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One thing overlooked about LTT's voice

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Hi all!


You are forgetting one thing: Rand IS LTT or at least his soul reborn. One possibility is that LTT´s sould (mad or not) has been activated the moment Rand proclaimed himself the Dragon Reborn. Because in the vision he had when he tried to move by portal stone, he was old and he had not heard a voice in his head he was just rotting away. Like Taim said in Lord of Chaos "If I would have drawn Callandor and history would have shown that I was born at the slopes of Dragonmount ..." I think Taim knows a great deal also in Lord of Chaos Taim tells Rand, what he would do if these "so called Aiel" desert him (page 305). Only people from the AOL call the Aiel that way, because they know how the real Aiel have been.


Um... What I'm doing rigtht now is combining the theories I agree with into one, so that they can work together. So:


LTT really got healed from the madness, caused by the Taint... only to be driven "naturally" mad by the knowledge of his previous actions. He tried to kill himself, but he could only destroy his body, for it was foretold that he would be born again. Thus, the DO won a decisive victory - the Dragon Reborn would be mad, again, and this time the madness would be impossible to be cured with simply clearing Saidin. And see what happens - Saidin is no longer tainted, but LTT is still mad, as the DO desired (probably forseeing in the past that the taint would not be permanent).


One final point - this theory - if correct - only proves that LTT is mad, however, Rand is not LTT, even though Rand's body hosts LTT's soul. Do you see my point? Rand is and is not at the same time LTT, in my opinion. Thus, LTT is mad, yet Rand is still sane, in my oppinion.


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