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You didn't watch the video? :(


I suppose that's true.


And I'd argue about it more but talking about time travel ALWAYS gives me headaches.  Without fail.  I cannot even begin to contemplate it without losing myself in hopeless confusion.


As in Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox.


That one very much made my head spin when I was thinking about it at the end of the book.

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I think the BOOK Prisoner of Azkaban dealt with the time travel aspect well.  You could see how really, what they were doing had already been done by them going back before, but they have to do it again, or it will cause a time matrix to roll down the screen.


Well I thought the video was funny, and have every time I've seen it.



That's true, I remember that.  Forgot that the book dealt with time travel because I haven't read it in so long and I hate the movie.


It's definitely hard to make complicated, confusing time-travel work in a book that's not for scientists or at least people who think about that stuff a lot.


I know, with Artemis Fowl, it only worked because Artemis is a genius and he understood it all so well.  Most readers would just let it go at that.  Because as soon as you start to read Artemis' words about the time paradox and attempt to understand them, it jumps right up to COMPLICATED.  Which makes you go, "Why am I reading this book? Gosh!"



Anyway, basically, that's my attempt at an intelligent answer.  And I agree with you.


I tried reading a series once, a while ago, before picking up WoT, that had to do with Time Travel.  Like TT was a major them in the short series.  It felt like things were just kind of hammered together really quick without all the pieces really fitting.  Like the author didn't know what they were doing. 


Out of curiosity, what series was it?


And, yeah, that's another good point, about time-travel and books...  You have to find a way to tie it all together so it all fits, and makes sense, and that can be difficult to do unless you're either a fantastic writer or you do your research on time-travel.


Have you ever heard of the Pendragon series?


I've never read any of it, but my brother has, and some of his friends, and they're all hooked.  Apparently they do some time traveling, and dimension-traveling.


It's supposedly pretty good. But I wouldn't know. *shrugs*


I'll admit it, I googled that just to see what came up.




Such an interesting title. :D


Wiki says the most basic plotline of that episode is very similar to the plotline from The Ringer, which I have, indeed, actually seen.


There was a big thing where the people making the Ringer accused SP of copying them, and SP basically saying "You were able to make an entire movie out of that stupid idea?" :P


Yeah, but The Ringer had been talked about around the same time that SP were making their episode.


SP's episode was better than the Ringer anyways.  Having a handicapped kid taking steroids and having that emotional storyline was classic.  And Cartman ("the Ringer" of Up the Down Steroid) loses in every event! XD


I know, that was pretty cool. :D


It was one of those movies that I only saw because some kid brought it with us on Choir Tour, when we went to St. Paul, Minnesota.


They played Transformers as well, but I refused to watch that.  I caught snatches of it and I'm pretty glad I didn't watch the whole thing.


One of the best quotes from South Park:


Kyle: "So, I was right.  Job has all his children killed, and Michael Bay gets to keep making movies.  There is no God."


Meh.  To each their own.  I do find it mildly interesting, and yet sad that Isaac Hayes career went pretty down hill after leaving SP.  



I was never allowed to watch South Park, to be honest.


Neither was I.  I found it by chance one night two years ago.  My mom finds it just as hilarious as me and my sister do.  My dad says he finds it disgusting, but I've caught him chuckling.


And meesh, as funny as I find it...stay away. :P


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