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Glanced over the forum briefly, and you might want to look into evocative shamanism a bit for the magic system. It basically means that, through a series of incantations, runes, focus stones (like soul gems) or whatever, you call on the power of a spirit, ghost, god or whatnot and request them to lend you their power to form a spell for them to use.


For example, you ask a fire based spirit (elemental?) to form a bit of their power into a fireball for you to toss at an opponent, or a dark spirit (demon, for example) to curse them.


The one thing to keep in mind however is that this system leans heavily on the use of spirits and such, and i don't know how well that would fit into the tech part of the setting. Astral planes and high tech generally have a bad time mixing -- though that could be a nice plot idea if worked out corectly.


My two cents ^^

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