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Its only harmless fun!.....Or is it?


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Rien read the note as he walked to his destination

Meet me in the barracks the note said. It was obviously from that buffoon Maldrin....He had said that he wanted to prank Cairma, Rien didn't know why, but he wanted to have some fun while he was here.

Rien was wearing one of his favorite red coats, he tucked the note inside it. He decided that he wasn't going to need his sword today, so he left it in his room this morning before he went out, now he was on his way back to the barracks to find Maldrin.

"It'll be interesting to see what he has in mind..." Rien said quietly to himself

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Maldrin leaned back in the chair, putting his feet on a table. He was currently awaiting a trainee, named Rien, to see if he could get them into a bit of fun. Maldrin had been thinking about messing with a Tower Guard for awhile now. He'd been thinking about who he should choose, when a very interesting thing happened while he was going through some morning excercises. Two Tower Guards running through the Yards, a female Tower Guard wielding a very large sword, wet and in what Maldrin could only deduce was her sleeping garments, chasing another Tower Guard. At that point, he'd chosen his victim. After some digging, he'd found out that her name was Cairma, and subsequintly that the man she had been chasing was Aran which he stored for future reference, and he found where her room was.


After a great deal of thought, he'd come across a very interesting thing. It had been paint that had dried around a piece of soap and made the person using it turn red in the face. Very literaly, she had been bright red for two days. After a few experiments, wherein his hands had turned bright blue and yellow, he figured out the perfect combination. The results led to a hot pink coloring, and it needed not only water, but scrubbing for the color to come out, so there'd be no warning from the bath water. It also stained the skin for a week. He'd had a hard time explaining that to Talyn and his roommates.


And so, he had his victim and his prank. But there had been one thing missing. The scapegoat. All plans could backfire, so one needed a back up plan to cover one's ass. And the scapegoat came, in the form of one Trainee, by the name of Rien. Rien had come to the Tower after Maldrin, and was the type that couldn't resist being challenged, as far as Maldrin could see. Which made him perfect for the job. He was going to challenge Rien to replace the paint soap with Cairma's soap. It should be easy, but if he happened to be caught, that'd be better than Maldrin being caught. And, while Rien squeeling on him was a distinct possibility, at least he'd have taken someone else down with him, rather than if he'd acted alone.


Spotting Rien as he came in, Maldrin grinned and waved him over. This should be fun.

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Rien walked into the room Maldrin was in, he was reclining in his chair as he waved to Rien. Maldrin was a little smaller than Rien, but he looked like he could handle himself...Ha! like that'll matter much! Rien thought.

"So you have a plan, I take it?" Rien asked Maldrin, "a plan to get Cairma?"

Maldrin nodded smugly

"I asked myself some things on the way over here" Rien stated as he leaned against the wall, "Why prank Cairma? Why do you need me? and why were your hands all colored? Did you lose a bet?....that wouldn't surprise me..."

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Maldrin took out his lucky coin and began flipping it as Rien asked his questions. This was fast becoming a habit. There was just something about flipping a coin. Moving your wrist perfectly to get the coin into the air. Watching as the light shimmered off the coin as it spun. Then catching it in midair perfectly. It must be the funnest thing he'd ever thought of. But on to more immediate things.


"I asked myself some things on the way over here, Why prank Cairma? Why do you need me? and why were your hands all colored? Did you lose a bet?....that wouldn't surprise me..."


"My choice was purely random, my friend." Hmph. Friend? I really am a filthy liar. "As to needing you? This is a two person job, and my instincts say to trust you." Trust you to accept a stupid challenge. And I'm not one to take my friends down with me if all goes wrong. "And my hands? That would be from experimenting with the implement for our prank." Maldrin was able to keep his tone perfectly friendly, and if he frowned a little, it was only in thought as the coin went a little too far and he had to lean in for it.


After flipping the coin one more time to see the White Tower-So, bad luck, eh? Well, I'll heed your warning, but I can't stop now, dear friend.- Maldrin put it in his pocket, taking a bar of soap out at the same time and throwing it on the table. "This, my friend, is the implement of our prank. I've spent weeks on the formula, and have finally perfected it. It requires both water and pressure be applied to it, where it will exude a very hot pink color into the victim's skin, which will cause it to dye it for up to a week." Grinning maliciously, Maldrin raised his currently dark blue hands as an example. "And this is where you come in. I need you to put the soap into Cairma's room, and taking her own soap, of course. I'll keep a watch for you, and if I see Cairma coming, I'll walk by the door, knock three times in rapid succession-" He demonstrated quietly on the table."-and then distract her and get her back to the door. It should take forty-five seconds to get her back to the door, so do not leave until the count of forty-five, understood? And that's pretty much it. Any questions?"

