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To Become A Weapon(Open Arrival)


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James Cordon stared around at the village as he stumbled along. He had been tested and been told he could channel, How soon do I go mad once I start? His classes would start soon, the man he had spoken with had said he would be launched into training and that he would be expected to learn at a fast pace to prepare to serve the Lord Dragon. James wasn't worried about how fast he would be expected to pick things up, he had always been told by the hands around the inn that he was an amazingly quick learner, but would he get his chance at revenge? Would he be driven to the point that madness would carry him away from what this truly was for him?


A few men in black coats eyed him in passing, but accounted him as no one. He would receive his black coat soon enough also. The mark of an Asha'man was the black coat, rank he had learned was decided upon by what pins you wore on your collar. Asha'man wore Dragons and Swords on their collar, Dedicated wore only the collar, and Soldiers wore none. He was a Soldier now, a weapon to the Lord Dragon. A weapon to be used as he was told, his will no longer his own.


"Well I do no be able to do anything about it now," James began to grumble softly enough so others couldn't hear as he eyed the buildings he passed, hoping to have some luck and find a bed for the night. "Fortune prick me I may be sleepin' in the street tonight if one of these black coats do no be able to see down passed one of their noses at me."

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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: Hey man, really sorry about the delay, not characteristic of me. Call it due to your illianer accent :P haha (we have had certain...um...incidents, with people from there.)


Tai was quite literally stumbling through his day. Distracted by grief and filled with pain he continually lost his footing throughout the day. Stopping for a moment to curse himself for the hundredth time, he stood up straight and for the first time pushed Aria from his mind. He was an Attack Leader now. It was time to do his duty like a man, not some sniveling fool. Brushing imaginary dust from the flames embroidered at the cuffs of his sleeves, he straightened the black velvet coat he was wearing and looked around at the bustle around him.


A lot had happened since the incident with Brent and Tai had let far too much escape his notice from grief. Suddenly he remembered a Dedicated that had a message from Tear that he had promised to meet at the Inn, the message would not have been urgent or the man would have sought him out.


Striding off to the Inn he noticed what looked to be a civilian looking quite lost. From his time at the Farm, Tai would bet the ring Aria had given him, the man was a new recruit. He would have to talk to the man and find out who it was that had just dumped him there rather than bringing him straight to Tai. Approaching the man he smiled warmly, all but eradicating the tightness around his eyes.


"Hello," He said, extending his hand. "My name is Attack Leader Tai'Dashan. What is your name friend?"

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James Cordon stumbling through the streets of the Black Tower, not nearly as grand as the name, was nearly ready to give up when he nearly walked right into a black coated man. This mans coat seemed much finer than the regular Asha'mans coat with flames embroidered on each sleeve.


"Hello, My name is Attack Leader Tai'Dashan. What is your name friend?"


Stopping dead, James only stared at him for a moment. Most of these men wouldn't even look at him let alone talk to him and yet, here was one with some rank willing to walk out of his way to greet him. I do no be knowing who to trust around here, James thought best to be making friends where I can. Extending his own hand, he clasped the other mans wrist in a firm grasp before releasing then smiled back.


"I do be James Cordon of Illian," James said before nervously adding "Milord."


James had no idea if he was supposed to call this man a Lord, or if he even was for that matter, all of this was new enough and no one had taken the light of day to bother to show him the ways around this place. Smiling again he continued on hurriedly.


"Milord Tai'Dashan, I do be needing a bed for the night and I have only just arrived from that cursed swamp Tear," James nearly spat, but decided against it. "If you could be showing me to a good inn that would be much appreciated."

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