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White Lightning *Attn Rasheta* Battle Weaves


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OOC: Dang I ALMOST don't need the Angreal *ggls* I was gonna feel special if I didn't *ggls* Okay seriousness....




Rasheta listened as Jaydena explained that she had one more weave to teach Rasheta. Rasheta sighed inwardly she had been so close to being done and she was looking forward to it but she knew this next weave was just as important as the others she had been taught. As Jaydena did the weave she spoke.


“Many Trollocs, Myrdraal’s, and even Darkfriends carry tainted blades. A tainted weapon causes accelerated deterioration, we like to say that a cut from the such a weapon taints your blood with part of the Dark One himself. No ordinary wound comes from one of these wounds and today you are going to learn how weave something that will counter these effects.”


Rasheta knew that she had heard one of the Browns who had taught her classes while she was an Accepted talk about the Myrdraal. She had heard of a town tainted by the the Dark One himself as well. She shivered remembering those lessons. The Brown had spoken as though it was nothing, many Browns thought in different terms then the rest of the tower. Rasheta found it a little strange but she was not one to judge really. She had heard from one of the young recruits from the boarderlands about the tainted weapons she hadn't really given it much thought till now. She realized she was allowing her mind to wander so she focused again on Jaydena and was handed the angreal and she was told to set to work.


Rasheta used the angreal to draw on the power and work the weave. Jaydena was right it felt strange doing it without anything to actually remove a taint from but she continued working with the power till she was tired and she felt she knew the weave as well as anyone else in the tower. She was sure she would be praticing the weave more in her own time as she did with all the weaves so she could remember them when she needed them.


Jaydena asked Rasheta afterwards to use one of each of her weaves on the Trolloc targets around the field. Rasheta pushed a bit of her hair off her face and focused on the nearest target she used the Air club to knock the target over and then on the next one she used a Fireball. Both were simple for her as she was still using the an'greal. She switched her attention to the next and she used Riven earth on it. She really enjoyed that weave she found. It was hard for her to work with Earth and Fire but dear creator she loved those weaves.


She turned to the last one and she used boil on it and then threw in drown for good measure. She was less thrilled with her water weaves but she did them both well and didn't use the an'greal for them at all. She twisted around and looked at her Captain General. "Did I pass?" She stood straight and defiant she knew humbleness would probably get her further but she couldn't make herself appear so just now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Jaydena watched silently as the woman went through the weaves, she did it with confidence and ease. She was no longer hesitant about any of the motions or about attacking something, even a straw dummy. Jade could easily see herself back to back with this woman on the battle field. She could see the other woman performing any of these weaves on a Trolloc of Dreadlord. It wasn't just that though, Rasheta had gained a tint to her shoulders, and a glow to her skin that she hadn't had when they started this. She truly had become a Sister of the Battle Ajah and was ready to be raised. "Did I pass?" She nodded and smiled at the woman, holding her hand out for the angreal. Rasheta put it into her hand and tilted her head in defiance and waited for the answer. Jade knew that part of that was a front because she was afraid that she was going to get told know and that her hard work would not be enough.


She had felt the same way on the day that she had done her final test and stood with her shoulders back. Confident on the outside but shaking on the inside. Every part of her straining to hear the words that she had passed the test, that she was one step closer to her dreams. The dream of becoming a Sister of the Battle Ajah and protecting the world from the Shadow and hopefully raising through the ranks to become a Sitter for her Ajah. Represent them in the Hall and help make decisions for the betterment of her Ajah and the Tower. Stepping forward she reached out and put a hand on Rasheta's arm. "Congratulations Rasheta, you have passed the weaves with flying colors, not only that, you are ready to become a Sister in every way. Tonight will be your night of contemplation  also known as your midnight vigil. Who shall you choose to spend the night with you as you consider your reasons for joining the Battle Ajah?" She folded her hands at her waist and waited for the other woman to respond. Rasheta hesitated and than spoke, "I would  request that you be my companion on this night Jaydena." She almost lost her composure at the woman's words but managed to maintain her mask. No one asked her to do the Midnight Vigil with her, they were usually to frightened and wanted one of the younger Sisters. "Indeed I am honored Rasheta. Let us head back to our rooms, I will join you soon at your recruit quarters." She motioned for the other woman to leave and headed to her room to get what she needed...


Jaydena Mckanthur

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