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To choose an Amrylin


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Personally, I think giving switchings to Egwene is an admirable trait and should be encouraged.


On reflection though, I can't really picture any Red as Amyrlin. Even the nice and fluffy ones are far too willing to ignore Elaida's massive and almost irreparable mistakes simply because she was raised from the Red.


Also, I'm not sure at all what you mean by Saerin being too focused.


Ah bugger it. They should just put Dobraine in a dress and give him the job.

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Why would Sharina be too old?


She's only old for a non-channeler. Given her strength now that she is channeling she'll live for hundreds more years, more or less depending on whether or not Egwene decides not to be an idiot and continue binding everyone with the Oath Rod.


I have to agree, with the "slowing" she could probably live for another 50 years or so, even WITH the Oath Rod. IIRC there have been Amrylins who reigned for shorter periods than that (ones that weren't deposed).

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