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Whats with the wheel???


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Dumb question, but in randland how does everyone know about the wheel of time they accept it as commmon knoledge but when did someone discover the wheel of time and how it spins the pattern?


It is not a 'dumb' question.

I recall something similar being asked in the past.


The discovery of the Wheel (if it was discovered) might have been sometime in Age of Legends.  Maybe while channelers were Skimming; or while someone was in a vacuole.



I think that philosephers such as idk Ishimael probably deduced it. Like the string theory, unprovable but yet it makes so much sense that it is aceptable.


you are forgetting the horn, and more than likely someone discovered who they were in a past life like mat, and realized the reality, that something or someone brings people back over time. also ta'vren explain the existence of a pattern as well as something driving the pattern.


Really good question.


As to the answer... the Dark One. He must have had some way to get through to the first person, who told someone else, blah blah blah.


The Beginning happened because there is a beginning to everything, the Creator decides he wants to make a Pattern that weaves itself so he creates life. Insert the Dark Ones original attempt to influence the Pattern here, and then insert the Creators retaliation, which I think was the Wheel. Whatever happened when the Creator imprisoned the Dark One originally left the loophole of some unlucky person finding out there was..... something, a void in the Pattern, a gap in reality that surrounds the Dark One... and that unlucky person (Lanfears predecessor, if you will) decided to drill into that something, the original Bore was created, and the True Power was discovered. This created a thin line of.... somethingness... inside that void, creating a place for the Dark One to reach into, and we have the setup for the Eye of the World beginning; a Dark One sealed away but with a following and a way to influence the Pattern without being actually in the world.


Essentially, that would be the first version of history that gets vaguely repeated. I reckon Rand is going to kill the Dark One and start a new turning of the Wheel that will dictate the following turnings. Humanity is still left with its own flaws, fulfilling the "great battle done but the world not done with battles" prophecy.


It probably has something to do with how they learned how to use the Power. Since they're drawing the Power from the same source that turns the Wheel of Time, maybe they learned about the Wheel through doing that. Or perhaps it's a fantasy story and RJ wanted to write about a world where events are spun out from a Wheel with different ages coming as the Wheel turned. So then he just decided his characters knew about it. Or perhaps the Dark One told them after they drilled the Bore.


It probably has something to do with how they learned how to use the Power. Since they're drawing the Power from the same source that turns the Wheel of Time, maybe they learned about the Wheel through doing that. Or perhaps it's a fantasy story and RJ wanted to write about a world where events are spun out from a Wheel with different ages coming as the Wheel turned. So then he just decided his characters knew about it. Or perhaps the Dark One told them after they drilled the Bore.

could also be from the way we distinguish eras, with AS having such long lifetimes and a whole ajah dedicated to the histories, it could just be a way of catagorizing time and events


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