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Newbie saying hi!


I just sent in a bio. :) For some reason the BT has been triggering my intrests lately and decided not to fight it and join!


My to-be char is Kade from Tear and he will most likely be hating the tower and Saidin for quite some time... *s*

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Guest Estel

lol...storytime then... (it's actually not THAT long...I was just way too lazy to type it up)


anyways, I go to a small school (this year we'll have like 55 students, maybe 60 if we're lucky (gr9-12)), and I'm the only person taking grade 11 french class, so I get thrown in with the gr10s. however they're loud and abnoxious and I would do almost anything to get away from my french teacher (creepy lady whose husband got fired from the school for staring at girls' boobs), so I simply walked out the door every day after I got my work, sat in the hall and worked there (or at least pretended to work, mainly I talked to everyone passing by and got other people to help me with my work and tests)

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You're very welcome. A little more activity is needed around here so that Joce and Rion no longer have the only active RP's. :P


And Estel, I know where you're coming from on that. sounds like my grade 8 year. Bloody nightmare that was... Had a grade 7-8 split... Though my time in the hall was punishment for a lack of tollerance for the arrogance of grade 7's. Kept using aspects of both languages that were not condoned by the school.

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