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Hunt for the ghost contest!


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Ok boys and girls, ghost and goblins, here icon of the games for the Red Autumn fair!


It is pretty easy! throughout DM there have been some special people that have been haunted! Your job is to find them! They may post in the newbie sections. They may post in fiddlesticks they may post in a different org. Where ever they post you need to find them.


Look for this icon: ICON-Ghost-108w.gif


When you see it run back here and post a link. The person with the most verified links wins!

First post with link will be the only one counted!




I guess I'm out -- all I see is a red box! LOL! Obviously this is one of those pictures I'll only be able to see on my home computer where photo sites are not blocked.


Reyoru, I LOVE this siggie!  It's great - although a big larger than technically allowed.  ;)  Ninja wizards . . . bears that shoot lasers from eyes . . . ROFLMBO!  I was halfway expecting to see a comment from Frodo or Aragorn along the lines of "Is this guy for real?"  LOL!


All over. I have newbees that are posting as well as oldies.



Reyoru: You may want to sign up! I am sure there will be some post in the WT that will have the ghost.


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