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"No questions, my friend" Rien replied,"I can't wait to get started, this should be fun" And Light knows it will

This dupe thought he was clever, well Rien had a little surprised for Maldrin. Rien was going to switch the soap, and he was going to do everything as planned...except for one thing....this should be great fun, Rien smiled.

And so Maldrin led Rien to Cairma's room and knocked at the door....no answer..."Good, she's out." Maldrin said. He motioned for Rien to enter, and stood next to the doorway. Rien quietly walked in with the soap in hand. He scanned the room quickly and found the wash-basin and more importantly, Cairma's soap. Rien swapped the rose smelling soap with the trick soap and walked to the door, hoping that his exit was clear...

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Maldrin wouldn't know anything about that. He was in the training yards, currently doing laps around it. His instincts had told him to get out, and he always followed his instincts. Not to mention his lucky coin had turned up the White Tower five times in a row, without any calculation on his part. That meant he was quite possibly in mortal danger. Which was why, at the moment, he was doing a leisure jog. He was warming up in case any women with very large objects chased him. But he had something that could either damn him or save him, depending on how she saw it. Hopefully he'd get enough time to talk before she put that monster of a sword between his shoulder blades.


But then, there was the off chance that everything would go as planned. Plan for the worst, hope for the best.

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Rien opened the door quietly

"Maldrin?" he whispered, "is it all clear?"

no one was there. That fool Maldrin had run off with his tail between his legs! either that or he was stalling Cairma....Rien's instincts told him that the insane buffoon ran off

I planned for something like this

So he walked back in the room and closed the door.

this just keeps getting better and better Rien thought as he leaned against the wall, waiting....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

Ooc: You guys are awesome to wait up for me.. I'm sorry it's taken so long to post. Kudos to you both!! *grins and gives you both a bag of cookies each*


She had only just settled Coraman into her room and left her the day to wander the yards so she can find her way around. Lost in her own thoughts, she knew that there was going to be a fair bit of difficulty teaching the girl. She would have to break her, Cairma knew this. But like herself, she fears what it might do to the girl. Light only knew. Walking into her room, she placed her sword by her bed, picked up her soap and towel and headed to the Showers. It had been a long day and she needed to think.


Undressing and slipping into the water, she slowly soaked herself with her head under the water. What to do, light, what to do. She never trained before!! What if she became the laughing stock of the whole yard!!! She was already known to have a temper, but then, she had never been woken up so rudely when she had a hangover. Poking out of the water, she slowly started to soap her skin as her mind wandered, but after a few minutes, she started to notice the water turn pink....






She looked to her arms, chest... legs....


Pink........they were all pink!!!!


Panicing, she started to scrub harder with the bar of soap on her arms, but it only just started to get worse.... *scrub scrub*....Over and over... until it dawned on her..


She looked closely at the soap, noticing that the branded name that was usually in it was no longer there. It had been a new bar.. Someone had pranked her again...


"Aran...." She growled, Picking up her towel, she wrapped it around her, she stormed out of the Bath Hall and to her room, fire blazing in her eyes. She was only thankful she did not wach her face. She should have recognized the herbs used in the soap for the dye. She used a similar tint in her hair years before she came to the Tower. But, how would he have such knowledge of herbs? She entered her room only to see a very young trainee in it. Anger filled her, and with extremely cuick movements, she had her sword in hand with the flat edge agaist the trainees face, slanting only a little as i she were to take a side sweep to him, cutting him in half with only a thought. She had learned from chasing aran she needed to be a little more careful, but this child will learn.


"Choose your words wisely, young one, or else they may be the last you make in this Yard." Venom oozed from her voices, fully willing to carry out any threat this boy may imagine.





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Rien started to smile as Cairma entered the room, but the smile slipped off his face when he saw that she was dyed pink.

oh no, Rien thought she must have gotten the soap while I was out looking for Maldrin

suddenly Rien was pinned to the wall with a sword pressed against his face.

"Choose your words wisely, young one, or else they may be the last you make in this Yard." Cairma said. Rien's plan had obviously gone slightly off course.

"Well this wasn't supposed to happen" Rien stated, Cairma pressed the sword harder "I was hoping to catch you before you got the soap, but things don't always go as planned" Rien sensed that she was getting annoyed, so he decided it was time to let Maldrin get his

"It wasn't my idea to prank you," Rien continued, "If I had it my way, you wouldn't have even touched that soap. But I know who did this to you, I may have done the dirty work, but someone else picked the target."

Cairma glared at Rien, probably wondering if she can trust me Rien thought. He put on his most trusting smile as he said "Maldrin"

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

She kept her sword at the nip of the boys neck, while holding the bar of soap in her other hand, tossing it up and down thoughtfully. She wasn't about to be foolish enough to chase the young boy out of the Barracks, but a statement needed to be made. And then a rather devilish thought came to her.


