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Awakenings (Open)


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OOC: I'm gonna run into someone in Camelyn, then we'll head to the Citadel. Once we're in the citadel then it'll be open to anyone to join in.


Man, it had been a while. How many years was it now. One, Two? Two, that's it. Two Years since I left the band. What had happened to my life? It all started after that one battle. Killing already isn't an easy job, but that one boy had been the hardest one of all. I can still remember the lead up to it.


Cut off from my own lines, out on my own, sneaking through the forest trying to make it back unharmed. A boy who couldn't have been much older than fifteen years spotted me crossing a clearing. I've got a clear sight on him...but he's just a boy, I can still see the fear in his eyes as my bow is pointed at his chest. From this range a two rivers bow could pile through a significant amount of armor. Why did this boy have to sneak off, why did the army let him join up? Questions I would forever ask myself, questions that would haunt me. It's a stalemate in my mind, all my training screams that I should shoot him, I can't afford my position being revealed, but I can't kill a mere boy! Suddenly the boy's weight shifts, snapping branches beneath his feet. With my nerves on high alert my reflexes kick in and my fingers are releasing before I know what's happening. My hand reaches out wishing, hoping I could catch the arrow, even knowing that the fletching would wreak havoc on my hand if I do catch it, but it's too late...


I don't remember much after that, a boy's body is resting across my knees, my bow lying on the ground. The chisel point arrow is driven half way through his body. I haven't cried in a while but tears are streaming down my face. Why did you have to go seek adventure? Why am I killing? He's still alive...poor boy. I would put him out of his misery, but I don't have the heart to end his life. Finally his breathing stops and his misery ends, but mine has just begun. I lie there like that for the rest of the battle, my fellow soldiers find me the next morning slumped over the body. I haven't moved all day. I'm a broken man and they can see that. The commander releases me to go find my own path.


My path starts that day at a bar. I didn't have much of a life in the band and so I've accumulated a hefty amount of money. It keeps me drinking for a couple of weeks. After that it's begging to get money to buy another drink. Bars are dangerous places now though. I'm too scared to fight, to afraid of what I might do. I get beaten up a few times, and each time I welcome the pain. It's only the barest beginning of my punishment. People grow tired of beating on someone who won't fight back though. Time passes in a haze. What was I doing in Illian anyways? Small town in the middle of nowhere. Common laborer for hire. Tinker wagons came through. People had heared about how I wouldn't fight and joked that maybe I should run off with the cowardly tinkers. The shame that such an act involved appealed to my need for self punishment and surprisingly I joined them.


Even though I dwelt among them for a time, I think deep down I sensed I didn't belong and they did too. My seperation from them was apparent from my unwillingness to wear their clothing. My life wasn't happy, though outwardly I pretended to be. Inside I thought if I followed the way of the leaf that I would be able to make up for the damage I had caused. The seeker and his people tried to comfort me, and to be honest there were times when I was able to forget. It's the closest I came to happiness before I learned to let go. I actually came up with the fool notion that if I helped others come to the way of the leaf that maybe it would undo my past sin. To that end I undertook to go from village to village preaching the way of the leaf.


That's what tipped me over the edge in the end. I wandered from land to land and country to country. There was no peace anywhere. I witnessed wars, violence and murders of every kind. I finally stopped when I saw the leftovers of a trolloc massacre. It was then I realized that you couldn't preach peace to the shadow. On my sad journey back, I realized that the way of the leaf could not survive without others there to enforce it. Somehow I had never been able to let go of my past. A friend convinced me to leave my weapons with him in case I ever changed. I didn't believe I ever would, but I found myself knocking on his dooring in Camelyn asking for the back. He was surprised to see me, and more surprised at my request but grinning he let me in and gave me what I wanted. I decided right then and there that I was going to fight in the name of the boy I had killed to end the war so nothing like that need happen again. I needed to find the band, they always fought for what was right.


Rurak entered the nearest tavern a plunked himself down at the bar and signaled for a drink while eying the crowd, looking for someone who might know some rumors about the band, a merchant's guard perhaps? He slid his pack down and rested his gear by the bar and wandered among the crowds.

