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A "Stranger" Occurence {Attn Arath and Christine}


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Tai yawned as he walked through the trees, cursing himself for falling asleep. As he walked, the moon danced in and out of the branches, already high in the sky. He had been out all day. He had left at sunup and started training in the clearing. He had been weaving Earth and had pushed himself farther than he thought. He had sat with his back against the rock to read and shortly after fallen promptly to sleep. He held Saidin, his Power-Enhanced vision picked his way through the forest easily. Suddenly the voice flickered in his head.


~You can save them from the Shadow.~ Tai blinked and stopped dead in his tracks. Normally the voice was a mad, raving, homicidal lunatic. Now it was suggesting he save people? Tentatively he thought:


Save who?Tai felt ridiculous talking to a voice in his head as if it were another person altogether.


~Everyone around you.~ The voice was almost..hesitant? Tai felt himself shudder uneasily.


How can i save them? What are you raving about? Tai cursed himself for a fool out loud as he continued towards the Farm.


~You can save them all, all it will take is to remove their thread from the pattern boy! Just think of it...let them die in the Light before they have a chance to turn to the Shadow. You have the power boy! Kill them! Kill them ALL!~ Suddenly the voice was babbling in his head and screaming for him to kill those around him. Quickly he shoved the voice roughly away and cursed himself again for being fool enough to listen.


Ahead the trees thinned and moonshadows played across the ground as his long strides ate the distance. Already he was upset at himself. Upset at the voice. Upset at...what? He wasn't sure what but he was mad enough to bite something. Quickly he strode to the house, his angry strides bringing him to his home before he had completely calmed down. At least he was simply irritated now. Quietly he pulled open the door to the kitchen and slipped inside, sliding it closed just as quietly so as not to wake Arath. Letting go of Saidin was difficult but there was no use to hold it now. As the Power drained from him he realized how sleepy he was. His jaws cracked in a yawn, which he hid behind his hand before scrubbing it through his hair. Slowly he climbed the stairs. He was surprised to find he was fingering his sword hilt. He didn't stop when he noticed however. Something about the house felt different. He had an itch behind his shoulders that told him to be cautious. He couldn't put his finger on it but something felt off. As he topped the stairs, his mind started to slip back to what the voice had said. As much as he hated to admit it, killing people before they had turned to the Shadow might be considered mercy...

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Rolling over in the bed, Michelle couldn’t sleep.  Her first real night here, and she just couldn’t get comfortable.  Even with real food in her and a clean body, she just didn’t feel right.  Maybe it was the fact she was freezing because this blanket couldn’t keep anyone warm.  Or maybe it was the fact that the mattress was practically a sack of hay.  Or even worse, maybe it was the fact that she had no idea where her future lay.  Irregardless, she couldn’t sleep.


Rising from her bed, she went over to the desk, finding the flint and candles she had gotten earlier.  Getting a candle going, she set one on either side of her desk.  Searching around, she found the two cookbooks that she had brought with her.  Opening one up, she shifted around until she found her papers, stuffed in the back.  She was working on trying to remember an amazing pie crust recipe.


Glancing at where she left off, she searched for a quill and ink.  Light, did Arath provide her with nothing?  Sighing, she slammed the book shut, annoyed.  Her head fell into her hands, and she brushed the hair back from her face, sighing.  What was she going to do with herself?  She felt an absolute mess and totally out of place here.  Maybe this was all a mistake…


Hearing a noise down below, she heard the door open and close.  Rising from her chair, she looked around for something to arm herself with.  Light, all she had was the bucket of water that Arath had left her earlier.  Going over to the door to her room, she heard someone walking up the stairs.  Opening the door, she stood beside the opening, ready to pounce.  Hearing the footsteps stop, she peaked outside of the door.


A cloaked man stood at the top of the stairs, and as he turned his back towards her, she took two steps out, flinging the bucket full of water at the man.  “GO AWAY!” she screamed, bucket and water flying everywhere.


