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Fanten absently patted the stallion's neck as he gazed at the walls of what looked to be quite the settlement. Reaching up he re-tied his shoulder length, curly black hair with a leather cord and frowned, settling his wrists on the pommel once more. He normally looked as if he disapproved of something, however the view in front of him had him worrying slightly as well. This "Farm" as he had heard it called looked more like a small town, with black coated men striding about purposefully. He had come looking for the Horn and had expected...what? He wasn't sure what he had expected, but the thought of hundreds of channeling men gathered in one spot had sounded like the stuff of legends. To Fanten that sounded like the perfect place to birth the Horn of Valere. If not, he would ride on like he had countless times, the fact remained it must be found. Dismounting, he checked the horse's bridle and saddle unconsciously while considering how to approach and what questions to ask.


Leading his horse, he approached the two men standing at what could be called a gate, If it had a gate between the walls. In armor with a sword at his back he would look intimidating he knew, especially on horseback. But one man, dismounted walking into a nest of channelers should not cause too much alarm. Still the men stiffened and eyed his approach carefully.


Good. He thought to himself. They knew their duty and were trained well.


Speaking briefly with one of the men he noticed one had a sword pin on his collar and the other did not. His dark tilted eyes did not miss who gave the orders of the two either, and quickly took note of the ranking system. It would not do to overstep himself with someone of rank. Ignorance was never an excuse. The two men directed him to a tall structure near the central area of the settlement and it was not long before he found himself slipping a silver penny to someone for taking his horse. He tucked his riding gloves behind his belt and strode to the front of the Inn. He might as well get a feel for the place and rinse the dust of travel from his throat. The sooner he asked his questions the sooner he could either find what he was after or move on.

  • 1 month later...

((At Tai's request, I'm stealin' this one from ya' Arath.))


Sereth sat at a table at the inn, idly sipping an herbal tea of his own concoction. Well, at least it was a recipe from his teacher, from which he had added a spice or two. That man had wanted everything so... bitter. It had taken the then student Sereth years to get used to anything that he prepared for him. As of course, he was to taste test everything before he served it, even though he himself had prepared it. "You can never be to careful!" Chuckling lightly at the memory, wondering briefly if his old mentor had gone fully mad with the power yet, or perhaps started having things fall off of him. Ah, oh well. Sereth had done his duty and recorded his ramblings in several leather bound volumes...


His thoughts continued in that pattern for some time, before a man with curly black hair, bound but obviously of decent length, entered the Inn. No coat... Hmm, wonder if he has been tested yet? Doing his duty as an Asha'man, and perhaps sating his own curiosity, he approached the man. "Hello, my name is Asha'man Sereth Arian. I wonder, have you been tested yet? You look a bit to calm for someone who has just been told he can channel Saidin." A trademarked grin splayed across Sereth's seemingly innocent features. Still, he doubted those tilted eyes would miss the glint in the rather plain looking Andorian's eyes.


Of course, instead of leaving the man to answer, Sereth's tendency to rant took into effect. "If not, I would gladly help you. Scary or not, it really is a wonderful feeling... not even the taint can fully counter the full joy of weaving the power... It's as if..." He let out a nervous chuckle, and scratched the back of his head. "Oh, sorry, ranting again. Don't worry, my old philosophy teacher chided me for this for years, even before it was discovered I could channel. Oh! And I'm doing it again! So yes, have you been tested?" Another nervous chuckle later, he actually waited for the man's actions.


((Thought I'd take the chance the retro provided and show how Sereth's rantiness has become...focused a bit more over the years.


If you don't notice a difference, it's subtle. :-P))


As he entered the Inn, Fanten glanced around at the men doing everything from drinking to dicing in the corner. He motioned for a serving girl without thinking. Although he had despised his upbringing as a noble, it was in his bones whether he liked it or not. Frowning he watched the man in the black coat approach him. He noted the red enameled creature at his throat in addition to the silver sword. Quickly he re-calculated the man walking towards him calmly.


"Hello, my name is Asha'man Sereth Arian. I wonder, have you been tested yet? You look a bit too calm for someone who has just been told he can channel Saidin."


Fanten's frown never left his face as he listened to the man. In fact, it deepened slightly at the implication. Before he could disabuse the man of the ludicrous notion however, the Asha'man continued.


