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Determination falters [Intro thread]


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OOC : If I did understand it right, I post the intro of my character here after having my bio CC'd to get to begin RP'ing. If I'm wrong in doing this, you can lash at me....  ;)


IC :


Llewelyn departed from his village fully packed with a kiss on the cheek from his mother and a pat on the back from his father. It was the end of winter in Saldaea but the roads were still frozen solid, and outside roads was a fifty cm layer of snow that made it hard to tread through. It took Llewelyn a lot of time and strength and it was already spring when he finally made it to Tar Valon.


He couldn't help but be bewildered by the magnificence of the White Tower. In Marado, the fortress was something to see in itself (even though Llewelyn had never entered inside it), but Light ! Ogiers's skilled craftmanship never ceased to impress him.


At the gates of town, two soldiers barred his way, and asked what his business was. Llewelyn couldn't help but stare at the pointy ends of their spears wondering if a lot of these would be aiming his neck in the near future.

"I came from Saldaea to meet with someone I know in town. I would like to rest in an inn before that."

Well, that was true after all, even though it was only part of the truth. He did come to meet with Shera but he doubted anyone in the White Tower would let him wander in the Novices quarters to search for her. And he wasn't sure what would be the guards'reaction if he told them he intended to become a Warder. He hoped that they wouldn't be more suspicious than that.

The guards eyed him from head to toe. His tilted green eyes confirmed his origin, his clothes were nothing from grand or rich, but they were clean and mended where there had been holes. His backpack started to feel heavy under their gazes and his palms were sweaty, he wanted to wipe them on his pants but he stayed still.

Finally, they let him pass with a "Don't go stirring trouble, we're keeping an eye on you !" And Llewelyn entered Tar Valon.


He immediately decided to skip the inn, he didn't come to sleep in an inn, but in the trainees' barracks. Besides, it was only a little past noon and he wasn't the nap type of guy. Still, he was at a loss what to do. Where does someone who wants to become a Warger go to begin training ? In the White Tower of course. But there ought to be guards at the entrance, what then ? Well, there's nothing wrong in asking them about where to go.


Llewelyn arrived at the entrance of Tower, but he couldn't come with enough courage to engage the conversation with one of the guards. He was determined in coming here when he left his village, but this was all too new to him and the encounter with the soldiers at the town's doors had already left him a little weak in the knees. So he decided to wait a little to calm himself, he sat out of the way and observed the people pacing in and out of the Tower's entrance, secretly hoping that someone might address to him.


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Perivar flowed through the forms with precision, it was a daily ritual when he and Kabria were at the Tower for any length of time.  They were still in residence as Kabria wanted to see the trial through.  Perivar wanted nothing to do with the trial though he dutifully sat by her side through it.  Working the forms was refreshing, it was something he understood, something that he could do without thought.


Returning to the guard stance Lion on the Hill Perivar spun slowly taking in everything around him.  In the void he was one with all things that were in a close proximity.  He noticed blades of grass, birds with wings stretched gaining altitude, men and women coming and going.  Anything in motion seemed to stand out though the younger man standing still stood out like an illuminators firework in a pitch black night.


Perivar sheathed his sword in the scabbard that was strapped crosswise on his back while simultaneously hanging his singuata on his belt.  With the deadly grace of a warder he strode over to the younger man.  Perivar was roughly a hand and a half taller and much wider than the Saldaean.  He was Saldaean unless Perivar missed his mark.  Perivar looked more like a blacksmith or a street tough than a warder.  Perivar's large brown eyes and facial features may have named him an Arafellin though his shoulder length dark hair lacking the traditional twin belled braids may have caused some confusion.


Perivar stopped near the Saldaean trying to relax his stance while turning his normal scowl into a welcoming smile.  He tried adjusting his tone to something more friendly.  It seemed that some of Kabria's kindness toward newcomers was rubbing off on him.  "The light illumine you, I couldn't help but notice you standing there.  Have you come here to train or do you have other business here?" 


