering between the Ogiers and say, the White Tower?


S: The Ogier Stedding offers peace, tranquility, and the Ogier hot-tub.


B: Hot tub and “refreshments”? Why haven’t I heard of this before? How annoying.


S: You humans, always regretting and living in the past. When will you all learn to sit back and relax.


B: Whatever, grandpa. What similarities do you have in real life that would make random people run away screaming “OGIER! OGRIIEEERRR!!!”?


S: I grow hair along the outer edge of my ears....like Ogier tufts.


B:  Okay, that’s slightly disturbing and yet very intriguing. If I grew a pair of tufty ears, would you stroke them?


S: Only if you asked me to.


B: What about those “refreshments”?


S: What refreshments?


B: I give up. Bye grandpa!


S: (goes chug on some Ogier brew) Sure. (burps)


And there you have it! The Ogier Head, presented in his finest, furry glory.


Till next month then, this is Boopsy Boob-berry signing out.


Now someone go fetch me some spiced wine. Now! *snaps*



by Al Jenn



Mother Ducky, our fabulous Amyrlin, has returned from a LoA. While she was coming back she decided it would be a good idea to have and celebrate her birthday.


Nynaeve also had a birthday, but instead of celebrating she went and graduated to make this an extra special celebration.


Taymist and Nynaeve celebrated their 2 year bonding anniversary. Please go congratulate them on fostering and maintaining such a reliable bond.


Aldazar returned only to once again get taken off by the mighty claws of real life.


The Gray Ajah hosted a Midsummer Festival which was a dazzling time of food, games, and gardening.


Harry Potter Madness is still going strong. Soon we'll find out who conquers who - the good, the bad, or the ugly.


The Green and Yellow Ajahs have a Dance event coming up. If you wish to be as good of a dancer as Min and Bursius then you should see what will be happening.


Bela is teaching an Anime drawing class so if that every piqued your interest read up and see what information she is putting out.


Charis Jr. will be gone until the end of August. Myst and Lily will be on reduced activity for a while.


Kara had a birthday!


Alanna Jr. graduated, go and congratulate her over at the Green Boards.



by Al Jenn


Warders Guild - There was a ton of activity (well, spam) here this month, aside from which some interesting things happened. A plethora of novices, accepted, and sisters visited to say hello, thank you, and to bring tasty treats. The Warders, after gratefully accepting the offerings, dunked anyone in white into the moat... some not in white as well. Tharen and Bela talk about one of Tharen's... disturbing and disgusting problems feel free to look into it... Discussions over Pet Peeves, Swordsmanship, and Trivia abounded.


Ren'Shai, Cuen'd'eren, and Me'Arearth - Like everywhere this month new aspirants are taking the WT class. Feel free to stop by and learn and read more about what each discipline is about. Ren'shai sisters stopped by to say hi to their warders, only to find them off gallivanting in real life and distracted away from DM. Cuen'd'eren are still entertaining some Red sisters.


Aspirant Quarters and Dormitories - We have several new members to welcome into our family - be sure to make them feel at home. In the aspirant quarters there is again another discussion on bonding. Add your thoughts to help enlighten the aspirants.


Blue - Aside from many visitors they are all talking about which animals they have and who has the coolest one. If your pup, kitty, or otherwise is clearly the best in the house you should go over and brag about them.


Brown - Visitors have been inquiring where all the residents have gotten to. Here to dispel the rumor of the Browns having crazy loud... parties in the closets is your wonderful newsletter. The Browns are relaxing, reading, and enjoying a bit of time away from the hub-bub of the busy daily goings-on of the Tower proper. Sightings of the "lesser spotted Majsju" and the "migrating Raeyn" have been reported, however. Even Liathiana has torn herself away from her Cosa Nostra for her Casa Marone.


Gray - Tasty food and gardening are this month's focus. There is also a discussion over finding balance. Between all the time we spend in closets, getting dunked in the moat, and keeping up with new members, how do you find time to do your daily training of channeling or sword work...


White - Again the Whites have vanished, however there are many heady discussions taking place in their quarters. If you want something to make you think, then join in.


Red - Mashira and Aldazar have a wonderful reunion after being away from each other for a looooong time. WARNING Lews has pink eye... avoid him at all costs. Find out what animal you are, chit chat in the Phoenix Lounge, or just saying hello, are the popular things to do at the Reds this month.


Green - Ok, I'm bonded to one of these sisters and I can't even keep up in the slightest... poor trollocs. Wolfie and Loran had a touching bonding party. Adella is STILL having her raising party... I can't imagine the hangover after that one. Aside from that everyone is just building community spirit and enjoying each others company.


Yellow - Well after 6 years the yellow monster is back... Try to navigate your way through pages of spam to battle the epic creature or just give in and feed it more spam. The choice is yours. The Yellows also have a new little runt, who will be growing up on lots of spam... it is right to feel that sliver of fear...




by Limi


Even though I have 2 left feet and dance like a crazed hyppo on acid? *grins*


I'm DANCING with THAT?! *eyes*



*Grins evilly at CJ* It's good practice for when you have to fight a Trolloc.  ;D



Mattresses. The Couch. The Table. That lovely 1 way reinforced glass window (which turned out not to be 1 way, but it's all good when you can intimidate the cops into dropping the charges). Why restrict myself?


Is that WHY our "new" mattresses all tend to be slightly lumpy and smell of FEET? *narrows eyes in suspicion*


*stalks Dah'mir to the realm of bare chested sweaty man*


mmm... interesting. >.>







Great to hear bro-hemian rhapsody. Great to hear. I am losing my mind again today. I think I just may go nuts. Yus. I am going to tear the place apart. And smile the whole time I do it.


Hihi. I'm Boopsy. Blue Brother and all around goodness. *shines in his innocence*


And if you'll follow me this way, I'll give you a tour of them... umm... place. Starting from this wunnerfully dark corner over here, called the ummm... Corner of Happiness.





Fine....I am "fluffy". :D


For Ed:






Love it! Everyone did a great job as normal!


Just what I needed to update myself with. It seems I missed a lot.




You would not believe how mad I am about missing the Midsummer Festival. Did everyone have fun?

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