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Camelyn.  Arutha thought his life would find purpose in the capital city.  How wrong he was.  He found he was not accepted in the society.  Being an Andoran himself he could not understand the way people hadtreated him.  Quickly running out of money and not being able to find work in the city, Arutha was at a loss and looking for any way to survive.  The people thought him little more than a beggar. A farmboy with no skills?  Of course no one would give him work. 


Arutha quickly fell into a life of theivery.  For two long hard years Arutha lived as a cutpurse. Always was he on the lookout for an unsuspecting, unwary victim.  Ever was he on the run from the city guards who were constantly suspicious of a beggar that looked a just a little bit too healthy and well fed in their eyes.


Arutha fought a constant battle with himself over the way he was going about his life.  Still young at the age of only 22 he knew that he should be doing something productive with his time in the living plane of existence.  But he could find no other way.  He felt trapped. He felt like a forager, like the most base scavenger, the dregs of society.  He could remember the days when he would chase and track bandits for days to aid a merchant traveling through his village recover his goods.  Where then had his morals gone?  Where was the code of ethics his mother and father had instilled in him.  They were still there, in the depths of his heart, only they were shadowed by the most base instinct of man, survival.


And so Arutha continued his life of thievery and wickedness.  It was late one night toward the end of autumn when his life would change.  While casualy strolling down a narrow street through the marketplace he spotted a lone figure with a stooped gait trudging through the street.  The man, or woman for that matter, had their head hung low and their shoulders hunched, their face hidden by the cowl of their cloak.  He watched as the figure entered a tavern on the corne of the busy street.  Arutha hadn't had the best of luck lately and figured that this one would be a perfect target.  He sensed a withdrawn demeanor about this person that just might lend him a hand in taking advantage of this stranger. 


Arutha, maintaing his slow strolling gait so as not to arouse the his suspicion, followed the man into the tavern. The man had taken a seat at the bar and was nursing a drink.  Arutha took a seat in the corner of the room where his gaze on the stranger would go unnoticed to the rest of the patrons.  He ordered a mug of warm ale and watched. He studied the man and waited.  Waited for the stranger to leave the pub. Wiated to introduce him to his unendind desire and need to survive in the cruel and unforgiving world he had found himself trapped in.

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It took a little time for Rurak to find what who and what he was looking for. Luckily the friend he had left his weapons with had been so excited to see him getting his life back that he had loaned some money to him so he had enough to buy a few guards a drink. Finally the last guard had information on where the band was at. They were back at the Citadel! Praise be to the light.


Rurak was so happy at the news that he tossed the guard a silver piece in reward for the information. A bit generous to be sure, but in Rurak's mind, the information was worth gold. Now he had somewhere to go and a reason to be. Heading towards the front door of the inn, Rurak went looking for the rest of his pack so he could pay the innkeeper for his drinks.

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    Extremely satisfied with his performance, Arutha walked down the street towards his dark alley he had made his home.  It was a tight alley that he deemed well defendable and there was a gap in the supposed dead end that would allow him to escape if the need presented itself.  He had yet to examine the contents of the pack he had taken with him from the tavern.  The weight alone led him to believe he had scored himself a decent haul. That man had no idea what he was getting into,Arutha thought to himself.  Sitting there all alone, drawn into himself with not a care to the character of the people he was sharing his drink with!

    Arutha laughed to himself, full of mirth, as he recalled his actions in the tavern. He had watched the man, his head bent over his mug as if he were contemplating the meaning of the Wheel.  Little did he know he wouldn't be enjoying many more brews in the near future.  The pack exuded a distinct and consistent jingling sound that could only mean the sound of coin clinking together as they jostled in some compartment of the pack. 