Perivar Tarigan

Warder to Kabria Delondre of the Green Ajah

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As he watched the people pacing in and out of the Tower's entrance, Llewelyn saw a lone man training with his sword. He seemed he was dancing, rather than practicing. Llewelyn couldn't help but being mesmerized at the grace of that man. Surely he had learned with the Warders, or he may be one himself. Maybe Llewelyn could ask him his way and his help when he would be finished.


As he was thinking that, the man suddenly sheathed his sword and headed in his direction. As the man approached, Llewelyn could better make out his features.  Light he was tall ! And hefty ! Yet he seemed to slide as he walked toward the young man. Wait a minute...

Llewelyn thought his jaw would drop as the man stopped just in front of him and said in a somewhat friendly tone : "The light illumine you, I couldn't help but notice you standing there.  Have you come here to train or do you have other business here?"


Llewelyn blinked. He looked around to see if there was someone nearby but the closest person was speeding toward the town center a good fifteen feet away. So that tall man (an Arafellin ?) was indeed asking Llewelyn who was too impressed to think straight out. He bluttered : "T...Train !"

Had he said that out loud ? That wasn't the proper way to address anybody, his mother would be ashamed if she had seen that. Llewelyn shook his head, and took a deep breath before looking at the man right in the eyes and starting anew. "May the Light be on you too, Sir. My name is Llewelyn Naese. I indeed came here from Saldaea with the purpose of training in the White Tower and I would like to become a Warder someday, if the Light is willing."

He paused to measure his words.

"I am... not very familiar with the ways around here, and I surely wouldn't want to offense anyone, least of all an Aes Sedai. But I must admit I don't know where to go from here to begin training. Since you were so kind as to enquire about me, may I be so bold as to ask you directions ?" Well, this would made his mother proud ! Llewelyn couldn't help but beam at the thought, but he immediately corrected himself, waiting nervously for the stranger's reply.


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Perivar listened politely as the younger man explained his purpose for coming to the yards.  "Of course you may and well met Llewelyn Naese of Saldaea, I am Perivar Tarigan.  The Mistress of Trainees office is the two story building on the edge of the training grounds, right over there."  He pointed to the building.  Kabria would be proud of him and more so because it was not a young woman he was speaking to.


"So you want to be a Warder you say?  That is a lofty goal yet be warned it will take some time to achieve.  First you must pass as a Trainee and serve time as a Guardsman before you can become a Warder.  By then you should know if becoming a Warder is for truly you.  Alas you have plenty of time to decide." 


"I am sure you are eager to get settled in.  The sooner you begin your training the sooner you can begin to serve the White Tower and an Aes Sedai.  You will find the Mistress of Trainees or her assistant in the office to greet you and add you to the rolls."  Perivar gave him a reassuring look then motioned him to be on his way.  "Good luck with your training Llewelyn.  May peace favor your sword one day."


Perivar watched as the Saldaean made his way through the yards taking in the sights as he walked towards the office and a new beginning.  He could still recall the day he arrived and his first encounter with the Mistress of Trainees.  The thought made him laugh out loud.  It was time to go find Kabria and see about leaving Tar Valon for a while.



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Llewelyn listened as the man, Perivar Tarigan, was warning him about the hardships that laid ahead. He was well aware of all that, and in no hurry at all to achieve his goal, but he listened anyway for it was comforting to have someone take him seriously. Llewelyn doubted that even his parents back in Saldaea  believed in his success when they sent him away.


Llewelyn saw the building Perivar was pointing, he bowed a little to show his gratitude and murmured "Thank you very much, Sir." before heading toward the office of the Mistress of Trainees.

He noticed a crowd not far on his left, not a sound emanated from those people who were silently watching two men fighting. One was an Arafellin, with bells tied to his hair and an eye patch, which didn't seem to bother him the least bit when parring with his two scimitars against the other one, wielding a sword and a shield. They were so fast that Llewelyn could only see silver blurs as they were swinging their blades.

Since he had come to the Tower, there were skilled fighters everywhere his eyes could see. He wondered if he could one day equal their level.