"If not, I would gladly help you. Scary or not, it really is a wonderful feeling... not even the taint can fully counter the full joy of weaving the power... It's as if..." He let out a nervous chuckle, and scratched the back of his head before continuing on. Light! The man hardly seemed to draw breath! "Oh, sorry, ranting again. Don't worry, my old philosophy teacher chided me for this for years, even before it was discovered I could channel. Oh! And I'm doing it again! So yes, have you been tested?"


Fanten took a deep breath and tried very hard not to sigh as the man admitted his own fault. He had dealt with more trying folk than this. This one could channel however. The thought still made him slightly uneasy, but he had that creature everyone was calling a dragon on his collar and that must mean he was close to the Dragon Reborn. No use offending such a man. He motioned to the table nearest them. As Sereth sat, so did Fanten, his armor creaking. He had gotten a couple strange looks for the blade at his back but less than he had expected. The serving girl brought him spiced wine and he waited for her to leave before speaking. She was trained well he noted as she walked away, and pretty. Turning his gaze back to the Asha'man he tried to put on a patient face. That was to say that he was scowling, patiently.


"I am a Hunter, not a..." His thick Saldean accent faltered slightly as he attempted to choose his words carefully. "I cannot do what you think." He finished, his scowl deepening. He hoped he had not offended the man, he was currently looking thoughtful.



Sereth shook his head, sobering himself up immediately. Again he had put a man on edge... He let out an audible sigh. He opened his hand, palm up. Seizing Saidin, he channeled all five elements into a sphere of light. "Can't do this? Well, to be honest I don't know and neither do you, not without testing you at least. I must apologize for my earlier straight forwardness. I have a habit of being brash..." Biting his tongue before he let his now considerably calmer speech spiral out of his control yet again.


The ball in hand began to take shape. "A hunter though? For the Horn? Why would one such as you be here on the farm?" The color changed from white, to a pale gold, and began to spiral into itself. "I assure you, we do not keep it around for special occasions, well, at least to the best of my knowledge." The spiraling sphere took on the shape of a horn, radiating that soft golden light. "Or perhaps it is the thought of the dragon being here that lures you? If such a legendary artifact is to be found, surely his great ta'veran powers will be at the heart of it."


Just for kicks, he added an ivory inlay onto the miniature horn, watching as his companions eyes were fixed upon what Sereth imagined the horn to look like. "Alas, I've never heard of him being here. Not in my years of being on the Farm at least. Still, it is a note worthy thing you do." Sereth began to slip into what he remembered of the epic poem that was the Great Hunt, taking Fanten's concentration on the horn, which now had the engraving included, as an opportunity to slip into a rant.


Then he felt an echo inside the void, and his heart fell. Closing his fist and extinguishing the illusion, he looked purposefully at Fanten. "You... are quite wrong, and I must apologize... The ability is so rare I didn't think any harm would come from putting on a bit of a show..." Taking a steadying breath, he spoke the next words very carefully... "Welcome to the Black Tower, solder. Your classes on controlling Saidin will begin tomorrow..."


He held onto Saidin, preparing to be attacked...


Sereth sat and looked at Fanten for a bit, shaking his head lightly. He sighed before speaking and Fanten made a concious effort to smooth the scowl from his face. He did so with a measure of success. He watched as a Sereth's hand turned palm up above the table. A sphere of light flowed into being as the man spoke.


"Can't do this? Well, to be honest I don't know and neither do you, not without testing you at least. I must apologize for my earlier straight forwardness. I have a habit of being brash..."


The words hardly registered as Fanten was intrigued by the swirling ball of light. The man was obviously using the One Power but that did not concern Fanten as it would some folk. He almost make out currents in the sphere, swirling back and forth. It was a very impressive display. Suddenly it swirled in on itself and started to change hue. The soft white light slowly took on a warm, pale glow.

"A hunter though? For the Horn? Why would one such as you be here on the farm? I assure you, we do not keep it around for special occasions, well, at least to the best of my knowledge."


The words were a little too close to reality for Fanten's liking but he shrugged them off. The sphere was starting to take shape of the Horn of Valere. Whether following the man's thoughts or on purpose, it was striking and similar to what he had seen in his dreams. He was caught up in his dreams for a moment while watching the glowing horn. They had started when he was young and had not happened more than a few times. They were better than the others however, the ones with the One Power, the One Power and Death. He pulled himself back from those thoughts and watched as the horn obtained an ivory inlay and engravings. The detail was impressive.


