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The Miracle of Life! Or IS IT?!?! [Yellow Ajah EVENT] - INFO


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Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the [glow=yellow,2,300]Yellow Ajah top secret event[/glow]! Some of you might have heard about it, some of you might know all about it and some of you might have no idea what I'm on about and think I'm talking crazy.


This event is all about babies, believe it or not. This is the place to flaunt your beautiful children (or yourselves as ickle things), to tell about all the chaos and mayhem your kids put you through (or what you put your parent's through)... it is also the place for all NON parents to point at all the people who decided they want kids and laugh, mock and taunt them. A lot!


This event will have Discussions, competitions and a very entertaining game. I hope you enjoy yourselves! Everyone is invited to participate, be it WT members or members of other social groups. All activities will be posted on this board for that purpose.


Here are the links for the different and exciting threads of this activity:


1. Discussion - Oh, Parents, How You've Suffered!!!

Tell us about all the HORRIBLE things your kids put you through. The funnier stories, the better!


2. Show Off the Kiddie Cuteness!

Drop in and flaunt how adorable your kid is or how adorable you were as a kid. Lets drown in cuteness!!!


3. Divine Parenting Tips!

Have some parenting tips? This is the place to share your pearls of wisdom with us!


4. Join the Mocking Frenzy!!!

Don't have a kid? Smart. Join us in mocking the ones who took the red pill! BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!


5. Baby Making Machine GAME! - SIGN UP

Sign up for a fabulous game, where you get paired off and get a baby the PG-13 way! *wink*



*I would like to thank: Kathleen, Krak, Summer and Locke for helping run this event.









You're welcome for my awesomeness.  I still can't believed you managed to drag me over here to help.  It must be because you're so cool...or I desperately need a guide for Israel


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