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Trying to finish up my bio, and I just want to make sure that I get the end of it right...  If my character seeks out the amnesty in Tear, should I leave it open in Tear and rp being found/recruited/stuffed in a sack?  Or should I just say yep, they found him and carted him off to The Farm, and then post an intro thread on the actual Farm board?  >.>  Or do it be mattering? (ha I have that accent in my head now from reading a couple of Lavinya's posts, aaaah)

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I would go with the latter and include it in your bio. Your char can just arrive at the farm/Black Tower by whatever means you wish, you do not have to RP it.  Once your bio has been approved you can post your arrival thread in the Farm RP boards where your char will meet Arath I believe.


As far as the taint it is up to you in regards to lunacy.  We are going to RP the cleansing soon.  Your character does not have to have any ill effects from the taint other than noticing it when your char is holding/fighting/struggling with Saidin.


Ooh no another Illianer!


I think all the info I gave is correct.  If not Arath or Covai will just beat or balefire me.

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nah my dude's Cairhien, but his grip on reality isn't always so hot in any case.  I was expecting to have the Taint latch onto him somewhat early, but I wanted to make sure that my rping things like that wasn't going to end my character up way too nuts and way too dead way too fast lol.  I can more than deal with him being permanently sketchy after the cleansing. 


Thanks, in all likelynessfulhood I will have my bio sent in after I get out of class today, woo!

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