    Arutha, satisfied that he had distanced himself from the strange man stopped under one of the street lamps for a short breather.  He wanted to examine the contents of his catch.  Looking back the way he came his eyes looked onto the gaze of the stranger whose sack he held in his hands.  He must have followed me out of the bar,he thought nervously.  Blood and bloody ashes am I in for it now. He knew he would have to somehow lose himself from the stalker.  As soon as the thought entered his mind he knew he would be hard pressed to do so. With the suns light gone till morning the crowds in the streets were vastly diminished. There was no way he could loose this man in the crowd. His only hope was to loose him down a dark alley.

    Arutha lost himself behind a shield of a group of people out for a post supper stroll and darted down his very own alley.  He thought himself lucky to be so close to home.  He would escape through the gap in the back wall before the stranger could catch up with him and then he would be scott free.  Arutha picked his way hurriedly through the debris scattered across the alley floor and quickly reached the back wall of the alley.  Arutha bent down to squeeze through the gap.  In a flash he was on his feet. He tossed the sack to the ground in a corner and with a flick of the wrist two of his multitude of knives were in his hands.  Arutha had made a dismal miscalculation.  This was not his alley. There was no gap to escape through in the back wall.  He was trapped.  He turned toward the alley's entrance and waited, knowing full well that any moment he would face his victim.  His only thoughts were prayers to the creator that he would not this night indeed become the victim himself.


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Heading back to his pack, Rurak suddenly froze in his tracks. It was gone! His pack was gone! He could make it to The Citadel on his own of course, he'd learned to survive in many lands, but the light help him he wasn't going to let whoever it was get away without a fair chase. Heading out to the door of the tavern, Rurak scanned what little crowds there were. It was nearing twilight so there weren't too many people out, but at the same time it was harder to make things out. He nearly missed it on his first pass of the crowd, but something caught his eye and he recognized it. "My Pack!" Rurak exclaimed. This seemed to draw the would be thief's attention. Rurak was just about to call the guards when something about the man struck him. Maybe it was the shade of the light at twilight, or the way the man moved, but it felt like Rurak was recognizing himself. The man carried himself with the same self loathing that Rurak himself had once carried. Softening, Rurak leaned back inside and slung his bow over his shoulder and used his quarterstaff as a walking stick.


Not wanting to draw attention to the thief, he silently stalked behind until he saw the man dart into a dark alley. Rurak quickly sped up to see where the man would go. Emerging into the alley, he could see that it was a dead end. More importantly though, he could see the dull glint off of a pair of knives. The man was positioned like a wolf with his back to a wall. Stepping into the alleyway so as not to attract undue attention, Rurak started to speak. "Now look here just.." Suddenly the man rushed him, throwing the knife in his left hand! Rurak spun his staff, barely catching the knife blade along the edge, batting it down when the man tackled him to the ground. Being on the bottom Rurak caught most of the damage from his iron wrapped quarterstaff right along his ribs, driving the air from his body. Combat reflexes kicked in, despite being rusty, and Rurak rolled with the fall, kicking the quarterstaff out to entangle his enemies legs. The man still had his other knife though and was bringing it to bear...the dropped knife! Rurak frantically wrestled over the other man to grab the knife and brought it across the other man's throat just in time.

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    Arutha lay on his back, stunned, wondering at the prowes of the man that held his knife to his throat.  Stupid, stupid, stupid! Arutha berated himself, never should have toosed that knife.  Arutha stared up as his assailant, the title only a reference to their current position since it had been Arutha who had initiated the conflict in the first place. 


    Blood and bloody ashes. Well, i guess this is the end of the line, he thought. "Well get it over with already huh?  I don't have time to waste watin for you to slit my throat," Arutha said, trying to goad the man into some sort of error, hoping beyond hope that there was still some way out of this.  For a second after the words left his mouth he noticed a strange look in the man's eyes.  It was a look of pity but seemed to tell so much more about this strange man he had unfortunately underestimated.  It was as if the man saw something in Arutha, something of himself maybe?  Arutha could not make heads or tails of it and was about to goad the man some more when he heard him say something completely uncharacteristic of a man who had just been taken advantage of.  "it doesn't have to be this way," he said, "Why are you leading your life this way? You could be serving a higher purpose, serving the light.  Why settle for a life as base as petty theivery when there is the potential for so much more?"


