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Meeting a bonded (Atten Jaydena and Dante)

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OOC: Alright darlings apparently both Jade and I have never done this before...be afraid I guess *ggls* Anyway as always if there is anything you don't like let me know and I will change it. :)




Rasheta woke up early, and early for her was still mid-morning, three days after she had first bonded Dante. She had for the last three nights slept very well, having a warder in her head again seemed to cure her of her more intense nightmares and the little she remembered of her dreams weren't so bad. She knew that today was the day she had to take Dante to meet Jaydena and she was not very worried about it. She was a little nervous for her warder but not for herself. She dressed better then she normally would and pulled her hair back into her normal three braids and then went to wake her warder.


Dante was already awake and she smiled and said "You are up early, come with me it is time you met our Captain General." She grabbed one of her more ceremonial shawls the fringe on it was very long and she was always a little annoyed with it but she figured today was a good enough day for it. She swept out of the room and down the halls and knocked on the Ajah heads door and waited after a moment the door opened and Jaydena stood there. Rasheta asked to come in and when she was allowed she said.


"Jaydena this is Dante and I have bonded him as my warder. Dante this is Jaydena the Green Ajah's Captain General, remember what I told you." She had only told him to treat her with respect and that he was to tell no one who Jaydena was. She didn't think he would speak to anyone about who Jaydena was but she felt like reminding him anyway.

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Dante of course was up early... he was hardly was able to sleep anymore. He read a lot lately and ironed clothes and just did chores around the place... yeah, he was turning into a very good housewife. When Rasheta awoke there was tea made and he was dressed nicely in a black jacket with red cuffs and collar. He still had not decided if it was appropriate to where a sword at all times but decided it may not be a bad idea.


When Rasheta walked into the room he gave her his usual good morning smile which always seemed to spike the bond with a sense of happiness and contentment. (So today I meet her... not sure why but I suppose its protocol,) He thought to himself. Sandre and Eldest were the ones who were all about protocol. Dante just followed behind a few steps as he had seen other Warders do until they got to the door.


"Jaydena this is Dante and I have bonded him as my warder. Dante this is Jaydena the Green Ajah's Captain General, remember what I told you."


With a slight bow and the smile that usually got him a degree of attention he responded. "An honor Aes Sedai." And that was about as far as he planned... she just had to see him right?

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Jaydena glared at the fly buzzing away on her ceiling and wondered yet again why Aes Sedai couldn't fly. I mean now really, we can shape oceans with our hands, make it snow in the desert, build builders that marvel the mind, and yet we can't life ourselves into the air. She muttered about that for a moment and then embraced the Source, with a thwap, she killed the fly, and whisked it away through the window. Really to bad for the little fly that it had landed in the room of a human who didn't need a ladder to reach 10 foot ceilings. Pushing the pesky fly from her mind she walked over to her vanity and continued to right in the journal she was producing. The cover was made of a deep green and stamped with her name and design. The rose with the Aes Sedai symbol above it. The design of the journal had been created by Seia, back before she had become a Darkfriend, bent on serving the will of the Dark One. The thoughts darted through her mind, like sparrow bent on attacking an intruder. Her and Seia kissing long into the night, learning how to train with the Source, and leaving Seia tied naked to a tree, so many images hit her mind that she nearly staggered from the onslaught. It put her head onto her vanity and tried to get rid of the feelings, sometimes she could go weeks without thinking about the love of her life and if she did it didn't hurt, then other times she was so consumed with the feelings of loss, pain, anger, desire, etc; that she could barely slay the noise in her throat.


