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True Power?

Guest Fire Lord

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Guest Fire Lord

Hi there, just finished re-reading ACoS, and I must say, the second read is the best.

Anyway, I was wondering, Moridin is known to use mostly the True Power. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the True Power is black in colour, but the balefire he channels in Shadar Logoth is a solid bar of fire, yet Rand doesn't feel it. Can men also mask saidin in themselves or is it something else?


I just had a quick look on the encyclopedia (sp) and i cant find any reference to the colour of the true power. I always thought that only the forsaken could see the weaves of it anyway.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the True Power is black in colour, but the balefire he channels in Shadar Logoth is a solid bar of fire,


rand could see moiranes balefire too, so i'd assume that its just the colour of balefire. Rand couldnt sense it cos it was the true power, no other reason i could think of. maybe you thought of black because of the saa?



Guest cwestervelt

The True Power isn't black. It has no more color than the One Power.


When someone is channelling the True Power, only the person doing the channelling can see the weaves. (RJ quote, but I can't find the source right now) The result however, Gateway, Balefire or whatever is visible to others unless it was inverted. Just like how women can see the results of something woven of Saidin but not the weaves and men can see the results of something woven of Saidar but not the weaves. Visually, the only difference with the True Power is that just the person doing the weaving can see the weave. Anyone can see the result.


Unless I am mistaken, the belief that the True Power is black comes from the "wires" that Rand has seen extending from Ishamael and other male Foresaken. That is not the True Power, but the link to the Dark One that provided them with their protection from the Taint. (Asmodean, The Shadow Rising Chapter 58 "The Traps of Rhuidean" page 678) Incidentally that link would alert the the Dark One when the Foresaken used of Saidin.


Inverting it would be pointless with the true power since, as you said, only the channelers can see it... or did you mean wrapping it in Folded Light?

Guest cwestervelt

Your right, inverting is rather pointless. :oops:


Only mention of anything colored that had to due with the True Power that I can remember is the Saa. In ACoS Chapter 20 it says:


"The black flecks filled his eyes, a horizontal blizzard."


Have we ever seen or heard mention of 'weaving' the true power? I was looking back through the books, and all i could find was refrence to effect. Moridin tore reality, and created balefire, but i could'nt find weaves... are we just assuming that it works the same as the one power?

Guest Fire Lord

What are those black flames we see from Shaidar Haran? For some reason, I have always assumed it to be the True Power; the Superfade is the Hand of the Dark One, and since the True Power stems from the Dark One, I concluded-most likely wrongly-that that was the True Power, hence my statement that it is black


It's possible, though the One Power is not the only power on the side of the Light, so we should nessasarily set it in stone. I too think it is the True Power though.


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