    The look of pure pain and pity in the mans eyes shook Arutha to the core.  He didn't quite understand what was going on but was beginning to feel like he might have a chance at life yet.  He was shocked even more so when the stranger loosed his grip on him and rose from the ground, stepping back to stand a few short feet from Arutha.  The stranger held his hand out to help him up.  Arutha took hold of the man's hand and in the fimr grip of a stranger was lifted to his feet.  Still bewildered at this strange turn of events Arutha slowly walked over to the corner of the alley and retreived the man's satchle.  "I do beleive this belongs to you.  I apologize for taking it. It was not a very decent thing to to," Arutha said, handing the sack back to the stranger. 


    "My name is Rurark," sad the man, "I always find myself at a loss for a reason why so many young men, with so much untapped potential, lead a life such as you.  Why do you live this way..."  "Arutha, my name is Arutha," Arutha responded, "and this is not the way I originally set out to live my life.  I have always aspired to something more but have just never been able to find it.  This city has forsaken me.  I got so cauhgt up in just surviving that I never had much of a chance to contemplate doing anything else."  Arutha cast his eyes at the ground, ashamed at the way his path had taken, wishing he could look Rurak in the eye and tell him was was someone he could be proud to know.  But he was just a petty theif.  Hopefully Rurak would just let him be and continue on his way.

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With the knife hovering at the man's throat, Rurak hesitated. He really didn't want to end the man's life. "Well get it over with already huh?  I don't have time to waste wait'n for you to slit my throat," What was with this guy? He definitely was on a self-destructive path, not too dissimilar from his own from the past two years. He felt the other man's pain so much that it hurt. Relaxing, Rurak felt pity for the man. Well, there was only one thing to do..."it doesn't have to be this way," he said, "Why are you leading your life this way? You could be serving a higher purpose, serving the light.  Why settle for a life as base as petty theivery when there is the potential for so much more?"


The man wasn't about to answer a question so deep with a knife at his throat. Loosening his grip, Rurak stepped back a few feet and held out his hand to help the other man up. This was a dangerous gamble because the man still had his other knife, but somehow Rurak knew things would turn out all right.


The man seemed to be in shock of what was happening. Rurak watched as the man slowly walked over to where his pack was lying against the wall and brought it back."I do beleive this belongs to you.  I apologize for taking it. It was not a very decent thing to to," the man said. So, he felt remorse, that spoke well for the man. There were morals in there, but it seemed to have been buried in whatever demons had been haunting the man's past.


"My name is Rurak...I always find myself at a loss for a reason why so many young men, with so much untapped potential, lead a life such as you.  Why do you live this way..." Rurak said, pausing to allow the other man to speak.  "Arutha, my name is Arutha," the man responded "and this is not the way I originally set out to live my life.  I have always aspired to something more but have just never been able to find it.  This city has forsaken me.  I got so caught up in just surviving that I never had much of a chance to contemplate doing anything else."  The man named arutha glanced down to the ground, clearly ashamed of where his life had led him.


Light, Rurak could definitely understand the survial instinct. It was that instinct that had started the whole...no, he wasn't about to start on that train again. Stepping closer Rurak lightly rested his hand on the man's shoulders and handed him back his knife as he spoke. "I understand where you're coming from...the light help me I do. I've done a few things in my life I'm definitely not proud of. Forget all that..." At that, the man seemed to start but Rurak wasn't about to let his edge pass. "The past is in the past and you can't change a flaming thing about it. It took me two years to figure that out. I've been down that road before so forget all that. I'm offering you a chance to change everything." At this Arutha finally twisted out of his grasp. "Change it all? Light don't you think I would have given this life up if there was another choice?!" Arutha said. "I have no other choice, just...leave me be..." The man started to head out of the alley.


Before the man could leave the alley, Rurak shouted out "You can change it all, won't you at least listen to what I have to say." Arutha seemed to pause, hesitating on the edge of leaving or listening. Rurak silently held his breath hoping he could help him. Finally Arutha turned back "All right, I'll hear what you have to say, but I doubt it'll do me any good..."