Jade raised her eyes of the paper, intent that she wasn't going to cry over the traitorous wretch ever again. Let me the woman hold any woman she wanted to and she wouldn't care, in fact if she ever saw the woman she would destroy her on sight. For no matter how much she had loved the woman, she had taken the forbidden route of death, destruction, and pain. A crashing sounded through her rooms, and she suddenly realizes she wasn't in an Inn, fighting with Seia over wanting to keep the bond to Sira. Instead she was in her rooms in the Towers and that knocking was coming from her door. She stood quickly and checked to make sure she wasn't crying, her reflection being back the face of sad woman who wasn't hiding it well. Standing up she walked towards the door and carefully schooled her emotions into those of a woman who had absolute control and was so very happy yes happy dang it, to be loving the Tower and no one else. The knock sounded again and she opened it to find Rasheta at her door. She nodded at the young woman and looked over at the man who stood beside and yet behind her as though blocking her from harm. Ahhhhh Rasheta had taken her first warder, she though. Only a warder would stand as he did, obviously ready to give his life if need be. With a graceful movement, she opened the door and motioned for the two of them to enter her rooms. She rang for tea and then sat down in one of the chairs. "Jaydena this is Dante and I have bonded him as my warder. Dante this is Jaydena the Green Ajah's Captain General, remember what I told you." She nodded, this alone proved that she had bonded him. A Sister would never reveal the name of the Captain a someone they weren't bonded to. It was a death sentence for the woman that revealed the knowledge to someone who shouldn't know it.  Jade turned and looked at the man who bowed to her and watched as he spoke, "An honor Aes Sedai." She bowed her head to Rasheta and then the man, and then motioned for the woman and her warder to sit. "I have rung for tea Rasheta. So why have you come before me today?"


Jaydena Mckanthur


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Rasheta sat down hearing that tea was coming she almost made a disgusted face but kept it under control. Asking for anything other then tea would be considered rude even though Rasheta preferred the Ale served in the taverns. She thanked her Ajah head and then studied her a moment. Something wasn't quite right but it wasn't Rasheta's place to ask and Jaydena spoke to her again asking why she had come before her today. Rasheta started in surprise.


"Why to bring Dante before you as is the custom of the Ajah." She blinked and wondered if she should break the rule and ask her Ajah head if she was alright. "Dante is my first warder in many, many years he is going to be a good one." She added with a smile. She could tell that talking as though he was not there was annoying her Warder but she ignored it for a moment more and continued speaking to Jaydena.


"I have tried to school him in proper address to one as important as you. I think he's doing well." She turned her head and smiled brightly but with a little hint of misteif at him. "Well" She added to Dante. "You may speak to Jaydena about anything you wish just try not to be rude." Now she was teasing him and hopefully he knew it.



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Dante sat as ordered adjusting his sword to allow him to do so. The scimitar wasnt long but it was difficult to adjust with daggers hidden in his waist line. At that point it was sit and look pretty and dangerous. They were talking like he wasnt there which annoyed him to a degree since he could just as easily give them privacy if he was not wanted here.


"You may speak to Jaydena about anything you wish just try not to be rude." Rasheta said


She was teasing him of course... but he couldnt resist. Waiting until Rasheta was already sipping her tea to get the best effect possible he said "I will not bother the Captain General with a Warder's idle tales of his Aes Sedai not being very enthusiastic about learning to fight with her hands in case she can not use the one power." He said with raised eyebrows, a smile, and a hint of sarcasm on his voice... since she was teasing him after all, he had to respond somehow. "I believe she would find it very boring." he added and going to a look of complete innocence. It was a risky move since normally he was sure new Warders came to this meeting absolutely terrified. Unfortunately for Dante, he was a wise ass.


He didnt think that they would ignore him and talk like he wasnt there anymore though... which he wasnt sure would be a good thing or bad thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jaydena watched as Rasheta took a seat and than she joined the woman and her gaidin. The other woman studied her for a moment as though wondering what was going on with her and then thanked her for the tea. She arched an eyebrow at the woman and waited for the other woman to answer her question.  The woman finally seemed to clue in and she jumped slightly in surprise before she answered, "Why to bring Dante before you as is the custom of the Ajah. Dante is my first warder in many, many years he is going to be a good one." Jade nodded slightly, that answered the question for her, though it was horribly obvious that the two were bonded. He stood behind her, their actions were often mirrored, and he in fact was looking a bit miffed at her at this moment. "I have tried to school him in proper address to one as important as you. I think he's doing well." Jaydena almost snorted, if only Rasheta could have met some of her gaidins, she would have been shocked at how disrespectful they could be at times, they had no problems telling another Aes Sedai or Gaidin off it they thought that they were harming her in some way. Light forbid someone speak to her in a loud tone, that was enough to get their backs up fast. It might have something to do with her never using the compel bit in her warder weaves but all of her Gaidin and Gaidars were very outspoken.


