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To the Blight (attn dante)

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OOC: Continued from the Wt.




Rasheta woke up slowly the next morning, she was ready to leave the tower for the first time in many years, it was a little strange but she was not going to dwell on it. She had slept in her riding clothes so she was ready to go she unmasked the bond from Dante and let herself become aware again of the bond she carried. She masked the bond out of habit these days, she was fairly sure he hadn’t left his quarters last night but she hadn’t felt like risking it. She yawned and then braided her hair in her normal fashion the braids would keep her hair from getting in her face while riding and her hair from being overly tangled later. She picked up her small bag that she was ready to put in her saddlebags and then she walked from her room. Dante was down in the stables already; the man must have slept little the night before. She walked through the halls of the tower and noticed that mostly the Novices were the only people up and around this early. She had never been a morning person so her novice years had been hard. Now she kept her own hours and it suited her much better. She passed several novices who looked at her as though she had grown a third head, she sent them hopping on there way to chores but she did smile a bit as well. Novices should have been used to the strange antics of the Aes Sedai but apparently seeing one in men’s clothes was too strange for them. She reached the stables and sent one of the stable boys for her horse. She saw Dante already waiting with his and she nodded to him while she waited for her horse to be brought. She smiled at her horse when she saw him. He was a lovely black with a white star on his nose. She hadn’t thought of any good names for him so she just petted his nose and said softly “good morning I’m glad to see you’ve been taken care of. Ready to run?” She got a snort from her horse and she laughed. She adjusted her stirrups and put her saddlebags on and then mounted up without help. She nodded to Dante and they rode out of the tower and into the city.


Sometime later Rasheta and Dante made it out of the city proper and Rasheta decided to let her horse run. She nudged it to a faster pace and then leaned down low over her horses’ neck. It had been sometime since the two of them had had a good run and it seemed only fair to let him get it out of his system right away. She covered more ground that way too, although she did reign him in sooner then he would have liked in order for her to check that Dante had kept up. He had and she smiled at him, “It’s been awhile since I’ve been out of the tower and my horse misses running I think.” She said by way of apology. She turned him toward the Blight and continued at a much slower pace. She only let them stop when it got to be dark out to see without her using the ball of light she created with the power. She didn’t think that was enough light to let them see without hurting the horses so she let them stop and then she helped Dante make the camp they used, she sat up a little late and said, “I don’t understand why you are so seemingly cool with me? You could have told me you were going to bed women earlier it would have made me less surprised to wake up and feel that through the bond.” She was teasing him slightly now in her way. They had many days of traveling ahead and she wanted to start things out as well as she could, teasing him seemed to be the best way.


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Dante was awake and waiting before Rasheta was. He had ate and bathed and by the time he felt her wake he mounted up on his horse. Unlike Sandre's stallion made for barding and war, Dante's was a fast Tairen mount. He let her run her horse a bit and kept pace behind them.


When she stopped and brought up his couplings he was a little more than surprised she would bring it up. "My apologies about that... I am not really the type of person to do that... half of it was because like you some Aes Sedai do not like to be told no and the other half were checking on leads for your protection. I honestly do not expect it to happen so I do not have a way to warn you."


He wasnt going to add that sometimes he blew a lead by calling the woman Rasheta's name but he was careful not to do that with any Aes Sedai. "At least I can handle a little affection." he said looking at her with a half smile. "I am sure one day I will be the one complaining to you. Until then you may as well sit back and enjoy it."

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"My apologies about that... I am not really the type of person to do that... half of it was because like you some Aes Sedai do not like to be told no and the other half were checking on leads for your protection. I honestly do not expect it to happen so I do not have a way to warn you."


Rasheta burst into laughter at that and wondered which Aes Sedai had bedded him and if she should strangle them at some point later. She wasn't jealous, was she? She would figure that out later. She teased Dante again. "Well if you were seeing a Sister of the tower you should have warned me of it. You can never tell what a sister will want from you. Especially if you are a handsome warder." She winked at him before he continued speaking.


"At least I can handle a little affection."