Michelle Linwood

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Stopping to consider that thought, Tai stood at the top of the stairs. It mad sense. Listening to the voice was like accepting he was mad. But in a twisted way, made sense. Tai sighed and scrubbed a hand through his hair. He was too tired, he would think on it tomorrow. Sighing he turned to head to his room. Suddenly he was drenched in cool water and heard a female voice scream something. Seizing Saidin he whirled, blade leaping into his hands. Dimly he noticed a bucket bouncing down the stairs. In the dim light he could make out the form of a female standing close to Arath's room.


A thief coming to steal their possessions! He thought incredulously. Tai had to suppress a chuckle. This thief had chosen the wrong place. Advancing slowly he held his sword out, point seeking any movement. With Saidin filling him he had a much more powerful weapon than this sword, but he was not about to let this thief know that. 'Any advantage could mean your life' Arath had taught.


Kill her you fool! Screamed the voice. Burn her to a cinder for daring to encroach upon your home! KILL THE WHELP!


Growling in disgust he nearly spat at the fool. "Get out. Get out while you still live."

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Standing before this strange man, she watched as the bucket went rolling and the water splashed him.  Ok, that idea kind of failed. Note to self – get a weapon and learn how to properly use it.   The man turned to look at her in shock, and she watched anger go across his face.  This really wasn’t a good idea.


Next thing she knew, a sword was pointed at her.  "Get out. Get out while you still live."  Staring at him for half a second, she screamed for Arath.  Grabbing the door handle, she pushed it in, falling to the floor as she rushed into it.  Arath was sitting up, and she scrambled to the other side of the bed, away from the door.  “Some madman is out there!”


Michelle Linwood

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Arath had only just fallen asleep when the ear splitting scream broke the nights silence.  He sat bolt upright in bed just as his door fell open and someone stumbled into the room.  Immediately siezing Saidin, Arath lit the room with a flare of light and saw Michelle crawling to the side of his bed.


“Some madman is out there!”


Flicking his eyes toward the door, Arath saw the point of a sword enter the room.  Why didn't my wards trigger?  Rolling off the side of the bed, Arath prepared a flame arrow weave to fling the moment the intruder stepped around the door. 


When Tai'Dashan's face followed the sword around the corner, Arath blinked in confusion.  Tai attacked Michelle?  Suddenly the problem dawned on him.  Light, I didn't warn either of them ...  Letting the flame arrow weave dissolve, Arath instead slammed a shield on his student and took his sword away with a flow of air.  Another air weave snaked out and held Michelle in place.


Calmly walking between the two, Arath scrubbed his fingers through his hair.  "Michelle, this is Tai'Dashan, my student.  He might look dirty and crazy, but he will NOT," he paused and looked pointedly at Tai, "harm you.  Tai, Michelle here is an old friend of mine, and my guest.  She's much tougher than she looks, so for your own safety, try not to scare her anymore."

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Tai hesitated when the woman screamed for Arath, reached for, and scrambled through his door. Tai's sword dipped slightly and he followed after her. She didn't sound like a thief. She sounded as if she knew Arath.


~You fool!~ Howled the voice. ~Just because the wench knows his name doesn't mean she wont kill you as soon as you step around a blind corner!~


Tai kept his sword up as he moved to the doorway. Suddenly Saidin vanished, wrenched away as if the world had dropped out from underneath him suddenly. Feeling his sword pried from his hands he clamored anxiously for Saidin. His attempts met the shield and the voice screamed in fury and terror.


~Light! Oh Light!~ It babbled. Ignoring it, Tai focused back on the woman, startled he found her wrapped in flows of Air and realized all at once what was going on. This was Arath's doing! Glancing at the man in confusion he heard him speak.


"Michelle, this is Tai'Dashan, my student.  He might look dirty and crazy, but he will NOT," he paused and looked pointedly at Tai, "harm you.  Tai, Michelle here is an old friend of mine, and my guest.  She's much tougher than she looks, so for your own safety, try not to scare her anymore."


Tai didn't know whether to laugh or scowl. Dirty?! Well, he supposed he had slept in the dirt. Much tougher than she looks? Tai bit off his own disbelief of that as he saw the fear fading from the woman, Michelle's, face to be replaced by something more stern. Was she angry? She had surprised him in his own home and she was angry?! Light women were strange.


