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Just checking to see who's here and who's not


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Guest Arie Ronshor

I'll talk to Mat about getting Admin Access for the boards for the upkeep, if you want. Although, they are not used that much since there are so few of us..


Maybe an idea it to put all "ooc" classes in the IC boards here, to help promote activity... And cut down on the 'forums' on that board.. we know the different classes, but i think we need to focus more on unity and RPing together than the different Clans and Societies. At least until there are more than just one to a society. For all i know, the only society that had more than one 'active' member is the Wise Ones.. And i'm the last of the Aiel... (and not a Society Leader! WoW! LOL!!)




Oh, and Bio people, i know that i sent in a bio for a Maiden "NPC".. for "Ismitta" (i think that was how i spelled her name....) .. Did anyone ever recieve it???





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hey Talbs, you're not the last of the Aiel... you're one of the few, the proud, the, uh... :D let's get going on some of Devon's ideas.


i think the Conquerors thread that Kael and i have been posting on would make an excellent starting point for the fighting Shaido idea...

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  • 2 weeks later...

not a problem, but you can understand my frustration. i really like my character, but i'm going to have to create somebody else to play if the Aiel are going to be so inactive.


good luck with your studies, though. they are infinitely more important than us clowning around.


*gives Ghaul two thumbs up*

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okay, here's my idea... you tell me if it's any good and also if you or i should begin it...


the Aiel are stagnating outside Cairhein. some have taken to drinking too much oos'quai, many others are losing out to the Bleakness. Cor, seeing this and understanding the their feelings as he too searches for direction, goes on a mission of some sort accompanied, possibly, by a few Aiel.


either sent by the Clan Chief or the Wise Ones or deciding to go on his own is something i haven't decided yet. what do you think? also, what mission should it be? killing Shaido? spreading the word of the Car'a'carn? hunting out Shadowspawn and Shadowrunners? seeking out the mysteries of Shara :P ? what do you think?


patiently awaiting the wisdom of the elders...

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Guest Allisa

Pending the *thumbs up* from our DL I would suggest this, either:


said warriors are sent out to hunt down stray shaido (who might have turned outlaw and begun raiding)


I would love to explore the Shara aspect, since the Aiel and the Seafolke are the only cultures to interact with Shara...but I think that would have to be retro given distance (still would love to do that!)


Say the Wise Ones pressure the Clan Chief to send out this band of warriors (I would also suggest thinking up a special name, preferably Old Tongue for this "squad")


However...you know that Maidens are generally the Scouts? so we'd need Arie...sorry Tabs ;) I'd be more than willing to play an npc who dies as well as Ali :P


Find Shade 8)

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i'd have no prob with Talbs playing, if she will be willing to do so.


the first idea isn't mine, it was actually Devon's. but i thought it would fit in with where we are right now. if we decide to send out a band to hunt and fight, i can easily come up with a name for 'em.


as for the retro-Shara RP notion, i'd be up for that, too. my character's bio history includes lots of far-flung travelto the edges of the Waste. in fact, he was well-known, if not really famous, for his trips abroad. so if you wanted to do that, i'm game. and i think that a Wise One, or many, would have made the trip for obvious reasons.


so how long do we wait for input? and when/how do you want to get started?

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Xin has been missing less than three months.



And I'm back so lets not do anything too rash here!! Sorry guys had a lot of stuff come up. Gaul I see you and here you're our new DL shot me a PM if there's anything you need from me

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No one is doing anything rash, since the 3 months rule only applies to when you disappear without a warning. I was told that you went on Extended LoA so your position is safe Aurin. And welcome back man.


Now about that RP. Yes I know that I have been an inactive DL so far but you see I hit some pretty big trouble with my diploma project and now it takes up 95% of my time. I appologize guys, looks like you'll have to wait because of me.



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