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A few posts late...

Ashaman DeRouge

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Well I figure I should make it official.


Hi all! My name is Rick. I'm a bank manager by day, but don't hold it against me. By night? Well, I'm hopelessly addicted to Halo and FIFA, and of course my presence here names me as a Huge WoT fan. I started the series about 2 years ago, and to be honest, I've read the whole series 2 times through and on my third now, with little to no break between! I have never encountered a series quite as intricate and epic and 'lived in' as the WoT, and Jordan's (Blessed be) ability to create a persistant and realistic "fantasy" world is in my opinion second to none.


So I promised not to make my intro post boring, so here's a whole bunch of pictures of naked women:


Turns out that's not quite appropriate! Ah well. There's always the bungie forum's...


Anyway, that's pretty much me in a nutshell. I'm 24, an aquarius, married to the most beautiful woman in the world, work for a bank on the beatiful east coast of Australia (near Sydney), and very proud to be a grumpy old "keep off my lawn" type of grouch at my young age. That being said, I'm quite friendly! Just keep of the lawn...


Cheers all!


(PS I'm hoping that by getting in now, I won't be counted among the ranks of 'newbs' that will innevitably pour in after the release of tGS! Kidding, kidding...)

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