As he neared the office, he slowed down to allow him time to mentally prepare himself. He knocked twice on the massive wooded door, then put his hand on the handle, took another deep breath before going in.



OOC : I must admit I'm a little lost as to where is what and I haven't the books anywhere near me to look into and have references. Does anyone know of a White Tower's map ? Or maybe someone can summarize it to me ?

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((OOC:  Unfortunately there is very little in terms of a description of the yards.  The training grounds were mentioned very briefly when Mat sparred Galad and Gawyn when he was in the Tower recovering from his attachment to the Shadar Logoth dagger.  We were actually discussing this very topic recently and are trying to put together a map of the yards and a description of the key buildings.  So for now you will just have to wing it.))


Dragar let another curse fly as the steel-nibbed pen scratched across another page.  This bloody paperwork was going to be the death of him.  Why did Thera have to go and get herself with child!  He heard knocking on the heavy wooden door, it seemed to echo inside his head.  "Come!" He shouted which produced a wince though his words were drowned out by the creaking of the door as it opened.  The bloody thing needs to be oiled he thought.  Where was that fool of a clerk when he needed her, probably finding more reports for him to read and sign.  He would have to tell her to see that the hinges were taken care of.  That and to stop bringing him so many reports.


Dragar looked up from his desk to see what could only be another recruit.  Where under the light were they coming from.  It seemed like every day brought another new face or two.  Dragar's tanned Tairen face was tight, his head felt like a drum that was being pounded nonstop.  "Come, come into my office"  He waited for the lad to make it to the doorway.  "Well state your business.  Are you here to train or do you have other business in the yards?"  Dragar said as he rubbed his head then scrubbed his hand through his close cropped brown hair.  Dragar already knew the answer yet he had to ask.  Another recruit meant more paperwork.  He fought the urge to reach into the drawer and pull out the flask again. 


Dragar Baras

Assistant to the Mistress of Trainees

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When Llewelyn entered the Mistress of Trainees' office, a man's brisk voice coming from another room motionned him to step forward, which he did. A dark skinned man was sitting behind a desk on which were piled up what seemed to be month of paperwork yet to be filled, Llewelyn could tell from the grumpy air of his host. Better walk on eggs with that one.


"Well state your business.  Are you here to train or do you have other business in the yards?"

The tone was fitting for the face : weary and unpleasant. Yet, Llewelyn tried to be as polite as ever, and concise, for he didn't want to stay too long and witness the man's mood to go from bad to worse. Greetings to you too, Sir. Indeed, I would like to train. A man named Perivar Tarigar sent me to begin here. So, what should I do ?

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Dragar arched an eyebrow at the lad's greeting.  Lucky for the youth that his voice held no sarcasm, otherwise Dragar would have made him regret the day he stepped foot in his office.  Again no grand story filled with embelished acts of wonder.  That in itself was reassuring, his features visibly relaxed.  His face was still a stern mask though he no longer looked like he had been chewing rocks. 


Dragar put the pen down then abandoned the pile of paperwork on his desk.  "Sit."  He said to the newcomer in a tone that ensured compliance.  When the lad sat, Dragar stood and walked to the window as he always did.  He could see men and women training, he could hear the clacking of the lathes and the shouts of instructors.  There were dozens of trainees, guards, and warders but no Perivar Tarigan.  No doubt the younger man had met the warder, he didn't just pull the name out of thin air.


Without turning to face the youth Dragar spoke as he continued to watch the yards from the window.  His purpose was two fold.  For one those training in the yards would know he was watching and be more likely no to cause trouble knowing they were being watched.  For the other, many newcomers found it difficult to speak with a person of authority when said person was staring or focusing all their attention on them.  "First I would hear why you came here to train.  What is it that you wish to accomplish?  Are you interested in becoming a guardsman or do you have your mind set on becoming a warder?"  He continued watching through the window allowing the boy to think on his answer.   

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It seemed that being polite was the correct attitude to ease the stern man's mood, whose facial features visibly softened. Llewelyn sat when ordered to do so and noticed that the chair was creaking every time he squirmed a little, so he tried to sit straight up without moving an inch.