Tai glanced at Arath meaningfully and grinned sheepishly to show it was all a mistake. He desperately wanted to shiver and lick his lips. Fear had taken place of the void. It was Arath, his mentor and friend who held him shielded. Even so, Tai was terrified. He stood there, without Saidin. It made him feel naked and hollow. To be stripped of life itself. He had worn saidin like his small clothes, kept close to him for the last year or so. To be without it now was hard to bear. Scrubbing his hand through his hair similarly to the gesture Arath had made earlier, he grinned at Michelle.


"Honest mistake. Middle of the night, strange person in your home... tends to put you off. Sorry." She was pretty, he thought to himself. Maybe it would be nice to have her around if he hadn't started off on too wrong of a foot. He supposed almost killing her was pretty much the wrong foot.

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A flame arrow appeared before Arath, and if she had been less scared of the madman, she would have been freaked out even more of that.  She looked over the edge of the bed in fear and awe as she watched Arath ready to protect her and his home.  As the man walked inside, he stood there in shock.  Suddenly, Michelle felt she couldn’t move.  Oh my blasted light, what is wrong with me?  She fought the bonds around her, unable to see anything, having a feeling it was Arath.


Arath calmly walked between the two of them, and Michelle watched, still struggling against the unseen hand that held her down.  "Michelle, this is Tai'Dashan, my student.  He might look dirty and crazy, but he will NOT, harm you.  Tai, Michelle here is an old friend of mine, and my guest.  She's much tougher than she looks, so for your own safety, try not to scare her anymore."


A STUDENT?  She was scared half to death because of his student?  Arath was getting an earful for this one; he could have so easily avoided any problems by telling her about him.  She felt the bonds fall from her and she jumped up, wiping the dust from the floor off her hands and knees before crossing her arms over her chest, feeling a little naked in her soft light pants and thin shirt. 


"Honest mistake. Middle of the night, strange person in your home... tends to put you off. Sorry."   She nodded, a little angry, noticing how the water was running down his hair and face.  “Well, at least I started you on getting that bath.  How about you try and finish that?”  Arath turned and glared at her, and she glared back.


She stomped around the end of the bed, ready to slap him again, before she decided against it.  If this was his student, then she didn’t need to totally embarrass him.  “Gee, thanks for filling me in.  Arath, next time I think someone is breaking in, I will sleep and let them steal everything.”


Turning to go towards the room, she turned and went to slap his face.  He grabbed her wrist, holding tight, and she jerked her hand back.  “If you were going to scare me to death, you should have left me in that hell hole.”   The dirty Tai was standing in the doorway, and she twisted to stare at him, hands on her hips.  “You are just lucky I didn’t have a real weapon.”


Michelle Linwood


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“Well, at least I started you on getting that bath.  How about you try and finish that?”


Tai blinked and resisted the urge to seize Saidin to teach this woman a lesson. One glance at Arath glaring at her told him that was wise. Instead he seized Saidin briefly to pull the water from himself and then released it with a sigh. The woman stomped over to Arath angrily.


“Gee, thanks for filling me in.  Arath, next time I think someone is breaking in, I will sleep and let them steal everything.”


Light! Tai thought grumpily. She acts like a spoiled child, angry that someone denied her a sweet! Tai's eyes widened as she spun back to Arath on her way out, attempting to slap him. Anger bubbled up in him at her insolence and without thinking he seized Saidin. The power boiled in him, a raging current of liquid light. Arath caught her hand easily and she tore her hand away nearly pouting.


If you were going to scare me to death, you should have left me in that hell hole.” She turned to Tai and scowled at him, hands on hips.


“You are just lucky I didn’t have a real weapon.” Tai heard a low chuckle escape his lips. It held no mirth and sounded too mocking for his liking. He didn't care, he was wrapped in the Power. She thought that someone like her could threaten him?! He was powerful and mighty! How dare she threaten him? He could incinerate this insolent wench where she- Tai stopped and realized what was happening. Hastily he released Saidin and shuddered. Those thoughts sounded too close to the voice in his head. Inner struggle warred openly on his face, Tai felt sick.


