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Who taught Rand how to keep the warm/cold weather from affecting him? Was it Asmo or Taim? If it was Taim, I wonder why he shaved his beard when he reached Andor. I remember reading he shaved it because he was hot. That always seemed strange to me.


It was Taim.

Regarding Taims comment about it being too warm for him to have a beard, I always read that as him showing his usual attitude. I think a more truthful reason would be him realising that a bloke sporting a saldean-styled beard might draw a bit too much attention when he reaches more southern regions. But Taim being Taim, of course he could not admit any such thing.


Thank you and I thought the same thing as well. Only thing that always bothered me was his arrogance. I just can't see Taim shaving his beard. Saldeans love their beards. Plus all types of folks visit Caemlyn. Seems to me he would have kept the beard. I know he was on the run, but I doubt most people knew how he looked. It always struck me as odd.


Visiting Caemlyn is one thing, ending up there because you are running for your life is quite a different matter.

And I like Taims arrogance, especially later when he walks around with a big sign over his, "I am totally a DF, and there is nothing you can do about it". Awesome ;D


I typed that wrong.. I like his arrogance as well. Based on his actions I can't see him cutting off his beard. He is man enough to all but scream "I'm a Friend of the Dark when he is near the forces of good, but scared enough to shave his beard because he "might" be recognized. Plus he can channel. Why was he living so rough? I just never understood how Taim would show up in that condition. Excuse my hasty typing. Just trying to get all my thoughts out






I would not exactly say 'afraid', he did after all leave a trail of fire and blood after him. Rather, a matter of convenience. Even if you can handle anything short of a bunch of Aes Sedai getting the jump on you, why take the risk of raising peoples suspicions if you do not really have to?




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