The other woman turned and looked at her Gaidin with a big smile and than continued, addressing her warder this time, "Well You may speak to Jaydena about anything you wish just try not to be rude." Jade raised one of her eyebrows and looked over at Dante, waiting for his reaction to his new Aes Sedai's teasing in front of her. She knew at least on of her Gaidin that would not have taken kindly to that kind of thing. "I will not bother the Captain General with a Warder's idle tales of his Aes Sedai not being very enthusiastic about learning to fight with her hands in case she can not use the one power. I believe she would find it very boring." She smiled at the Gaidin and spoke, "Well that's very interesting Dante, I hope that you are teaching her as a good Gaidin how very important that it is very a Sister of the Battle Ajah to be able to fight with her hands. There have been times on the field of battle where I was so tired I couldn't channel anymore, but I could stand back to back with my gaidin and use my sword. That was enough to save my life on more than one occasion. There is a reason we trade with the sword Rasheta." She looked over at the other woman for a moment and than turned back to Dante. "Dante, may I ask you, why have you decided to allow Rasheta to bond you?" She waited for the man to answer and than continued, "Do you realize what it means to be bonded to a Sister of the Battle Ajah and what does it mean to you?"


Jaydena Mckanthur


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"Dante, may I ask you, why have you decided to allow Rasheta to bond you?"


He looked over to Rasheta and knew he had better choose his words carefully. "I had a dream about meeting her.. meeting her didnt end as well as the dream did but the coincidence was strong enough for me to learn about her. The more I learned the more my life became involved with her. The more involved... the more I couldnt bare the thought of anything happening to her... Acknowledging that took time for me... She was persistent that it be me she bonded too for reasons she wont tell me... and letting me close enough to make her able to tolerate being around a man for longer than a conversation took time for her and was often painful for both of us... but... we compliment one anothers strengths and weaknesses. Even if she didnt bond me I wouldnt let her go off without protection. The bonding seemed as natural a step as breathing though."


"Do you realize what it means to be bonded to a Sister of the Battle Ajah and what does it mean to you?"


"She is a sister of the ajah that will be there for the last battle... what it means to me is that I will be there too and she will leave it in one piece." He looked over to Rasheta. His hold on his emotions lost for just a moment as the spring enhanced his emotions and the strength of both his body and the emotions themselves ten fold. "I promise." he added as the bond flooded with love and adoration from him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jade looked down at her hands as she thought back to what Dante had said about the the reason he had allowed Rasheta to bond him. He had looked over at his new bonded as though trying to decide what to say and than begun to speak with dedication and passion in his words, "I had a dream about meeting her.. meeting her didnt end as well as the dream did but the coincidence was strong enough for me to learn about her. The more I learned the more my life became involved with her. The more involved... the more I couldnt bare the thought of anything happening to her... Acknowledging that took time for me... She was persistent that it be me she bonded too for reasons she wont tell me... and letting me close enough to make her able to tolerate being around a man for longer than a conversation took time for her and was often painful for both of us... but... we compliment one anothers strengths and weaknesses. Even if she didnt bond me I wouldnt let her go off without protection. The bonding seemed as natural a step as breathing though." Jade nodded, she knew of Rasheta's issues with men and how she had felt about bonding. She wasn't sure she would see the day when the woman decided to take the plunge and bond. She remember how hard it had been for her to bond after her gaidin had died at Namandar, and she imagined it had been much like that for Rasheta to bond considering her problems.