Rasheta flinched she knew he wasn't trying to be mean to her but it still was painful to her. She shuddered and missed whatever he said after that. She was sure she was slowly healing and her conversation with Loraine had helped her change her view on Dante and Visar who she was going to bond later. He was currently in the Borderlands she couldn't remember where but she was headed to Shienar herself.


She didn't say that to Dante however, she did set wards and let him know if he wanted to leave the small area he should wake her first so she could remove the wards, otherwise the wards would knock him out. She then tried to sleep. It was amazing how much Dante's affection comment had hurt her. She was not used to feeling pain as an emotion, or well anything other then anger really. She wondered if Loraine was right and maybe her feelings for Dante were moving more toward more then friends. She supposed that really they were still working on being friends most of the time but did that really mean anything? She sighed and tried to sleep.

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She had changed after he mentioned her getting a little affection. He wondered at that. He didnt mean anything more than affection. She even fought him to get a massage was what he was talking about. By the time the riding and sleeping on the ground was done though she would be begging for one... well likely she would just order him to give her one but still. He sat by her most the night. Trying to be careful not to wake her and wanting to be close enough to wake her if needed or defend her. He lied to himself and said that it had nothing to do with just wanting to be close to her.


When he was certain she was asleep he released his hold on the void and allowed the feelings he fed the flame to come out. He didnt see anything wrong with her feeling love through the bond while she slept. Likely she would dream of her former husband or Visar but he didnt mind that either if it put her in a better mood.


He tried to remain vigilant but she was a distraction. Soft moans as she slept and lips that looked kissable made him get up and walk around. He fed the horses each an apple and hoped their loud crunching didnt wake her. He felt when she woke up and knew she was watching him as he prepared their breakfast. He wasnt tired yet but wouldnt argue if she wanted to stay at a tavern tomorrow night.


With the void already up to hide the feeling he felt most strongly for her he greeted her. "Good morning... I hope you slept well."

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Rasheta slept well enough that night she knew they had many days of riding ahead of her. She woke up early for her and sat up. Dante was already making breakfast and she went about taking care of the wards from the night before. She stopped by the horses as well and gave each a small pat on the head, she had almost decided the other night to just wash there fatigue and go on but she hadn't she remembered that it was quite possible they would run themselves to death should she do that and she liked her horse. She nodded to Dante when he wished her a good morning she moved easily around the camp and eat quickly. She moved Dante a little faster then he would have wanted she was sure but she didn't care she wanted to be moving along.


Riding for several days or weeks as it was, she remembered why she always wore men's clothes while riding it was easier to mount and dismount as well as do any kind of camp work. Although when they got to the borderlands and she could see where they would be headed she changed her clothes and pulled on her shawl. If nothing else it would prove she was who she said she was. No one would stop an Aes Sedai they were respected in the borderlands. She nodded to the city in the distance. "That is Fal dara, it is very close to the blight." She eyed Dante. "I think you know the customs of the borderlands but I should still ask. Do you know the customs of Shienar?"

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Dante nodded at her question about Shienar customs. "I wouldnt worry about customs in the Borderlands or Andor. Anywhere else though I may need to learn before we go." The joke would be on her really since the road to Fal Dara served as a border on his family lands and you couldnt pass through without seeing the family coat of arms a dozen times or so. She would notice the flags and notice the pin on his cloak but he doubted she would comment on it.


When the rains came he made sure to find camps where he could keep her dry when there was no towns available for the night. Sandre had traveled this road many times and he still remembered what he was told to look for for various situations. More than once he was able to surprise her with an abandoned house or a Tavern off the main road, or a cave. He was able to keep them both well fed with his foraging and though he never told anyone but Edana before he was a decent cook.


The road was not always kind and did not always offer a shelter. One such night they face wind, rain, and hail coming at them head on. The wind was enough to try and lift them off their horses and blow back their oiled cloaks, eliminating any protection they offered. Thunder and lightning made the horses skittish and more than a few lightning bolts struck within view. Both were chilled to the bone and frost began to appear in Dante's hair. He hoped there would be less days like this. He made her stop to camp at a clump of trees that offered little protection. He was able to show her a trick of starting a small fire and standing over it with your legs spread and your cloak all around it like a tent to protect it from the wind and rain. It allowed them to stay warm at least until they needed to sleep. The next morning when everything had cleared he warned her.