"Step outside of the door and stand to the side with your nose facing the wall, opposite my door. Move from that spot and I will see that you suffer the same fate as Maldrin." Her worse were cold, laced with venom of a temper barely under control meant to scare the trainee. And it worked as he scurried from the room with wide eyes, nearly slamming the door behind him.


Placing Beast to the side, she surveyed herself in the mirror and sighed heavily. She was suppose to start training Coraman tomorrow. How was she suppose to be taken seriously with bright pink skin. Dressing, she pulled on fabrics of leather over her arms, hands and chest that went up around her neck, hiding the dyed skin. She would have to forego the leather around her hands tomorrow, but for now, this will be enough. Picking up Beast and snapping it into the sheath on her back, she picked up a lance half the size of Beast but twice the wieght and the tainted bar of soap. opening to door, she looked to the trainee who heard her opening the door to stand behind him.


"Follow me."


She moved out of the barracks and out into the Open where everyone could see. A tranch that was used to warter horses was at the very edge of the fenced yards but in the middle of the training ground. She handed him the bar of soap.


"Wash yourself. Your dirty from all your sweating." The threat of what could happen next was left open to the boys imagination. She figured that if Maldrin was smart he would step in for the new trainee, if not, Carima would take them both to Ginae. And if Maldrin decided to attack Cairma... She smiled with mirth in her eyes... than she would get to have a little fun.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Well this wasn't how I planned it...Rien thought as he stood with his face to the wall opposite Cairma's door.

Cairma stepped out of her room, she had covered up all of her affected skin and had that huge sword on her back, she also had a lance and the soap...

"Follow me" she said, and wisely Rien obeyed. she led Rien to a water trench that was in plain sight to everybody in the Yard.

"Wash yourself, you're dirty from all your sweating." she said as she handed Rien the tainted soap.

Rien's mind raced, he was searching for a way out, but he could find none..well, he couldn't find any that wouldn't end with that monstrous sword cleaving his skull..

"That's a nice sword you got there," Rien stated," I got one of those myself, not quite as big, but it gets the job done"

Obviously Rien shouldn't have said anything, Cairma glared at him like she thought she could kill him that way. But Rien needed to stall for time, he didn't know what Cairma wanted, but he knew what he didn't want!

"Before I make a fool of myself," Rien started, "why don't you tell me what you plan on doing, maybe I could help...Maldrin deserves a little payback...and I know just how to get him were you want him...all you have to do is wait..." Rien put on his most trusting smile

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

Carima was still equally unimpressed. She had no intention of waiting, she was FURIOUS!! Her logic is that if the other Trainee that had sent him had any sense of honour he would show is face to 'save' his friend. But if not, his 'friend' would indeed rat him out to Ginae.


Not bothering to wait with the explination, She walcked straight up to the trainee and grasped him firmly behind the neck, and dunking his head into the water and gave his face a good hard scrub with the tainted soap. luthering and crying out for her to stop, she brought his head up enough to make sure she didn't kill him, and then after the dye had settled firmly into his skin, she was disapointed there was only one to wash, instead of a second. Pulling his head out of the water she put him back on his feet with him spluttering.


"Playing sides in any argument will taint anyone from ever trusting you. You pranked the long person, and an Eye for an Eye makes us even and I will not hunt you down to beat the s*** out of you. But you will still be reporting to our lovely Mistress of Trainee's who will in turn have a earfull of words for you. Now march!"


She pointed int he direction of the MoT's office and waited for him to move.






Ooc: SORRY!! So late for the post. Totally lost my muse, even for Cairma. If you don't like that i forced you into the water to wash your face, than you can just post below, and edit washing your face before she runs out of patience.. *blushes*.. Only reason will stop her, and when she is angry, there is no reasonning with her.. I'll poke our MoT and let her know that we require her assistance.. even though Maldren bailed. *pouts*

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Rien knew it was coming, he saw it in her eyes. Cairma grabbed him and dunked his face in the water, she then scrubbed him with the soap that had turned her into a pink nightmare.

"Hey!" Rien yelled as Cairma scrubbed his face, "What was that for!?!"

Rien fell back as Cairma finished the job, his face was already turning pink.

"Here I am trying to help you, and you show your thanks by doing this to me?!?"

"Playing sides in any argument will taint anyone from ever trusting you." Cairma replied, "You pranked the long person, and an Eye for an Eye makes us even and I will not hunt you down to beat the s*** out of you. But you will still be reporting to our lovely Mistress of Trainee's who will in turn have a earfull of words for you. Now march!"

