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Christmas chatter box! :D


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I personally don't celebrate Christmas, because I'm not in the cool club... but I really love the idea behind it. I just find it fascinating and really fun. All the decorations, the presents, the big dinner, the songs. It seems really cheerful and festive.


I was wondering what you guys had planned for the holidays? Have you already started buying presents? Cards? What would YOU like to get for Xmas?


Personally, I'm too broke to send anyone anything this year, so I'm sitting this one out. I do tend to get some surprise xmas cards from DMers here and there, so I'm looking forward to those. Makes me feel like I do get to celebrate it a bit  ^_^


My wishlist would be... *ponders*... A pony! And erm... another pony. And I wouldn't terribly mind the Dollhouse DVD set  ^_^  but I'll prolly end up caving and just downloading the show :D


Also, I know that couples often have troubles deciding where to go to in Christmas, aka the wife's family side or the hubby's. Where are you going this year and how do you usually decide?  


I would also LOVE to see pictures from previous Christmas. Especially if you do the whole decoration and tree deal. :D






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Well, if I'm lucky I'll get three days off this xmas - xmas eve, xmas day and boxing day. We usually visit my family on xmas eve or boxing day and go to the BF's family on the day itself.


I've already sent some pressies and cards out, and I've got a good majority of my family's presents already, and any I haven't yet got, I at least know what to get. Too many years I've spent trawling the shops in increasing levels of desperation looking for anything that might be suitable :P


I'll post pictures of last years decorations when I can find them :) and I'll post pictures of this years decorations too - once they're up :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, you really do take bad pics....  *laughs*


Oh my god, that little tree is so cute! There's actually a shop here... russian shop... that sells a few little ones. I'm REALLY tempted to get one. I've always wanted one  ^_^


I love the decorations, Kara. I wants more pics! ;D  Maybe let Pete take the pics?  *laughs*  >.>


*steals all the pressies*


Where are the huge socks?!?!?!






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And remember, children, Santa is evil O_O






I mean, lets face is. Climbing into your house through the chimney? Trespassing much :P  Eating your cookies and drinking your milk? Theft. Sure, he leaves your presents. But I say this lurkiness means he has something to hide. Big time. And what about those reindeers? Does he even have a flying permit? I THINK NOT! O_O




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