"Wherever you hail from," Tai began roughly. Half for the voice and half for the woman. "You can go back and flaming leave me alone." The heated curse surprised him, it was not like him and showed how close he was to a breaking point. Unnerved he turned to go, he wanted a bed and the blessed, escape of sleep.

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Arath released all of his weaves and waited for the inevitable explosion from Michelle.  He was not disappointed. 


He held his tongue for a bit, letting the two of them release more steam and watching how they reacted to each other.  From the looks of it, they might have to stay seperated for quite a while.


As Tai'Dashan turned to leave with an uncharacteristicly heated comment, Arath finally spoke up.  "Tai, I want to see you first thing in the morning in my office."  The dedicated had been acting different lately.  Pushing himself too hard.  It seemed as though it were wearing him down.


Tai nodded and walked away.  Arath heard his door slam a little harder than strictly necessary.  Shutting the door, Arath wove a silenceing ward around the room and turned to Michelle.  "And you ... blood and ashes!  I know you're upset but ... light!  You're lucky Tai didn't incinerate you on the spot!  It's well within his abilities to do just that."  With a start, Arath realized he was yelling.  Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself and continued.


"I'm sorry I didn't warn you about him earlier, but you kind of ended up here rather suddenly, and I hadn't seen him all day.  And I didn't expect you to be patrolling the hallways at night either." 

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Michelle heard a chuckle escape his lips and she felt her cheeks enflame, not from embarrassment, but from anger.  Light, if only she had a sword, she would run him through and prove that she was not to be messed with.  “Wherever you hail from, you can go back and flaming leave me alone.”   Her eyes bulged, and she was ready to strike him with all her strength when she heard Arath speak up.  She cooled her hand to hear his words first, as they could be more punishment than her hand on the idiot.


"Tai, I want to see you first thing in the morning in my office." The boy looked heartbroken, and he left the room, head held down.  A victory smile slid across her face and the red disappeared as she turned to Arath, the door closing behind Tai.  Then the eruption began.


"And you ... blood and ashes!  I know you're upset but ... light!  You're lucky Tai didn't incinerate you on the spot!  It's well within his abilities to do just that." Michelle felt all the color drain from her face as Arath began to yell at her, and she felt more like a mouse than a woman.  She shrunk back against the door, eyes locked on him, scared now more than ever.  Arath had never yelled at her like that before, and she was thoroughly shaken.


"I'm sorry I didn't warn you about him earlier, but you kind of ended up here rather suddenly, and I hadn't seen him all day.  And I didn't expect you to be patrolling the hallways at night either."  His voice was now much calmer, and she felt a tear run down her cheek.  How could she explain to him that living in the poor house like she had made her nervous of ANYTHING that went bump in the night?  And the way he was acting now, she felt more like an intruder than ever.


Her arms slid up to cross her chest and she felt a tear roll down her cheek. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, looking down at the floor, ashamed.  She had had no right to yell at someone that lived in a house she was a guest in.  Arath stepped closer, and she feared that he would hug her or worse, punish her with his power again.  Instead, he just stood there, and she looked up, brushing the tears from her face.


“Arath…” she looked for the right words, nervous of hurting him.  “You scare me.  Your… power, or whatever it is.  You used it on me, and then you yell at me, and you speak of how that boy could kill me…”   She turned to the door, upset, opening it after a few pulls at the door.  Had he used his power again on her?  Even after what she just said?


“I am going to go back to Caemlyn.  I am a stranger here and you have a new successful life here.  You don’t need me hanging around-“ and with that, she stepped on the water that had run down the hallway from the bucket earlier, and she slid face first, landing on her arm with a crack.  She cried out, her arm throbbing, and she rolled onto her back, clutching her left arm to her chest.  Whether from embarrassment, anger, fear, or pure pain, the tears now rolled freely down her face.


