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[Movie] Quote Game...


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Guest Segurant

Road Trip


"What do you mean you don't do it? Of course you do it. We all do it. We love to do it. I just did it and I'm ready to do it again."

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I'm embarassed to confess I've actually seen this movie...



"No matter how strange or despicable you act, I can do one better, because I work for the government!"

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Guest Segurant

The movie was perfect in terms of a mindless movie, meaning I didn't have to think at all just watch the movie. Plus I thought it was well done for a gmae adapted movie. Simple


I have no idea about that quote. Seems like it is something said in real life :lol:

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Well, Street Fighter was also "simple", and watching that was only a massive waste of time. Although, at least Doom has some connection to the game, Street Fighter only had the names of the characters.


Sometimes I might drop hints if people have a hard time figuring out the quotes, if it's a movie that might be a bit not-so-mainstream. :D

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Bono from U2 had something to do with the movie, and I'm not talking about contributing to the soundtrack (Ok, he might actually have done that as well, I don't remember.)

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Guest Emperor

You got me too man. I do not think I have ever heard this quote... even though I could take some wild guesses based on its context and would be wrong.

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Ah well, I'll try something easier then.

This was from The Million Dollar Hotel (and the Bono connection is that he came up with the story, and also produced the movie)


So, a really easy one then,


"Your job is to craft my doom, so I am not sure how well I should wish you. But I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun. Ta-ta"

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Guest Emperor

I can't believe you quoted Hannibal when a few posts ago I said "At least you didn't quote Hannibal".




"Move, children. Vamanos."

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Ok, just what do you think gave me the idea :wink:


But big Shame on you for quoting Signs. That movie sucked some serious donkybutt. Not even Joaqin Phoenix could save it.



"And Collins will recount his exploits as an anarchist, including the tale of his successful reprogramming of the MIT virtural reality equipment to self-destruct as it broadcast the words:

All: Actual reality! Act up! Fight AIDS!"

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Emperor

I thought that one was easy. Here is a follow up...


"There are some places that the road doesn't go in a circle. There are some places where the road keeps going"

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Emperor

heh.... I got bored so went looking into the past...


Pleasantville is the answer.


A new quote...


"Give them nothing! But take from them everything!"

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