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Gates and Shadowspawn


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If Trollocs and Mydraal can't go through gateways then how did Semirage send Trollocs to save rand in the Stone? Sammael's trollocs hid in the barges by the Stones docks so he had time to send them there but Semirage's were sent instantly when Sammael's were attacking.


Where did Rahvin suddenly find Trollocs from in Caemlyn?


Sorry if this has been discussed before (newbie)

She knew prematurely. There were trollocs on the docks' date=' and trollocs in wagons, or barrels. Something like that, but there were two places.[/quote']


She probably used the Ways.


Here's what gets me...The Ways were created after the Breaking. How do the Forsaken, outside of Ishamael, know anything about how to use them?


I suppose the myrdraal are given instructions...


That's my best guess.


Another question...how long have the Shadow been using the Ways? Were they using them in the Trolloc Wars? I guess the Ogier Stedding would be pretty hard for shadowspawn to penetrate, however many they forced to attack a Stedding...So that's probably why the Shadow couldn't use waygates to much effect.


In that case, how come the Ogier couldn't send help Manetheren in time? The Ways were supposed to be clean up until then.


They could have used the Ways to send help and maybe a couple dozen Aes Sedai with warders could have come in time to stall the Shadow's advance.


I suppose it'd be pretty much the same deal everywhere else though...lots of places at once needing help..


See, these details fascinate me.


No the Shadow didn't use the Ways in the Trolloc Wars... its likely they've only been using them since they went dark.


Semirhage needn't bring any Trollocs or Myrrdraal. Her Chosen mark means that she merely need command some of those already present. Just enough to give Rand a fighting chance.

No the Shadow didn't use the Ways in the Trolloc Wars... its likely they've only been using them since they went dark.


Semirhage needn't bring any Trollocs or Myrrdraal. Her Chosen mark means that she merely need command some of those already present. Just enough to give Rand a fighting chance.


I do believe in Lord of Chaos that she said that she sent them. I'd have to check later as I don't have the book with me...It's in the chapter where she's torturing Cabriana Macandes and her warder.


I do seem to recall that there was that distinction. It was her POV and she mentions sending the trollocs and myrdraal.

Guest cwestervelt

I remember it being Graendal who sent them under orders from the DO. Sammael was ranting to her about how he would have had Rand at that point had the Trollocs not shown up. He is going on about how that was Lanfear.


I believe the Ways became accessable to the DO minions after Lan's homeland fell to the blight. They had a waygate at their disposal then.


the waygates become tainted when the DO put the tain on saidan correct? but the they state that the one power was used to make them but they in themselves become tainited interesting in a way

I remember it being Graendal who sent them under orders from the DO. Sammael was ranting to her about how he would have had Rand at that point had the Trollocs not shown up. He is going on about how that was Lanfear.


Nope, it was Semhirage. The scene before was a connection to his rant. It was supposed to demonstrate the confusion amongst the Chosen. Semirhage was musing about how she usually never questions the Great Lord about orders, and then she dropped that she had sent shadowspawn to Tear without really knowing why.


Yup, it was Semirhage.


And no, the Ways didn't become tainted when saidin was tainted. They weren't constructed until after the sealing of the bore--indeed they were constructed as a thank you from the male Aes Sedai who were allowed to stay in they stedding during the breaking of the world.


I believe it was mentioned that they started to go dark during the War of a Hundred Years. Travel through them didn't stop completely until a while after that when Machin Shin appeared. In stedding Tofu we meet the last of the Ogier to travel through the Ways before the ban was put in place, he had no soul.


As for Semirhage saying she sent them, its a good point... possibly it could simply mean she sent some myrrdraal to fight some other ones... as in she ordered them. Still, it does imply more then that, doesn't it.


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