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So, who?

Toy and Minion

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Technically Pandy has the spot, but by unspoken agreement he's in charge of OG and I'm in charge of Fiddles.  He rarely pays any attention to Fiddles, and I just check in to OG every once in a while to see if I'm needed. :D


Wes isn't really around much. :P




I should probably check it out sometime, as an Illuminator.  I need to participate there more.  It's just that I'm like one of the only members of Tanchico House that pretty much is poetry-exclusive.  I write other stuff, but it's a lot harder for me.  Poetry comes easy.  So I don't always post there, because they're very book-oriented, sometimes.  Or short-story oriented, anyway.  :-\  Which is fine, just not easy for me to join in. :D


I like Helium though.


Really?  I'm an Illuminator too.  Never signed in to a single sign-in, and they still haven't cut me out.  Probably because they don't even know I'm a member. :D


It wouldn't surprise me, although you did post in the Critique Circle once. :D



Yeah, the Illuminators was THE first Org I joined, and I forgot I was a member for many months, but I've ALWAYS been able to see the child boards. :D


The Band was your first.  I was looking for quotes for the SG Mafia game, and I look in a different place every time. This time I just looked through your posts, and started with your first posts and worked my way back.  The Band was your first Org. ;)


:D Yeah, you liked to disappear, didn't you?


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