"Or perhaps it is the thought of the dragon being here that lures you? If such a legendary artifact is to be found, surely his great ta'veran powers will be at the heart of it."


Fanten nodded before he could catch himself. He was about to wonder by what trick of the Power the man had read his mind when Sereth's hand closed suddenly, violently extinguishing the fascinating marvel.

"You... are quite wrong, and I must apologize... The ability is so rare I didn't think any harm would come from putting on a bit of a show..." Sereth took a deep breath before continuing. "Welcome to the Black Tower, soldier. Your classes on controlling Saidin will begin tomorrow..."


Fanten blinked in confusion while the man spoke. Wrong? He had not said anything. Apologize? Ability was so rare? Harm from putting on a show?


Suddenly realization dawned like a Blight Worm rearing its ugly head. His lips drew back in a snarl as his hand flashed out, overturning the table with a loud crash. Mugs smashed to the floor, spilling liquid across the rough floor as he leapt to his feet. Spittle flew from his mouth and veins bulged from his neck as he roared wordlessly at the man.


"If you think to jest Asha'man, you do so poorly!" His eyes glittered angrily down at the man who was still seated. His voice quieted as he realized everyone in the room was staring. A few of the black coats had risen to their feet and had the air of tense readiness. Anger surged along his veins, sweeping away reason. They were hiding the Horn, keeping it for themselves! Angrily he glared at the man as he towered over him, fists clenching an un-clenching convulsively.


Sereth kept his gaze locked on the standing man. He took a deep breath, and stood himself, having put up a shield of air to repel any drink from landing on his silk coat. His voice was unusually cold, controlled for the rambling asha'man, as he spoke. "I do not jest over such matters. I am sorry for what I have caused you, but in all honesty, I believe you will thank me for it one day. For in truth, I have given you the gift of Saidin. Look around," he gestured with his hand, sweeping it out to encompass all the men present. "Each one of us knows we will be put down from madness, perhaps taking some comrades with us, die a slow rotting death as the taint of Saidin literally knaws our flesh, or we will die in  battle, in the service of the light and the Lord Dragon Reborn. There will be no growing old, no buying a farm and raising two dozen children. We will die."


The ice in his voice grew colder, deeper as he strove to make his point. "Now ask them if they would trade Saidin for the life. Go ahead, I'll cut them off from Saidin myself if that is their desire, but you won't find a single man who would give up the One Power. Despite everything... it is a gift." Sereth exhaled sharply, bringing warmth back into his voice. "Now, follow me Solder. I will get you your coat, and show you the barracks, as well as a few other important structures. You will be spending a lot of time here..."


Fanten stood there breathing hard. The man stood,almost calmly and spoke.


"I do not jest over such matters. I am sorry for what I have caused you, but in all honesty, I believe you will thank me for it one day. For in truth, I have given you the gift of Saidin. Look around,Each one of us knows we will be put down from madness, perhaps taking some comrades with us, die a slow rotting death as the taint of Saidin literally knaws our flesh, or we will die in  battle, in the service of the light and the Lord Dragon Reborn. There will be no growing old, no buying a farm and raising two dozen children. We will die."


Fanten blinked. The man was not intimidated, and his cold logic cooled the flames of his temper almost as quickly as they had begun. The man knew he would die, he was not afraid. Fanten sat down heavily as the man continued.


"Now ask them if they would trade Saidin for the life. Go ahead, I'll cut them off from Saidin myself if that is their desire, but you won't find a single man who would give up the One Power. Despite everything... it is a gift."

Sereth exhaled sharply as if dusting his hands of an uncomfortable task.

"Now, follow me Solder. I will get you your coat, and show you the barracks, as well as a few other important structures. You will be spending a lot of time here..."


Fanten just sat there staring at nothing. He was used to making decisions in an instant, but this was hard to wrap his mind around. His whole life he had ridden into battle, his rage fueling his effort to strike at the Shadow. Alone and separated from his family ties he had ridden after the horn, hoping to strike an epic blow to the powers of the Shadow as well. Now he could channel. Numbly he rose and followed the man out of the inn. His life had changed more than he ever expected. He better still be able to ride his horse, he thought glumly as he was led outside. That, and no one was taking his sword.

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