"If that happens again you are sleeping in my arms. I wont have you die of the cold Aes Sedai." He wondered how Aes Sedai often dealt with things like the cold. You couldnt heal it. They could start a fire and protect them from the elements but once your body was cold a fire could be fatal of you are not warmed gradually.

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Rasheta was amused by Dante's antics she didn't feel heat or cold the way he did but she let him do what he would. It was not in her mind to discourage a warder from doing what he did best and that was protecting his Aes Sedai. He would learn in time how things worked. She even got herself to shiver a few times. One morning he told her


"If that happens again you are sleeping in my arms. I wont have you die of the cold Aes Sedai."


Rasheta tried not to laugh but she was sure something came out as he gave her a dark look. She got the horses ready, both of them today letting Dante clean up the camp as he would. She smiled as she mounted up and when they were riding she said "Dante I thank you for your concern but Aes Sedai don't feel cold and heat the same as other people do." It really didn't have anything to do with the One Power but she didn't add that in. "Its good you worry about your Aes Sedai though." She winked and then noticed they were going to pass some men on the road. She saw the crest they were wearing and raised an eye brow at Dante she nodded to them they nodded back a chorus of respectful "Aes Sedai" were said as she passed. She knew that patrols went out all along the borderlands so she wasn't surprised that she was seeing one now however she knew she'd seen the crust they were wearing before she just had to remember where.


Sometime later she saw the crust again and she remembered "This is your family's land." She said surprised she stopped her mount and said "We should stop on the way to Fal Dara. I can wait I would love to see your family's land." She was surprised she was excited about seeing where Sandre and Dante had been playing as children. Her family home was long gone. She twisted in her saddle and looked off in another direction. "come on" She said smiling. "We are here it would be fun." She waited to see if he would lead her or if she should just ride on her own. She knew if she did Dante would follow her, he wouldn't leave her alone all the way to Fal Dara.

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Dante was not too certain of this move at all. She had gained about ten feet on him before he decided to follow. Uncle Tyr would chew him a new one for nor arriving with his Aes Sedai and likely would be quite surprised to see him following one. He put on his shifting cloak and passing soldiers instantly made note of it and ran ahead of them. It wouldnt do to have the first Aes Sedai. The villages they passed he noticed had the beginnings of walls going up. Sandre's doing he knew. Even the estate had a wall facing towards where a Trolloc attack would come from should they pour from the Blight. The Estate itself was two stories in stone and a third in wood. However there was a large round tower in the center of the estate and a second serving for a refuge for the village in case of an attack. Dante noted new gain silos built into that and the estate.


An honor guard picked them up as they neared. Led by Dante's uncle Tyr and cousin A'tal. "Aes Sedai we are honored to have you at our home. It has been since the Trolloc wars that Kiara Kaldun and her husband Warder Brance Kaldun last walked the halls. I think they shall sing to have an Aes Sedai among them again. I am Lord Tyr Kaldun and this is my son A'tal." The two placed their hands on their chest and bowed the best they could from a saddle.


Dante could only stay quiet. (Oh the surprises inside.) he thought. Relics of the Aes Sedai and her Husband still adorned the walls inside. Tyr's wife was a novice in the Tower but never made it beyond that and A'tals wife failed the test for accepted. He hoped his cousin's sister would stay out of sight since she had not been tested to see if she could channel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rasheta eyed the land as they passed through it noticing the way the small villages and the estate had prepared itself for attack should something like the Trolloc wars happen again. Although the borderlands would probably be turned into a blood bath should the Trollocs pour from the blight again, not even the brave men of the borderlands would be able to hold for long. She shook her head and then noticed that some men were riding hard toward them. She turned and looked at Dante who she could feel weariness from. She reigned in and waited. The men stopped before her and she pulled her shawl closer around herself, she had taken to riding with it on once she got this far into the borderlands. She knew the men in front of her knew she was a sister of the Green Ajah she just hoped that they didn't ask her to fight for them. That wasn't why she was here and she didn't have the time to spend months or even weeks here. She eyed Dante again and he wasn't looking at her but straight ahead. She looked back at the men and the leader of them said to her.