The man stood up, and walked until he reached the window where he just observed those training outside. There, he asked Llewelyn about his purpose in training at the White Tower.

Just like when he told Perivar, Llewelyn took a deep breath to ensure his voice would stay firm before answering : "I would indeed like to become a Warder, in some... distant future."


He would have liked to stop here, but the man would probably enquire about his reasons for becoming a Warder in his upcoming questions. There's no cutting through that one, is there ? "I know my goal is not so pure as that of many who wish to become Warders. But... There is this girl that I know who joined the Tower as a novice not so long ago. If she ever becomes an Aes Sedai, I want to be there to protect and help her."

Llewelyn's stare on the man's back was fierce, though he felt his cheeks were burning red. This was indeed bold. He expected the stern man to say that this wasn't the state of mind he should have when aiming to be a Warder and that he wasn't fit for training. He expected the man to tell him to go back to Saldaea and stop daydreaming. He anyway expected for the worse to happen now that the cat was out of the bag.

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Dragar heard every word as he watched over the yards.  Another benefit to not looking at the speaker was that you payed more attention to the words being spoken as well as their tone and any pitch changes or cracks in their voice.  Not interjecting was another useful tool.  Many people became uncomfortable with periods of silence which prompted them to say more than intended. 


Dragar turned his head to look over his shoulder at the lad.  The Saldaean's cheeks were tinged with crimson.  "What do you intend to do if she does not wish to take you as her Warder?"  He had heard of worse reasons for training in the yards though one thing was for sure, once committed you did not walk away from the White Tower.  Dragar turned to face the boy so the full import of his message was felt.  "We are not in the business of putting the time and effort into training a recruit to have them leave when their initial plans fall apart.  Once you sign on the rolls you belong to the White Tower.  The only way that tie is broken is if we decide to send you away."


Dragar held up a hand to stop the boy from answering as he walked back to his desk to take his seat.  He purposely avoided looking at the piles of parchment which littered his desk.  All the hours wasted each day reading and signing reports made him feel like a prisoner.  Pushing the idle thoughts aside he locked onto the boy's pale green eyes as a way of driving his next point home.  "Think hard before you decide to commit yourself to the training.  The days are long, the training is grueling, and rest is limited to a few hours each night at best.  In spite of that you get the best training to be had.  Plus you'll have a clean bunk, all the food you can eat from the kitchens, and your choice of weapons from the armory.  All of that comes at a cost though, it is your choice whether to pay it or not."  It was never his intention to dissuade anyone from joining though it was better to weed out those who were not fully committed before the White Tower wasted any time, effort, and coin.


Dragar gave the lad a few moments to think on his words.  "If you are certain you want to train then give me your name and city or country of origin so I can add you to the rolls."  He waited patiently, idly flipping through some sheets of parchment to give the boy time to make his decision.  These reports were going to be the death of him.

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What the dark skinned man stated about the odds of not becoming Shera's Warder had already downed upon Llewelyn. On his way from Saldaea to Tar Valon, he had thought about the myriad of possiblities that laid ahead once he would join the White Tower, and he had already considered things like Shera, getting thrown out of the Tower while he was obliged to stay, or refusing to bond him, or joining the Red Ajah... etc

For all he knew, she might not even be aware of his feelings for her. Well, he had given countless hints, but she neither turned down nor responded to his advances .


Anyway, he had thought about it. In the worst case scenario that Shera rejected him, he would still be trained by the White Tower, for becoming a soldier had always been how he considered his fate to be, and there would be none other : he might as well be the White Tower's man !

The Aes Sedai played a major role in the way the world revolved : counselling kings and queens, interfering in conflicts, preventing mad channeling men from roaming around... Such predominant figures had to be maintained to ensure peace and keep chaos at bay.

But the Aes Sedai needed people such as Warders to rely on. And Llewelyn wanted to be relied on. He wanted to be of use, to protect and to fight for a cause. If he couldn't devote himself to his country or to his love, then he would devote himself to the White Tower.