"That's all I ask for, just hear me out. I'm heading to a place...you ever heard of the band of the red hand? No? Well it's a group that fights against the shadow...and is led by a commander that has never lost. I know those are pretty words to here when you're barely surviving, but you can live the life of a soldier and make something positive of your life. They don't ask questions about your past...many people join to change. Come on, bury the past and change your future. How long do you think you'll survive here? Eventually the next person that corners you with a knife to your throat isn't going to be as generous as me. Come with me." It was up to Arutha now and Rurak waited to hear his answer.

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  Arutha couldn't find the words to say to this man.  Thrown completely off balance by the actions of this strange man, this Rurak.  Was he serious about changing his ways? Was there really anything he could do to dig himself out his miserable existence? Well, I might as well. There is nothing for me here. I have nothing to lose. "Alright Rurak," Arutha said finally, "I will travel with you to this Band of the Red Hand.  I'm not promising anything though. Don't expect me to just sign my life away into the service of a man I have never seen, spoken to, or even heard about."  Obviously taking this as a good sign Rurak started out of the alley.  Arutha folled, eager to be on his way to a new life. 

  They stayed the night at the tavern in a small room planning to rise early the next morning.  Arutha barely slept at all that night, not being sure how far he could trust this Rurak.  Instead, Arutha spent the night contemplating the events of that evening.  Was it truly possible to change so completely?  Would his misdeads not keep him out of the Creator's good graces?  Or was it possible to erase such misdeads by a change or character?  All these thoughts raced through Arutha's head and it morning soon arrived, without Arutha finding one moment of sleep. 

  Arutha's excitement, whatever his misgivings about the journey, provided him with more than enough exuberance to keep up with the quick paced Rurak.  Something about the way this man handled business struck Arutha as quite odd.  He always handled himself with the utmost proffesionalism and was always more than polite to everyone he came in contact with.  When the two companions went to pick up some provisions for their journey Rurak gave the order to the shopkeep clearly and precise down to the last detail.  It was almost as if this man was an experienced traveller or even a battle hardened soldier, something that Arutha had never experienced. 

  As the two men walked at a steady even pace through the gates of New City, Aruthat wondered to himself.  What kind of man is this that I find myself traveling with.Arutha recalled the scuffle and ensuing conversation in the alley the night before.  Rurak had mentioned understanding Arutha's feelings about his past.  He had gone as far as to mention that he himself had some regrets.  What secrets is this man hiding?  What about this man's past could be so horrible that it might not pale in comparison to my own? Arutha lost himself in his musings as the companions lost themselves in the journey on the road away from Camelyn.  The path towards a new life.

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It didn't take much to the convince Arutha...though Rurak expected it wouldn't. Who wouldn't leap at a chance to change their lives around? Feeling generous, Rurak offered the man a room for the night before they headed out. In the morning Rurak could really tell that his talk had an effect on the man. He looked like a ball of barely contained energy. They had stayed up most of the night planning, though they left unsaid what had happened the previous day and steered clear of both of their weighted pasts.


In the morning Rurak completed his purchases quickly for the trip. He'd been traveling as both a vagabond and as a soldier for a long time so he knew what he was about. Rurak could tell as they started their trip out of town that Arutha had a lot of questions about him. He could see out of the corner of his eye Arutha watching him as if searching for an answer to sum up who Rurak was.