"Aes Sedai we are honored to have you at our home. It has been since the Trolloc wars that Kiara Kaldun and her husband Warder Brance Kaldun last walked the halls. I think they shall sing to have an Aes Sedai among them again. I am Lord Tyr Kaldun and this is my son A'tal."


Rasheta bowed her head slightly to the lord of the house, Aes Sedai never bowed, but she did feel that he deserved respect. She added "My name is Rasheta Ardashir, please don't call me Rasheta Sedai, Ardashir is my name and I like it very much. Sedai is only for Novices and others learning respect." The man looked downright shocked when she said that and she smiled sweetly at him. She turned and added "This is my warder Dante I believe he comes from these lands." She could tell Dante was going to be talked to by his family when they were settled in. She looked around and asked to be taken to the house so she could freshen up.


Rasheta liked the house and her room while practical for war was nice enough she assumed it was the lady of the houses room. She turned when there was a knock on the door and a woman entered it was clearly not a servant. Rasheta could tell the woman had a small amount of ability with the power, she would never have made it past Novice level but she did still have the ability. Rasheta smiled at her "Good day lady, what brings you to my room." The woman answered.


"Aes Sedai I just wanted to make sure you were well taken care of." Rasheta shook her head. "You are the lady of this house no need to wait on me." She walked toward the door and added "Show me around if you would. I hear Dante and Sandre grew up here. I would love to see and hear all about there childhood." The lady smiled and over the course of taking Rasheta around she relaxed and ended up laughing with her. Rasheta saw a young girl looking at her every so often and then being shooed away. Rasheta shook her head, the girl was either being hidden because they didn't want to have Rasheta know that the child could channel or there was some other reason. She didn't dwell on it long she did ask to be excused to freshen up before dinner and to find her Warder.


She washed up first before finding her warder. "Dante you have a lovely family and this home is also lovely for an estate in the borderlands." She pulled her shawl closer around herself and added. "things around here haven't changed much since I was here last. Maybe they never will the borderlands will always stand guard against the Blight."  She looked at Dante and asked "So how do you like being home? Wish you had never left?"


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Dante had had time to settle in and meditate, bathe, and even eat a little. He felt Rasheta moving around the estate and was strangely more relaxed here. He could tell through the bond everywhere she was. A benefit he didnt have in the Tower. He could tell when she was laughing in various parts of the estate and could guess which stories about his youth were being told. He stepped outside to train with the men at arms and when he had finished he went back inside to the war room. A room with various maps of the Blight and Borderlands. He had been afraid of this room when he was younger. There were banners taken from Trollocs on the walls which had terrified him as a child. He found construction plans for the wall that was being built and the large round towers being built in the towns, shelters in case the towns were attacked.


"I think their inability to change is what may be their downfall in the last battle. They have always been reactive and not proactive. Trollocs raid a village and the Lords send out a unit to deal with them. Even if they are caught the damage is done though." He flipped a couple more maps as he thought about her question. "Doesnt feel the same. Growing up was very care free. I just wanted to be a Blacksmith. I wanted to create beauty in an ugly world." He managed a small smile. He gazed over a map of troop placement written in Sandre's neat hand.


"Look." he said as he pointed to a particular village. "Sandre has troops distributed in the border towns until the towers are built and they can defend themselves a bit better. Him and Visar are here right in the worst of them. We should go see them before we head into the blight. Its on the way."


The troop count in that village didnt add up to Dante. He didnt know much about strategy but he would have thought you would keep more troops in the village that had seen the most attacks. It took a minute as recognition came over him. Rasheta had joined him at the table. "He trying to lure them to that village..."

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