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Handle: Shatter

Character Name: Malaki Codryn

Character Type: Freebooter

Place of Birth/Raising: Caemlyn

Email address: 0shatter0@gmail.com

Division: Freelanders

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Physical Description: 5' 9", 15 stones, Dark Brown Hair, Hazel Eyes; has a notch in his right ear from a cat scratch when he was a 6 years old, always wears a faded brown wide-brimmed hat

Strengths: Driven to succeed in his set tasks. Thinks and reacts quickly.

Weaknesses: Lust for gold. Wanderlust. Needs to impress others.

Character History: Malaki was born and raised within the city of Caemlyn. His childhood was typical enough being the only son of his father, a traveling merchant, and his mother, a sedentary washerwoman and sometime seamstress for locals. It was in Malaki's estimation, too boring of a life for anyone to endure.

When he got old enough to be away from his mother, his father would take him along with him on his merchant trips. It was out with his father that little Malaki learned his most valuable lesson in life. Gold opens all doors. People will do almost anything for a shiny piece of metal. He learned well from his father the ways to manipulate people into buying whatever you are selling.

As Malaki grew older, he learned to love the open road and the thrill of not being stuck in one single place and a new drive took him over, a need to see new things and find new ways to make gold. Eventually, he wanted so much more out of his life that he sought it out amongst the more unsavory of the city, the scam artists and thieves. He learned that people will pay a great deal for even stolen property, sometimes even the original owners.

So, with a little money that he borrowed from his father and a story that he was trying to start his own business, he began working as a fence for many of the thieves of Caemlyn. Lately he has been hearing stories of lost treasures and even doing a little digging through the rumor mill amongst his customers and has been feeling the itch to go and try to find some treasure of his own.

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