Still, Llewelyn did not tell this to the man. When he was asked about his final answer, he glanced over the window to see the other trainees in the yard and pictured himself by their side. The thought comforted him. Somehow, he was convinced that this was where he belonged to.

He turned toward the man back on his seat behind the desk and the piles of paperwork and proudly said : "Sir, whatever the lady's choice, I will not turn away from my own, which is the Warder's path. I will walk on that path until my flame is no more. My name is Llewelyn Naese, I come from Saldaea and I wish to join the White Tower as a trainee."

To his ears, this sounded like an oath, one he intended to keep, for sure. He felt exhilarated, and he was surprised to find himself nearly catching for his breath. Maybe he had gone a little overboard. He nervously jiggled, which made the chair under him produce a long and distinctive creak. Again he sensed the blood rush to his cheeks. All of a sudden, he wanted the man to be over with the registering as soon as possible, and get out of the room which gradually felt stuffier...


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Dragar already knew the Saldaean's answer.  He dipped the steel nibbed pen in the inkjar then scratched his name in the ledger.  He was in the process of sanding the page when the creaking of the chair made him lift his eyes to find the boy blushing.  Was he already regretting the choice or was he feeling the weight of his commitment to the Tower.  It mattered little, his fate was sealed for now.


Dragar placed the pen back in its holder then stoppered the inkjar.  "Across the yards you will find the trainee's barracks.  Go find yourself a vacant bunk in one of the rooms.  You have the rest of the day to get yourself settled.  Your training begins at sunrise tomorrow, do not be late!"  He emphasized the last few words for the youth to make sure his point was made.  He stood, a signal that their brief meeting was over.  "The kitchens open early so you can grab a meal before your first lesson.  That is all for now, you are dismissed."


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Llewelyn rose from his chair as he was dismissed. But before he crossed the doorstep, he glanced back at the man over his shoulder. Obviously, the man needed a rest from all this paperwork, and it was such a shame to be stuck in this office while it was such a bright day outside.

Llewelyn asked the man his name before stepping out, for future references. He then bid farewell to Dragar Baras from Tear, hoping that their next meeting wouldn't be in this stuffy office.


In the yards, Llewelyn headed to what he believed to be the Trainee's Barracks from Dragar's indications. In the building's corridor, he checked for open or ajar doors. When he found one, he simply knocked before slipping his head in the gap to see if there was anyone to welcome him, then ask whether there was some empty bulk. A lot of rooms were already full, so he kept doing this until he could find someplace where he could fit in.

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Elyan was returning to his room after his last lesson. Walking with his training lathe over his shoulder and a shirt damp with sweat from his exertion, he nearly walked into a slender boy backing out of one of the rooms.

“Good Evening” he said in his quiet baritone voice. The boy turned around to face him when he spoke. “You must be new, I don’t believe I’ve seen you around here before, do you need some direction?” He asked with a hint of impatience, even knowing that it was his responsibility to help and he had been punished before for not assisting a new trainee with some task. It was difficult for him to get used to this type of lifestyle, he came from a life that required each person to look to their own needs and insure their own survival. It was getting easier but he was tired and had missed several meals, neither of these were the trainee’s fault he told himself.


Elyan forced a smile, which now almost looked natural on his rough features, and resolved to assist this trainee if needed.

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((OOC : in my mind, it is still early in the afternoon, but whatever... Let's say it is indeed the evening !))


IC :



Llewlyn considered with his tilted green eyes the muscular young man that had appeared from nowhere. By his attire, he was obviously returning from training, and probably a Trainee like him.


"Good Evening... Sir" Llewelyn wasn't sure if he had to call Sir someone who was only a few years older than him, but being polite never hurt anyone, and the boy wanted to be careful around his new colleagues not to stir up any unwanted amenities right from the start. Still he was cautious not to sound obsequious either.


"As a matter of fact, I enrolled today as a Trainee. My name is Llewelyn Naese, I am currently searching for a place to sleep. Would you mind showing me the way to some vacant bed of your knowledge ?"

