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Just for fun, Let's make some Ter'angreal


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A Gauntlet Ter'angreal that shoots a fireball when the person wielding it makes a throwing motion. Doesn't require channeling. Imagine the enemies surprise when the "unarmed" and non-channeling good guy army throws a bunch of long-ranged fireballs at them.  ;D BURN!


A ter'angreal that kills Egwene.




A Small bong-like ter'angreal that makes good quality weed that does not create any of the side effects like munchies and dry mouths among others.


2nded. Keep the munchies though, its satisfying after some Phatt bud.


A pair of linked rings that, when each is worn by a different channeler, lets you draw the Power from the other person from a distance, like a long ranged circle. Perfect for a Ashaman-Aes Sedai teamups, especially if they were bonded.


What does Phatt bud mean?


I demote you to ametuer!


A ter'angreal that freezes water at temperatures way above 0 degrees Celcius, so I can finally go iceskating on natural waters!


Of course, it should be in the shape of a skate.


    Thank you very much for your replies and I can see that we are quite a different bunch (and feeling quite good I might add ;D)


    Mine would be shaped like a musical note, made of marble but not that heavy and would be bendable. It would not require channeling. It would work like an IPOD or MP3. You could take it into battle and it would give you some kick ass music to well, KICK ASS!


    I read that in Vietnam, soldiers would put speakers on thier tanks and go into battle jamming "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin. The Irony is fantastic! :D


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