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Hey guys.  I discovered this new website called GrooveShark via my roommate and it is AWESOME!


Basically you type in an artist, song, or album into a search bar and you can listen to music for free!  You can also make playlists and add songs to your library, or just listen to it in the search results.


They have pretty much everything I've searched for.


Unfortunately, as near as I can tell, you can't have "friends" like you can on last.fm.  However, you can become "fans" of people, which means you can make playlists that they can listen to, and they can see your music library.


It's pretty sweet.  So far I've made a Christmas playlist and a Rap playlist.  I suggest you guys check it out.

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No problem...waiting around for two day to take my last two finals leaves me with way too much free time...today is my relax/lazy day...tomorrow is study for Thursday's final and Thursday I'll study for Friday's final....yippee

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