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for my first i'd like to throw out my award winning chili!


2 lbs of ground hamburger

1 large can of tomato sauce

1 large can of diced tomatoes

1 large can of busch's original beans

1 large red onion

8 fresh jalepenos (yes this is spicy chili)

1 bell pepper

hillshire farm sausage

chili powder

1 small lime (optional)

4 large peices of garlic


add tomatoes, beans, and tomato sauce to a crock pot on low heat or on low heat on a pot on the stove, but crock pot is the best way to do this.

Brown the hamburger.  I like to add half the onion into the hamburger to get them nice and cooked and start the flavor mesh. Add 1 of the garlice pieces.

Take half the bell pepper, half the onion, 4 jalepenos, and 3 pieces of garlic, and blend them into a paste.  then add that paste to the sauces in the crock pot and mix it all up.

once the hamburger is done mix it into the crock pot with the rest.

dice the other half of the bell pepper, and the slice the rest of the jalepenos and add them into the mixture.  at this point if you want the lime you can add the juice.  Slice up 1 link of the hillshire farm beef sausage (half a package) and add it in to the mix.

You'll want to stir it occasionally to make sure it isn't burnin or overcooking.  I will let it stew overnight on the 'Warm' setting on my crock pot.


then enjoy!  It makes a lot, so you'll probably have left overs, which is good because it tastes better the next day.  :)


for those of you who don't like spicy, you can substitute the jalepenos for a sweet pepper of some kind.  however i would recomend at least a couple as the jalepeno gives flavor.


Let me know if you like it or if it works for ya!!!

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oh, and add the chili powder to taste.  Also, i usually end up adding a bit of salt as well... also to taste...  i hope you enjoy it!  let me know success/fail stories, and post some of your fav recipes.  I have more i will add later

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Today's recipe:  Lemon chicken!!!

1 package of boneless chicken tenders

some lemon juice

lemon and herb spice

1 bell pepper

some olive oil

some butter (usually about a tbsp)


Mix some lemon juice and olive oil in a deep sauce pan, and heat it up.


dice the bell pepper and put the pieces into the pan and let them sauté...  mmmmmmmmm...


turn the heat down to a 2 or a 3 and add the chicken tenders.  let them cook long enough to cook through then take them out.  you may need to add more lemon juice and oil as you go through the chicken.  sprinkle the lemon and herb (or lemon and pepper i like it both ways) over the chicken as it cooks in the sauce.


serve the cooked chicken over rice, and pour the sauce in the pan over the chicken and rice. 

Note:  the bell peppers will collect a lot of flavor, so don't leave them out, but don't put too many in your mouth at once either.  ;)


let me know what you think! 



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