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On the first page when you google beefcake in images:




And I don't know either.  I looked up "terror wrists" and that's what came up. :D


Just wikipedia beefcake. :P


I did.  I'm sorry I did.



And.... *sighs*  Nice. >.<  And EW.


(fyi, no offense, but I don't even like the artwork/drawing of South Park.  It's just...I dunno.  I don't like it.  Maybe it's just repellent by association with what I know about South Park. :P)


No!  Meesh, why?  WHY?!?  Look it up?  NO!



(fyi, no offense, but I don't even like the artwork/drawing of South Park.  It's just...I dunno.  I don't like it.  Maybe it's just repellent by association with what I know about South Park. :P)


Lol.  That's fine.  It's not like it's amazingly artistic and styled.  But then, that's the point. :P


Yeah, I think I'm scarred for life.  :-\



Yeah, I think the artwork does an amazing job at emphasizing the...hm...crudeness(?)....of the show.


And, at DCon, when I was hanging out with John and his friend Adam, before they walked me back to my hotel, we just sat and watched TV for a bit.  They watched DragonconTV for a bit, but then put on South Park.


Yeah, I was mildly disgusted.  SOME parts of it were funny, but...  Yeah...


Looked it up, and it was this episode:


Season 7, Episode 1, I guess. *shrugs*


Yeah, that isn't one of their best ones.


One of the best parts of the entire series is when Randy (one of the kids dad), dresses up like Princes Leia to steal some quantum vortex thing for his sons Derby car (to make it win)


The news report shows the picture of him (he has a mustache) and says something like this:


"(expensive speed thing) has been stolen by Princess Leia Organa..."


It's so funny.  Their so serious.  Like Leia could have ACTUALLY stolen it.


That made me chuckle a bit. :D


Of course, I don't think I'll ever like South Park, just like I'll never care for the Simpsons, or Family Guy, or anything like that. :)  They have their moments, but not enough of them, IMHO. :P


I guess I'm more into comedy shows with real people, when I think about it.


Like, According to Jim, or Reba, or Friends (though I never watched that one much), for example.


I actually don't like Simpsons or Family Guy or any of those shows (Just South Park).  And I don't really like shows like friends.  Sitcoms, I think their called.


I like stand-up comedy though.  And Monty Python. :D


There you go, sitcoms.  That sounds right.  Friends was pretty much the edge of what I'd put up with.  For example, I won't watch Two and a Half Men, and some episodes of According to Jim I can't watch, but in general Everybody Loves Raymond and According to Jim are hilarious, for me.  They're not much like Friends, though. :P


Stand-up comedy is always good; most stand-up comedians can get me to laugh at SOMETHING they say.


Demi got so upset when he found out I haven't seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail; my brother's going to rent it soon and we're going to watch it.


I've seen 2 monty python sketches on Youtube.  They're hilarious. :D


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