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Elyan extended his hand in greeting, “My name is Elyan Keladirn,” He said with a slight bow of his head, “And don’t call me Sir, that term is reserved for members of the Guard and your other superiors.” He said smiling. “Anyway, you probably want to get settled in,” He said turning to walk further down the hall, “ Come on, I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping."


He walked down the hall, arriving at the door to the room he shared and nudged it open with his foot. Walking to stand in the middle of the room, which was of decent size having two bunk beds on either side, four trunks and one wash stand that stood in front of a window looking out on to the grounds, nicer place than Elyan had ever stayed.


He stood facing the door and pointed to the bunks on his right, “the top one is Edana’s, the bottom one is Byron’s.” Then gestureing towards the bunks on the other side of the room, “the bottom one is mine and the top one is yours.”


Elyan sat on his trunk that was at the foot of his bed, “Any questions?”


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Llewelyn followed the man who presented himself as Elyan Keladirn down the hall and into one of the numerous room that had the exact same furnitures as any other room. Llewelyn moved toward what would be his bed and stretched his arms to lay his knapsack on the bunk ontop of Elyan's.



"Edana... Byron..." Llewelyn whispered to try to remember those names. So men and women share the same room alike... There was probably a scheduled time for Edana to change her clothes and things like that, and another time for the other men... Or so he thought...


Llewelyn embraced the room from one look. This would be his new shelter. He hoped he would get along with the others.


His look fell on Elyan now sitting on a trunk.

Llewelyn had seen his reflections numerous times on the tranquil surface of the waterpond near his village, and also once in a mirror, when he visited the fortress of Marado. Now looking closer, it appeared to him that Elyan shared a striking resemblance to his reflection. They had almost the same hair and eye colour, and though his eyes were not tilted in the saldaean way, they were definitely more almond shaped than most people's. If the two of them were to walk alongside, they could almost pass off for brothers. The thought was somehow comforting, like he had found something familiar in a place completely foreign to him.


He gestured toward the trunk on which Elyan was sitting."Which one of those should I use ?" As Elyan wavered to another one, Llewelyn began unpacking, when his stomach emitted a loud grumbling. He blushed, he remembered he had not eaten since morning. In a muttered voice, he said : "I don't know where the kitchens are..."

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The boy stood staring at him for a moment, which made Elyan slightly uncomfortable, before asking which trunk he was to use. Elyan indicated the only one that remained empty. Llewelyn was unpacking his things when a growl came from his direction. Elyan gave him a queer look, before he realized that the sound had been made by the boy’s stomach. Elyan raised a hand to his mouth in an attempt to stifle a laugh.


"I don't know where the kitchens are..."


Elyan faced him still smiling and was reminded of his own hunger.

“I haven’t had anything eat yet today either, we can both go the kitchens if you like.” Said Elyan, “ I can also show you a few places on the way there.”


Elyan stood, waiting to see if Llewelyn was going to come with him, then headed to the mess hall.


OOC: Sorry for the short post, I am getting tired and having trouble thinking.


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"I will be much obliged." answered Llewelyn. Yet he was surprised to hear Elyan say he hadn't had anything to eat the whole day. Was the training so harsh and busy you didn't have any time to gulp anything down until dusk ? Llewelyn shuddered, before following Elyan down the hall.


He was very grateful for Elyan to show him around. He felt lost in darkness, and Elyan was a beacon of light, pointing him the right way. Llewelyn decided to ask his guide some more about what was awaiting down the corner of the way :

"So, what is the training like, really ? And who is in charge of it ? Do the Aes Sedai come to watch sometime ? And the Accepted ? What about the Novices ? And what if..."


He couldn't stop the curiosity that had built inside him to make him ask whatever came to his thoughts right away.


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Llewelyn seemed to be a very curious person, because he did not stop asking him questions. Elyan did not mind talking to him, though he normally preferred to walk in silence, alone with his thoughts.


"So, what is the training like, really ? And who is in charge of it ? Do the Aes Sedai come to watch sometime ? And the Accepted ? What about the Novices ? And what if..."


