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BT Bio for Terolan - Question and CC

Arath Faringal

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DM Handle:  Hallow

Contact Info: aleksander2001@hotmail.com

Character Count: 0


Character Name: Terolan

Nationality: Altara (Ebou Dar)

Age: 22

Physical Characteristic: Dark blue eyes, currently shaved bald, although his hair is black, 1,9 meters tall.


Physical Description: Has a long scar down the right side of his face.


Personal History: Terolan was born and raised in Ebou Dar, a place where women were traditionally the one in charge. He was never much of a peoples person, preferring to avoid other people if he could. His life was fairly uneventful up until the Seanchan invaded Ebou Dar. As the Raken were dropping troops all over the city, Terolan bumped into three Seanchan soldiers when he passed a corner. Seeing as he was armed, the soldiers quickly drew their swords, ready to fight him. While Terolan knew how to use his sword, he was certainly no blademaster, and could not hope to beat three trained soldiers in a fight. When they closed in on him as a group and prepared to attack Terolan lifted his right hand and closed his eyes, he heard an explosion and opened his eyes again. That's when he saw all three soldier's dead, severly burnt. Quickly disposing of his sword he scurried out the alley and went into hiding until the city was opened up again. Luckily the damane and Sul'dam at the gates were not looking for men who could channel and he was allowed to leave peacefully, quickly making his way east to where he had heard of male channelers gathering.



Alrighty, the question is:  Have our Seanchan taken Ebou Dar?  I'm not 100% sure on it.

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