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Unabrdiged Audiobooks


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I promise I'm not getting kickbacks or commissions (or even a discount) but thanks to a job change and a new, really long commute to and from work I signed up for what is a basically Netflix for audiobooks: www.simplyaudiobooks.com.  I can't recommend these audiobooks highly enough.


I queued up the Wheel of Time series first and am already halfway through Lord of Chaos.  I've considered purchasing these in the past but they typically run over $60 a book! 


The books are read by Michael Kramer and Kate Reading with Kramer reading the sections told from a male character's point of view and Reading the female.  They are both excellent narrators to a wonderful job of changing up their accents and voices to differentiate between characters, which is especially helpful when Jordan writes scenes with numerous characters and their dialogue.  It's also nice to hear their pronunciation of names and places.




You can also purchase them from audible.com in MP3 format.  Membership is only $14.99/mth, which gets you one book/mth.  Much more reasonable than the $50+ most books on CD go for.  And I definitely agree; the WoT audiobooks are top notch!


I agree that they are well read, and the prounciations are great. I also find it amusing to hear the different accents given to the same character by Kramer and Reading. Especially Lan.


I agree that they are well read, and the prounciations are great. I also find it amusing to hear the different accents given to the same character by Kramer and Reading. Especially Lan.


Elayne takes the cake.  Listen to one of Mat's chapters in CoS and try not to laugh.  Go on, I dare you!


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