Focusing back on them she realized he had begun to answer her second question while she was woolgathering, "She is a sister of the ajah that will be there for the last battle... what it means to me is that I will be there too and she will leave it in one piece. I promise." Jade nodded and than spoke, "This is true, the fact Dante is that if you are lucky you will be there for many battles at Rasheta's side, however the reality is that you could be taken by a Trollocs blade, that is something you and Rasheta both need to be prepared for. You need to be aware and protective at every moment, there are many threats to Green Sisters, some of them within these very walls, and she should also be aware of them and ever watchful for signs of unrest or danger to her. Do you understand what I mean Dante?" She waited for him to speak as she thought about her suspicions of the Black Ajah and all the other things going on in the Tower. Once he had she spoke again, "Have you ever been in a Battle with a member of the Shadowspawn Dante, is it something you are prepared to face?'


Jaydena Mckanthur

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Dante had not see Shadow spawn as of yet however he had seen what they had done to a small farming community. Though Trollocs were supposedly made from parts of humans there was nothing human about what they did to the men... or even worse the women and children. Jaydena had asked a question though.


"I check on everyone she talks to or even looks at her regularly and observe their daily patterns so I know where they may be found. I take more precautions than Rasheta Sedai would feel needed for her safety... I dont tell her what precautions though. Middle brother made the mistake of letting her see him take precautions for her. I have been brushing up on Daes Damar as well as counter intelligence. As for a blade... well I train to make sure a blade will touch neither of us and I have found that I am more afraid of Rasheta Sedais anger than monster in from my nightmares. I will see to it that I have training to fight Shadow spawn as soon as she takes her second Warder."

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  • 2 weeks later...

She sipped her tea as she waited for Dante to answer her question, he seemed to seriously consider it before he replied, "I check on everyone she talks to or even looks at her regularly and observe their daily patterns so I know where they may be found. I take more precautions than Rasheta Sedai would feel needed for her safety... I dont tell her what precautions though. Middle brother made the mistake of letting her see him take precautions for her. I have been brushing up on Daes Damar as well as counter intelligence. As for a blade... well I train to make sure a blade will touch neither of us and I have found that I am more afraid of Rasheta Sedais anger than monster in from my nightmares. I will see to it that I have training to fight Shadow spawn as soon as she takes her second Warder."



She nodded, "This is good, a Gaidin is ever aware and vigilant in your dedication. Your Aes Sedai should not be aware of everything you do for her, it only makes her paranoid to know all the dangers that she is protected from by her Gaidin or Gaidar. You are well on your way to being an excellent Gaidin if you have already come to this conclusion. She has also done well if she has put fear in you, a Gaidin should always be respectful and aware of the power his Aes Sedai wields. That he often will be all that stands between her and death. That he alone may be the one there to dry the tears that she cried when she can't take anymore death, when she feels like she will explode from it all. You wield far more power than you realize in this but you must always be respectful to her, try and steer her in the direction she needs to go without making it obvious. Greens tend to be headstrong and they don't always think about what they are doing before they attack. Watch these things and you will do amazing Dante." She turned to Rasheta and spoke, "I approve of this one Rasheta, have you considered already who you will take for your second and have you given him his cloak?"


Jaydena Mckanthur

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Rasheta listened to Jaydena and Dante speak it was clear her ajah head was enjoying the conversation. Rasheta did a few eye rolls and snorting in an unlady like manner when she listened to the comments about herself and what should be done between an Aes Sedai and warder. Jaydena asked Dante something interesting and Rasheta paid close attention to both the question and the answer. Do you understand what I mean Dante?" She waited for him to speak as she thought about her suspicions of the Black Ajah and all the other things going on in the Tower. Once he had she spoke again, "Have you ever been in a Battle with a member of the Shadowspawn Dante, is it something you are prepared to face?'


Rasheta turned her attention to her warder then as he replied. ""I check on everyone she talks to or even looks at her regularly and observe their daily patterns so I know where they may be found. I take more precautions than Rasheta Sedai would feel needed for her safety... I dont tell her what precautions though. Middle brother made the mistake of letting her see him take precautions for her. I have been brushing up on Daes Damar as well as counter intelligence. As for a blade... well I train to make sure a blade will touch neither of us and I have found that I am more afraid of Rasheta Sedais anger than monster in from my nightmares. I will see to it that I have training to fight Shadow spawn as soon as she takes her second Warder."