Michelle Linwood



OOC: for being so fussy, you are now Hot Pink Tai.  QUIT BEING FUSSY! ;)

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OOC: He was definitely ANGRY not Heartbroken when he left  :D. However he is fussy so... Hot Pink it is!  ;D




Tai stomped out the door and down the hall to his room, barely avoiding the slippery floor. The bloody woman was completely insufferable! His anger wilted when he remembered what he had been thinking.


"She thought that someone like her could threaten him?! He was powerful and mighty! How dare she threaten him? He could incinerate this insolent wench where she-"


The thought echoed through his head and he shuddered. Those weren't the voice's thoughts, those had come from him. He had come close to.. Roughly he shoved the thought away and slammed the door to his room behind him. Light but he was scared, and angry enough to bite something. He felt Arath channeling but was too tired to ponder why. Let him do what he wanted.


As he finished hanging his coat in the closet he noted the cool air on his bare chest. It was getting cooler of late. Suddenly he heard a female cry out in the hallway. Confusion painted his face briefly. That had to be Michelle, was Arath hurting her? It made no sense. Seizing Saidin, he prepared a couple of binding weaves just in case and thrust his head out the door. Light spilled from Arath's door and in its dim pool lay Michelle clutching her arm and weeping. Arath was crouched over her with a look that said it was his fault.


What under the Light?! He thought increduously.


Arath had no reason to harm her, but there she was lying on the floor weeping. From the way she clutched her arm it might be broken. There way no time to think however, Arath saw him and yelled for him to go get a healer. Tai had been told by a few that he would be moderately good at healing but he had only had enough training to learn how not to kill. Releasing the binding weaves, he strode to her quickly. The woman was insufferable, made him want to scream. But she was in pain and needed help.


He knelt, mumbling to himself angrily, ignoring Arath's look of shock. Lightly placing a hand on her shoulder and one on her arm so as not to hurt her, Tai wove Air, Spirit, and Water. Focusing on the task at hand he hardly heard Arath murmuring to himself. Suppressing a gasp as he felt, felt the bone mend, he finished with a satisfied nod. It would do. She would be tired and hungry, but the pain should be gone now. Slowly he stood and stepped back looking at Arath accusingly. Feeling the body mend itself was interesting. Suddenly he realized he was bare to the waist and was glad for the darkness to hide his blush.

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Arath had probably never felt so bad in his life as he did right at that moment.  Michelle looked as though she would erupt into tears, which in a way was much worse than he full arm slaps.  He would have gladly taken a slap to get rid of that look.


As she tried to leave the room, Arath released his ward, and the weave holding the door shut.  He had been going to explain a few things to her, about the way things worked around the farm, and his house, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.


“I am going to go back to Caemlyn.  I am a stranger here and you have a new successful life here.  You don’t need me hanging around-“  Arath wheeled around as she suddenly thudded to the floor and yelled out in pain.  With a curse, Arath rushed over and knelt beside her.  She was cradling her arm, which by the sound of the impact was probably broken.  If Arath had felt bad before, it was much worse now.  Blood and ashes ... what else can go wrong tonight?


A moment later, Tai'Dashan's face poked around the corner of his door.  Angry at himself, Arath pointed down the stairs and told his mentee to go and get a healer.  To his surprise, Tai strode over and bent over the injured Michelle, siezing Saidin.  Arath nearly siezed the source himself, but paused as Tai took  her gently by the arm and wove air, water, and spirit.  Healing.  When had he learned to do that?  Arath quickly delved the wound, making sure the break was completely healed.  It was.  It seemed he would need to speak with Tai about this new ability he had found as well.


Turning back to Tai, he met the Dedicated's acusing stare with a glare of his own.  "Thankyou  Tai.  Now if you would see to cleaning this up," he gestured at the water pooled on the floor, "so that this doesn't happen again." 


Gathering up Michelle in his arms, Arath carried her into her room and gently deposited her on the bed.  Kneeling beside her, Arath didn't say anything for a while.  After a minute or so of silence, Arath squeezed her shoulder and whispered, "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to scare you."  She was rolled on her side, facing away from him, so he couldn't see her face.  "You need to rest.  And you'll probably be starving in the morning.  I ..." he paused, wondering what to say.  And how to say it without shoving his foot it his mouth.  "I hope you'll consider staying.  I won't stop you if you really want to leave ... but I hope you don't."

