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Eye of the World released in (legal) eBook form


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That seems high for an ebook. i can buy the paperback for $7 or $8, much less used. The publisher spent next to nothing to make it and it cost more than a printed book. It seems book publishers will be backwards and slow to get on board with the digital times just like the RIAA is/was.


I recently bought a Sony E reader with the assumption that the prices would be lower. I have found this to not be the case, it makes no sense when some of the books are around $25 and there are very little in costs for the publisher, compared to printing hardcover books. So I am not surprised that paperback books are not cheaper either. I prefer reading physical books any way so If I were going to buy EotW I would just get it at a bookstore.


Edit: I just looked at the sony store, it is $10.50 there. It has a really irrelevent cover also. It depicts Rand on the mast of the boat with the metal tower (it's name I won't even attempt to spell) behind him. I like the original cover art much better.


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