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Lord Luc - Malkier - Their Random Connection


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Now I do not remember all of their names at the moment but bare with me:


Now I do not remember all of their names at the moment but bare with me:


Verin states in the Hunt for the Horn that Lord Luc was Tingraine's brother. So Rand's uncle. She also interpreted a dark prophecy that stated that Luc had departed Andor right after Tingraine (Shaiel) left for the waste. But where did he go? The prophecy indicated that Lord Luc waits in the mountains of Dhoom? Why would the prince regent go there? To the shadow itself? Unless he was a darkfriend, and of course, I have more evidence. After Shaiel died upon Dragonmount, Jandiun (Rand’s father) could not forgive himself. So he journeyed into the waste with the foolish young men and women to kill trollocs. But he did not die at the hand of shadow spawn. The men and women who returned said he was killed by a man. A man he would not fight because he said he looked just like Shaiel. So he let this man run him through.

Where am I going with this you might ask? When Perrin returned to the two rivers to fight the whitecloaks and the Trollocs he met a Lord Luc, a man the Wolfs called Slayer. Later in the book it becomes clear that Luc is Slayer, but in the dream Luc is not an Andorman but a man from Malkier. My question is what does he have to do with Malkier? I cannot accept the reply of nothing. Because when Malkier fell the nephew of Lan’s father, and Lan’s cousin fell to the dark. He was just an infant, and In the same dark prophecy that refers to Lord Luc in the mountains of Dhoom it refers to the Malkier Infant. A child the same age as Lan, Trained from birth to the sword just as Lan…..Oh and by the way, Lan is starting to raise an army to reclaim Malkier. Anyone think were going to see his cousin soon?

Guest Majsju

Uhm...It seems you have missed hupe parts of the story.


Where to start...First of all, Luc went to the Blight because Gitara Sedai told him to, Gitara was also the one telling Tigraine to go to the Aiel Waste, and it's most likely because she had a Foretelling or two.


Now, the Luc, Slayer and Isam (Lan's cousin) connection.


Slayer is the name given the being that is an amalgamation of Luc and Isam. When Luc came to the Blight, Isam attacked him, and apparently captured him. They were then somehow mixed so that both personalities inhibit the same body. That's why Perrin saw both Luc and Isam in the Two Rivers.


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