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Lets get this accepted thing started

Arath Faringal

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Alrighty, I'm ready to forge ahead with Rochel again.  So I need someone to work with me on the 100 weaves shtuff.  Anyone willing to put up with the headache of teaching 100 useless weaves to an accepted who doesn't like uselessness?


On the same note, I'm interested in teaching an Intro to Saidar for any novices that need it.  Lemme know.

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If you don't get a better offer, I'd love to help with Pia (the new MoN). She has boundless patience so likely won't strangle you in the first five minutes like Lavinya would :D. What kind of rp were you planning? The initial learning of them?

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Haha sounds like fun to me. Do you want to start it, or would you like Pia to summon Rochel? Totally up to you whether she knows what the lesson is going to be or not, I'll follow your lead. Or I can post first with what you want. Just let me know. :D

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