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I am Snodge


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Hi everybody, I'm Snodge, a 34 year old reader of many a good fantasy or sci-fi book, including the WoT monumental epic saga, which today, I've finished re-reading for the 4th time.


I live near Bristol, in the UK, work in IT and like eating curry!

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Fancy that.. my husband is 34, I live in the UK, and we -just- had curry for dinner!.  But I know you're not my husband, 'cause:


a)  He's sitting on the couch

b)  He's maaaybe halfway through Eye of the World

c)  We don't live near Bristol!  *grins*


Anyways, what's your poison around these parts?  Roleplay, socialization, book discussion?  We have it all!



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Welcome to DM!


And you have another Brit meeting you, who happened to pass through Bristol today on the train as I was heading back to London from South Wales. And curry is good - had a few good ones in my time! lol!


Have a good snoop around DM - I am sure you will find something to tickle your tastebuds. If not, come back here and ask us for some top tips! ;)

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