"Wow" Rien laughed, "You sure are pretty when you are mad. Look! you are making me blush!" Rien pointed to his pink face jokingly. "Well, I'll see you later, maybe next time we can sit down and talk, instead of turn each other pink

Rien walked off without looking back. He was trying to make an impression...and I bet I did

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

"Wow" Rien laughed, "You sure are pretty when you are mad. Look! you are making me blush!" Rien pointed to his pink face jokingly. "Well, I'll see you later, maybe next time we can sit down and talk, instead of turn each other pink."


If Cairma had not been so angry at the boys non-chalant attitude, she would have laughed at his words, enjoying the joke. If she had not been so appauled by the boys underhanded ways of 'helping' peple out, she might have let him walk without seeing the MoT. If Cairma had been in any mood other than the one she was in now, she would not do what she was about to do....


The flame raged inside her mind, burning away all forms of anger, all forms of emotion until only one part of her remained. The one part that could Kill. Her 'Other'..... The Other that had no mercy, no sense of right or wrong...


Her voices was as cold as death as she looked to him as he walked away, any that were near that say the change took two steps back.. Rumours of her temper and her craving for blood... And she wanted his blood...


"That was not the smartest thing to say, trainee.. Not the smartest thing, by far... "


Than she stepped forward..







And her 'other' personality.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rien had once again failed to impress this cute lady with the big sword. He knew it as soon as she spoke.

He was unarmed, but that didn't matter, he would never think about hurting a lady this nice.

Cairma stepped forward...Rien held his ground

no way she'll do anything to me out in the open Rien thought.

By the looks of her, she wasn't going to stop, she was going to keep on towards him at that creepy pace.

"Cairma, I don't want to fight you," Rien called out,

"Haven't I proved myself to be trustworthy, after all, I didn't have to wait for you in your room, I wanted to keep you from getting pranked, isn't that enough?"

Hopefully it is

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Daemon became a witness to all of this, almost by accident. He just happened to be passing near by when he saw Cairma and Eben.He would not even have payed much attention to his two mentees had he not caught glimpse of Cairma's expression - absolutly emotionless. The older man immidiatly recognized the look, one he has worn way too often, the look of a Path of the Blade disciple, when one turns into a weapon.


Cairma had notorious temper, but that alone would not cause her to be preparing to attack Eben. As he got closer, Daemon could notice that both had pink skin, obviously the result of some prank. And judging by the situation he could tell that Eben had pranked Cairma and got caught. Cairma was reaching for her weapon when Daemon came between his two mentees.


"That's enough, both of you stand down" - his voice was without any changes in intonation, and as calm as a frozen lake. - "Now I expect an explanation, from both of you."


ooc: Sorry guys, this is not my best post. I have been out of the loop for quite a while now

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As Cairma reached for her weapon, Daemon interceded.

He placed himself between Rien and Cairma, his face was unreadable, as well as his voice

"That's enough, both of you stand down," Daemon said calmly, like he was interrupting two children who were about to pull each other's hair out, " Now I expect an explanation, from both of you."

Rien waited for a moment, he had hoped Cairma might speak up with her melodious voice and tell Daemon that Rien had been the cause of all this...but Rien quickly decided that might not be the best thing...after all..she had just tried to kill him...leaving the explanation completely up to her might put his life in danger again!

"Sir..." Rien started, " This is all my fault..." Rien continued to relate his story to his mentor, from meeting with Maldrin to trying to keep Cairma from getting pranked all the way down to her acting crazy...although most people might see Rien as a cocky self absorbed wool head, he was far from self absorbed...he made his entire story seem like it was all his fault and no one elses

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

Ooc: and here i thought you didn't post... silly me.. *sends loves*




"That's enough, both of you stand down,"


She blinked. Blinked really hard as Daemon's voice came through the stillness. Like always It responded to the superiority in his voice and receded, and Cairma could feel herself attached to her body one again. Rien's store could be heard as Cairma's cheeks started to grow very red. Was she about to attack a trainee?!? No.. she couldn't...!!


"..Cairma took me outside to take me to the MoT..."



.. oh light.... oh bloody bloody bloody light........ It had never attacked out of rage before. She never felt that It would be a problem around the yard. She never attacked anyone out of Rage. And even with Aran she always had It under control.... Even that one time she had complete control over her movements.. Never had she blanked out before... Not in the void....


Oh blood and bloody ashes....




Cairma Vishnu

Tower Guard

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As Rien finished relating his "story" to his mentor, he noticed that Cairma was muttering to herself..her face showed disbelief

Obviously this wasn't something that happened too often...

Daemon was still as calm as ever, he seemed to be thinking about Rien's story... putting pieces together maybe? Rien thought.

Cairma still had that cute dumbfounded look on her face...it was obviously more serious than Rien would normally guess....that's why I shouldn't delve into it!

Now all Rien had to worry about was what form of punishment he would receive...

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