This surprised Rasheta, she hadn't been aware that he looked into everyone she spoke to or that even looked at her twice. It was a little disconcerting to know that her friends and sisters were being checked up on. Although she supossed her sister Greens would be used to it by now. Jaydena seemed to be satisfied with Dante's answer and spoke to him a bit more before returning her attention to Rasheta.


"I approve of this one Rasheta, have you considered already who you will take for your second and have you given him his cloak?"


Rasheta nodded her head and smiled "Thank you Captain General, he is a good warder at that. I have not given him his cloak yet but I will. I have been busy and so have neglected that part of his gaidin rights. He will get it soon though I promise." She paused and thought what best to say about her choice for the other warder. "I have decided to try and bond Visar a young tower guard from Tear. Dante seems to know him well and I would have bonded him already but Visar is off in the Borderlands and possibly the Blight at the moment. I didn't think asking him to bond before he left would be a wise idea if he died I would have been almost as distraught as I had been before. Dante would not have enjoyed that I am sure." She stood up and said "I will take my warder to find his cloak now unless you have something else you wish from me or he has something left to ask you." She eyed her warder and then smiled "Maybe someday you will get to see the blight it would be a good way to get a Shadowspawn education for you." She nodded to Jaydena again and then waited to see if she was dismissed or not. Rasheta never liked long conversations she prefered to be on her own as much as possible and be out to do as she wished.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The young woman nodded at her and than smiled one of her rare smiles, at least rare around her. She hadn't seen enough of the woman in normal circumstances to know if she smiled more. The Ajah all seemed to like her and enjoy the fact that she had chosen the Greens but she kept to herself quite a bit. Perhaps she had a past she was still dealing with that had made her into more of a loner but Jade was glad that she had taken a gaidin. It would give her someone to rant to and spend time with. A Gaidin was more than a protecting arm, he also was a sounding board, friend, and so much more. She smiled at Rasheta as the woman continued, "Thank you Captain General, he is a good warder at that. I have not given him his cloak yet but I will. I have been busy and so have neglected that part of his gaidin rights. He will get it soon though I promise. I have decided to try and bond Visar a young tower guard from Tear. Dante seems to know him well and I would have bonded him already but Visar is off in the Borderlands and possibly the Blight at the moment. I didn't think asking him to bond before he left would be a wise idea if he died I would have been almost as distraught as I had been before. Dante would not have enjoyed that I am sure." She nodded and watched as the other woman stood up, "I will take my warder to find his cloak now unless you have something else you wish from me or he has something left to ask you." Jade chuckled softly and waited for the girl to finish for Rasheta was watching her Gaidin and smiling. "Maybe someday you will get to see the blight it would be a good way to get a Shadowspawn education for you."


Jaydena smiled and spoke, "Dante I am glad that Rasheta has bonded you, you seem like a well rounded young man. However take care of her or you will hear about it from me." She grinned and stood up, holding her hand up she continued, "If you will stay her for a moment please." Turning away from them she glided across the room and walked to her wardrobe, she reached into the bottom and picked a package out of the stack. She walked back into the room and handed it to Rasheta. "It's a Fancloak dear, I can give you another one to keep with you for Visar if you decided to bond him while away from the Tower. Most Greens carry at least one with them on trips. I ended up bonding a Gaidin right before I lost two of mine at Namandar." Her eyes filled with sadness for a moment before she continued, "That's another tale for another day but back to my point. It's always good to carry one with you, the Fancloak is invaluable to a Warder and I am sure that Dante will love his." She turned back to Dante and continued, "Thank you for coming to see my Dante, good luck with this one, she's feisty." She smiled and watched as the two walked from her quarters with the Fancloak in Rasheta's arms. Oh yes she remembered the first Gaidin she had bonded and what a day that had been for her. It was something neither she nor Rasheta would ever forget...


Jaydena Mckanthur


ooc- Sorry about the wait you two, things have been crazy.

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