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Never before had she felt such pain shoot through her body.  She could feel the crack in her arm and felt pure pain throbbing all over her.  She didn’t want to move, because if the pain got any worse, she thought she would die.  Arath was over her half a second later, looking at her, and she just clenched her eyes, sobbing harder.  She heard Arath yell for something and the pain just got worse at the pure vibrations of his voice in the air.  She gasped to keep breathing, unable to think or move.


Suddenly, a second figure was over her, and she felt a hand rest on her shoulder.  Screaming out from the pain, she felt a strange feeling… the pain was gone!  She still sobbed, from shock, and felt more tired than ever, but the pain was gone.  She didn’t know if it was Tai or Arath, but all she wanted was out of the hallway.  Her clothes were wet and her body ached, and it was time for her to just leave.


Next thing she knew, Arath was cradling her in his arms.  She felt herself gently touch the bed, and she rolled away from him, not wanting to see him at all.  Why wouldn’t he just leave her in peace?  She felt him squeeze her shoulder after a while, and speak. "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to scare you.  You need to rest.  And you'll probably be starving in the morning.  I ..."  The tears began to fall again.  How had life gotten this bad that here she was, in a strange house, scared of her only friend?


"I hope you'll consider staying.  I won't stop you if you really want to leave ... but I hope you don't."   She sniffed up the tears, then slowly rolled over, noting that her clothes were wet from the water on the floor.  He looked heart broken, and as their eyes met, she couldn’t help but smile. “You really want me to stay,” she whispered, which received a nod from him.  “Okay,” she replied.  “But do you have any dry clothes?  These were the last I had and they are wet…” 


Then she noticed his attire.  He was practically in his small clothes.  No wonder he had been so warm when she was being cradled to him.  She glanced up and down real quick and felt her cheeks burning before looking out in the hallway to see Tai shirtless, cleaning up the water.  He also received a quick look up and down.  Maybe she could really stay here with men that looked like this.



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"Thank you  Tai.  Now if you would see to cleaning this up,


Tai sighed and seized Saidin. Weaving Air and a little Fire he started clearing the water from out of the wood so as not to let it warp. Hearing whispered conversation in the room he focused on not listening. Quietly he turned his thoughts to what he had done. he had been shown how to heal in his training but had never really thought much of it. To him, useful in the Last Battle meant killing the Dragon's enemies. However, as he realized now, healing his allies could be just as useful. Thinking on this he finished cleaning up the mess. Arath had glared at him and seemed unhappy when he had asked him to clean up the water. The Light only knew what he would say in the morning. Tai sighed and headed off to bed, never noting michele's gaze.

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Arath nodded and left Michelle's side.  He had made it back to his own room before he finally noticed what he was wearing, for which he was grateful.  Nobody would see his face redden so much.  Quickly jumping into a pair of breeches, Arath grabbed a large shirt from his closet and carried it back to Michelle.


He thought about offering to channel the moisture out of her own clothing but decided against it.  With all the channeling that she had seen in the last few minutes, some of which had been directed at her, he thought she would rather not.  Handing her the shirt he asked, "Anything else you need?"

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Arath disappeared as soon as she asked, and went back to his room.  Tai was no longer in the hallway, and she could only assume he had gone to bed.  As Arath came back, Michelle noted that he was now wearing breeches and had a large shirt for her.  "Anything else you need?"  She shook her head no and rose from the bed, slowly.


Going to the closet, she looked at him for a moment before  hiding around the corner and sliding her breeches and shirt off.  Left in only her small clothes and bindings, she slid his shirt over her head, pausing for a moment to smell it.  It smelled just like him, a rich fragrance that she couldn't help but noticed.


Stepping out of the closet, she let her hair fall down her back and went to her desk, blowing out the candles she had lit earlier.  Leaving one last one lit, she stared into Arath's eyes.  His eyes seemed to be looking her up and down, and she let a half smile go across her face.  Laying down on the bed, she pulled the blanket up, then whispered, "Good night," as she blew out the last candle.



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