Elyan smiled at the boy’s endless questions. “Training is done in small groups, normally led by a member of the Guard or a Warder.” Elyan explained, “Morning exercises and other basic workouts can be preformed in larger groups. Thera, The Mistress of Arms, is normally in charge of the training, but she has taken a leave of absences and Dragar is filling in for her.”


Elyan looked at him curiously at the last questions, “The Aes Sedai come to watch sometimes, when they are looking for a warder. Accepted and Novices are normally discouraged from spending time here, but they do frequent the yards more often than the Sisters.” Studying the boy, “Why do you ask, were you hoping someone in particular would come to see you?” He said smiling.


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“Why do you ask, were you hoping someone in particular would come to see you?"

Llewelyn couldn't stand Elyan's gaze as he asked this particular question. Should he tell him his reason for wanting to become a Warder ?


He wasn't personnally ashamed, on the contrary, he was proud of such a reason, yet he was aware that probably most of the Trainees here, Elyan included, had come because their lives or honour, or... whatever important depended on it. The love fantasies of a 17 year old boy could seem... inappropriate to such people. Still he disn't want to lie to his newly found roommate.


Llewelyn shook his head before answering with a wide smile : "Well, yes, but... she probably won't come anyway..." He then tried to change subject, hoping this would satisfy Elyan."What is Sir Dragar's usual occupation ? Has he been filling for the Mistress of Arms for a long time ?" He lowered his voice because it wasn't really appropriate to ask. "What kind of reason could make the Mistress of Arms take a leave of absence...?"

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"What kind of reason could make the Mistress of Arms take a leave of absence...?" Edana wrinkled her brow as she pulled the door open and saw a newcomer in their room. Must be their fourth trainee.


She didn't pause much before answering. "The kind where you get too big to chase the trainees or beat them into submission, I would guess." She grinned and entered the room. "I'm Edana Keller. I'm guessing you get the top bunk, too?" She stretched her hand towards him in greeting and jerked her head towards the bunk opposite her own. "Watch the ceiling, it's lower than you think it is...






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Elyan smiled inwardly at Llewelyn’s attempt to change the subject, but he did not press the matter any further. It must be a personal matter and the boy obviously did not want to elaborate on the matter.


Trying to think of an answer for the new question about Thera, he had heard some stories but nothing with any merit. He did not want to spread rumor about the Mistress of Arms, but was saved the trouble when the door opened admitting Edana into the room.



“Good Evening Edana, I see that you are your usual bright and cheery self,” Elyan said smiling, “Comforting the new trainee with words of wisdom and guidance.” He continued, barely suppressing a laugh.


“Besides, what is so bad about the top bunk,” He said defensivly, “Apart from the obvious danger of turning over in your sleep only to fall and break your neck?”


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A woman suddenly entered the room, presenting herself as Edana Keller. So they were indeed sharing the room with a woman. Llewelyn shook hands with her but was wondering about the meaning of her explanation. Too big ? He pondered over it quite some time with arched eyebrows before realizing what Edana was referring to. He clasped his hands in delight with a surprised "Ha ! I get it !".


Then, he noticed Elyan and Edana talking about the disadvantages of the top bunk. He hadn't thought much about getting that particular bunk. He was told that he was rather motionless when he slept, to the point that he was sometimes shaken awake by his worried mother who thought her son had passed away in his sleep. Still, he will have to watch for that ceiling.

"Did it already happen to someone before, such a bad fall ?"

Well, if it hadn't happen before, maybe Llewelyn would try that as his next prank... Better be careful not to cause injury...

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Edana grinned at Elyan, shaking her head. "People only fall out of bunks when scared half out of their wits by pranking roommates. I would watch out for this one, Elyan. He looks like he might be trickier than even Balyn!" She turned her grin back to their new roommate. "And if it saves someone the headache I woke up with for the first week I was here, that's even better! I think Master Kynwric believed I was a drunkard with a knack for hiding the smell until I learned how to sit up in the morning."



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