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[GAME]Gears of War 2


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The tank controls suck! I can't drive and shoot to the side. This was especially hard that time you have to take down a tower to kill all the guys on the troikas. You can't be far away and just blast the damn thing, you have to get close enough for Marcus to say: shoot the tower. After that the troikas pop out and you have about 2-3 seconds before you're dead. In the end I had to back down towards the tower and when the turrets came up I used to boost to go back up the hill and into cover. From there I could sneak out of the cover and shoot at the tower and go back into cover 'till it was down. I must've tried 20 times or something.

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So what is the point of me playing a game with you online if we don't communicate?  I like playing over Xbox because at least 80% of the time I am playing with friends and we are strategizing on how to win that match.  If not, we are making jokes and I am having a good time.  Sinister is is mainly your fault I do not play more games on the PS3 as you just confirmed why MP on Xbox is better than than MP on the PS3.


Tenshin and I have been hanging out in Gears MP these days.  While he doesn't talk that much (yet), I think he had fun dominating last night.... especially that annoying little kid.


heh, that kid had it coming, especially after that annoying as all get out 30 minute meatflag game. Geeze.  I get more vocal as I understand the game better, and have something worthwhile to contribute.  Like going rambo into a chainsaw duel, only to get wasted from behind.


Hax, Tenshin Kangae is my tag, add me and i can send you a 48 hour trial code or two too.

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Tenshin also got owened by a witch this weekend in left 4 dead.  The image still makes me laugh.


The Cyclops was CAKE on Insane.  I  never went down the mountain to get owned by the guns  but crept around the corner to take everything out.


I  had trouble once you found Maria.  I was getting owned by hopping wrenches and those dogs.  Also Dom would just look at me and wave while I died.  I finally got a friend to help me through that part after an hour of dying.  I think I died everyway possible in that section.  Lets recount the ways.


-Slapping a grenage to the ground and a wrench hopping along and blowing it up right away with me trying to run away like a scared girl but blowing up anyway.


-Finally getting through the wrenches and dogs to run over my own grenage which I thought was a grenage pick up.  Genius McFly.


-Getting all the way to end to be stuck by a Theron Guard.


-Trying to beat down a wrench to have the dog eat me from the side and then swing me around like a toy.


-Being shot in the head even though I had a shield.


-Dom falling down because the AI is dumb even on insane and forcing me to come over to help him. 

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I got into a bit of trouble when you had to hold off the bad guys 'till Jack could find Maria. The bloodmounts SUCK! One hit = death, plus they have a guy on top with a gun and a crazy accurate aim. After a while I found out there were some spotlights shining. I was too busy dealing with the wretches to notice 'em at first. I might be imagining it, but I found the Locust had a harder time hitting me after I destroyed the lights.

The first thing I would do, was place a grenade somewhere I knew the bloodmount would come. That wouldn't take out the beast, but the guy riding it would die. I would hold off killing the beastie thing 'till I had placed another grenade where I knew the next bloodmount would come, because I had noticed that when you kill the bloodmount beastie thingy the next wave would come. I'd usually take out the lights when the grinders came.

The hardest part was staying in cover when the wretches came. After a while I figured out the obvious. I didn't have to get out of cover and try (emphasis on try, because the grinders would destroy me) to chainsaw the wretches even if they were behind me. I could just turn around and shoot 'em.


I almost gave up after I died when there was only guy left. It was one of those Locusts who had the bow & arrow thing. Of course he hit me and blew me up. I hate that weapon.


Have you completed the game on Insane, Emp?

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I am just after the part you described.  I think I will have trouble when I get to the mortar part... you know where you have to hit the switch to open cover.  Skorge may be a little tricky as well and the Reaver battle will make me cry. 


I have played through much of the game on Insane by myself.  I prefer some help though.


I used much the same tactics as you.  I wish the checkpoint was a bit earlier so I could set up some nades before the Maria cutscene. 

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