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WoT Maps?


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I apologize if a similar or identical topic for this has already been posted. 


I'm going through the series for the first time and am currently on book 5 and would rather not search through the forums where I might find an answer along with all sorts of unwanted spoilers


I'm somewhat frustrated by the limited map(s) available in the books and am wondering if there is a good online source of more detailed maps (without spoilers).  I discovered one which was quite nice, but also noted sites of important events (some of which occurred in a timeline more advanced than where I'm at currently in my reading), which I definitely did not want.


Can someone point me in a good direction? 


You know what would be really awesome. 3D maps. Like cities you can watch in 3D. Either that or something Google Earth-like. That would be just too awesome.


Thanks, I'm looking mostly for world maps or country maps.  City maps are nice, but not as necessary, in my opinion.  The thread you linked to provides URL's which are no longer active.



These two are nice, particularly the first one.  I was able to find one with both Shadar Logoth and the Tower of Genji, but it also had spoiler locations on it, such as the Battle of Caemlyn, which I hadn't known about until I saw that map.  Maybe one day I'll create my own...  :)


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