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[MOVIE] Batman: The Dark Knight


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Emperor

A few follow ups. No Sarah Michelle Gellar.


Here is a picture that is the supposedly the make up test for the Joker.



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Guest Emperor

lol... I steer clear of actor stocks and buy movie stocks... well I did buy some cheap Jolie stocks at $60 and now they are worth $190. Go me!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, I saw that, looking at that I buy him as Dent. And I know Nolan will treat Two-Face better than Schumacher did. I'm kind of glad, though, that they didn't waste a lot of time and money making more of a viral than that.

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Well, I mean, you look at the extensive virals some of these movies do. The first X-Men had mutantwatch.com and some sort of campaign site for Senator Kelly. Bayformers has this Sector Seven nonsense. Way to waste your advertising budget. All this is is one single image, linked directly from what currently serves as the movie's official site. That's all.

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Actually, the internet viral campaigns are pretty effective. The studios have discovered that us geeks need to feel like we have secret, inside information. Otherwise, we go nuts and start talking about the movie sucks and stuff. If they tease us with well done trailers and jokey things like this, we're more like to speak positively about the movie and drive people to see it opening weekend. If it was a waste of time, they wouldn't do it.


Now, if you sign up for the email list on the second campaign website, it will reveal to you, pixel by pixel, this image.


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Guest Barmacral

Actually it revealed the picture to me and I didn't even attempt to sign up for the email list.

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I think every time someone signs up, it takes a pixel off. By now everything should be revealed.


I've just had it pointed out to me how brilliant this really is. There's been so many faked or leaked pictures of Heath Ledger as the Joker floating around that they needed to do SOMETHING to control the flow of information and release the image on their own terms. It also very nicely reveals Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent, which I'm excited about. I just wonder if that means Two Face will be in this movie as well, or if they are just setting up the third now.

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Heath's Jokerface is beyond creepy. It looks like he's wearing make-up over self-inflicted scars, though, as opposed to his familiar permaclown. I'm undecided on whether or not I like it. Maybe I just need a better shot.

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It fits in with the world Nolan has created, of a gritty, realistic Batman, rather than the cartoonish world of the previous films. I agree, it's very off putting, especially the way it appears the Joker has carved his own face to resemble clown make up.


However, if Christian Bale takes his shirt off again, I'll be all over this movie like a cheap suit. Seriously, that boy is HOTT.

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Well I've been looking at it summore and now it looks more like he has acid burns bubbling his skin in a sort of smile pattern. I was hoping for something like a combination of that with the taut rictus grin Jack Nicholson sported. I can deal. But there aren't a whole lot of Batvillains that fit the whole "gritty, realistic" mold. Even Scarecrow, awesome as he was, was kind of... off. I mean, blatant disfigurement like Joker and Two-Face is about as non-cartoony as they get in Gotham. Don't get me wrong, I loved Begins, but my Batman will always be the somewhat bizarre one Burton developed and Dini and Timm expanded on.


And come on, you wouldn't really go see a bad movie just to see Christian Bale shirtless... would you?

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  • Community Administrator
Is he holding a gun to his own neck!?


No, haven't you ever watched a sci-fi show before?

Its obviously some sort of shot, instead of a needle, it uses those devices...

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