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...Stuff Happens


Unfortunately I am dealing with some very unexpected R/L issues so if you have an intro thread going, are about to begin one, or you are looking for a Req to be approved please just hang tight and we will sort them out as soon as possible. 


As the Boss(Eqwina) said, yes women are always in charge no matter if they lead you to believe otherwise :) , anyway as she said you can begin another RP if your intro thread is still in progress so as not to hold you back.


So hopefully I can get everything under control shortly and actually start helping out like I am supposed to be doing.  In the mean time just hang tight.


Thanks for your patience!  ;)



D'oh!  Real life totally comes first love, and I hope it all sorts out quickly, nicely, and happily.  And not just so you can flog the new kids through their paces.  ;)



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