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Inter Divisional RP


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Hey, I was needing to spice up my character's background and I'm needing some help from you guys. Since my character is an archer in the band, I was thinking that it might be interesting if he lost the use of his hands for a while. I was thinking that what I want to do is have the band be out on some small group maneuvers, just like maybe 4 or 5 members tops, when an asha'man that has gone crazy stumbles across them...a small battle ensues in which Ruraks hands get burned, then you guys show up to help take him down. Anyone interested?

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All ya'll need to show up!  It'll be lotsa fun!  There will be blood and gore and someone gets to die, and then there will be crying, and then he gets slapped for being a baby, and lotsa fun! 


So yeah, be there! I'll bring brownies and beer!

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I have a proposal. I have a BT Dedi that needs an Inter Div RP for raising reqs, I would love to have a couple NPC Ashies along with me headed to get accustomed to the band so to speak, have one Ashie snap and kill the other one, leaving poor tai in a panic to help take him down. Here is what Arath (Storm Leader at the BT) has to offer as inspiration. Let me know what you think.


okay, the crazy and Tai are sent to the band for 'training' reasons we can come up with later, they are to relieve the Asha'man who is already there he's going around, showing them a patrol path, and where wards are set, etc. then crazy (we'll call him bob) snaps and kills the other guy. Tai runs off and hides (so to speak) and right about that time, the band patrol happens by,


Something to that affect anyway. Pm me if you are interested in any of it, or none of it. I just want in  ;D

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hey, it was just a rough outline and that would work. Actually looking at things we really don't need a huge RP, just the NPC and I guess you in this situation. Sounds like a plan if you wanna go ahead and get things started I guess on your end?

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