The day was very quiet and they travelled on the main roads for a while. Rurak made small talk about weather and things that Arutha knew about Camelyn. Having stayed up for so long Rurak was wanting to turn in so they steered off the path and started to make camp. "Hey, there should be a creek a couple hundred yards out that way, can you get some water for dinner?" Rurak said, handing Arutha a pot. Rurak had stayed here a number of times before on his travels and to an outdoorsman you could see the telltale signs of a regularly used camp. "Rurak quickly rolled out his bedroll, and not having been able to get a second one, found a nice hollow and piled some leaves together for himself and set Arutha's stuff on the bedroll so he would know it was his. Pulling out his flint and steel Rurak tented some small twigs together to get the fire started. Arutha returned just as Rurak was piling some good size sticks on. From his glance towards the bedroll Arutha quickly picked up on what was happening. "hey, don't worry about it" Rurak said, cutting him off before he started. "I'm a lot more used to the outdoors than you probably are." Arutha settled down across the fire and smirked "Actually, I've got quite a few more outdoor skills than you might expect. I grew up in a village and I've tracked merchants down for days, and to my eye, it looks like you've used this campsite a number of times before."

"You've got a good eye Arutha. I've underestimated you. Fine, tell you what, we'll split the bedroll, but you get it tonight."  Arutha spoke up, "Fine, just so long as we do switch off."  "Wow, you're suddenly all concerned about me...I knew there was something good in you buried in there. If you don't mind asking, how does a fine tracker like you end up in your previous profession...You don't have to share if you don't like, I know how hard pasts can be."

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I know how hard pasts can beI wonder how much he really knows about pasts. Arutha thought to himself.  Sitting in the warmth of the campfire it was hard to hold back and he almost poured his heart out to Rurak.  he was the frist peron in two years to show him any sort of compassion.  But at the same time Arutha was still uneasy about his past.  The memories, still emblazoned in his mind as though the events had taken place the previous night, were still so harsh and hard for him to contemplate.  The mere thought of his family brought water to his eyes and he put his head down in thought, more an excuse to hide his tears and shame than anything else. I should have done something. I should have been there! Arutha caught himself starting down a dangerous path of misplaced self blame and wrestled back control over his emotions.  Still, how far could he trust this man with his history.  True he had taken Arutha out of the city and provided him a ray of hope, however slim it might seem, of changing his life.  But his past seemed awful suspicious to him.  Lone survivor of a brutal massacre?  Sounded awful like the story of a Darkfriend to him.

   Arutha lifted his head and his gaze settled upon Rurak.  He figured he could tell him some of it and keep as unincriminating as possible.  When Arutha spoke his voice was strained, he could barely get the words out, "Two years this past summer, my village was attacked and burned to the ground by a gang of bandits.  They murdered all of the men and women.  The children were no where to be found.  The only survivors were those out on the hunt."   Arutha paused, taking a deep breathe to calm his shaking hands and quivering chin.  Then his fists balled up and his eyes lit up in rage, as if he was visualizing exacting vengance in his mind.  When he continues his voice was clear, level and calm.  "The only survivors were those out on the hunt.  When they returned to the village they found the massacre completed and the bandits were no where to be seen.  A few of them had been taken out of the conflict by the farmers but they were no match for a large group of the rogues fallen from the light. The hunters tracked down the group and stalked them, keeping always silent and out of sight.  Then one night the hunters slew them all, one by one.  Turns out the group was only five strong.  The hunters killed three in their sleep, the other two choosing to awaken as the last of the three breathed its last breath.  They dispatched the other two quicky." 

   The fire was gone from Arutha's eyes now as he continued his story, his voice much softer, sadder. " I travelled to Camelyn looking for some sort of life, any life, to help me forget what I had seen.  I was full of grief, shunned by all members of the community.  I foragaged and begged for survival but it was not enough to keep me.  The survival instinct eventually won out and I turned to theivery.  I became the dregs of society. I cut purses and stole food from the market.  I made my home in an alley with a few balnkets for warmth." Arutha's eyes closed in shame of the last two years of his life, "And then I met you Rurak."

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OOC: All right, you can all jump in now if you guys want to meet and greet and all that fun stuff.


IC: Rurak watched as Arutha struggled with his emotions. Had he gone too far asking about his past? There was pain clearly etched on his face before he ducked his head to hide it. It took him a few moments to control his emotions and just when Rurak was about to tell him not to worry about it, Arutha started to tell his story, his voice choked with pain and sorrow. A sad tale truth be told. Was there no peace in this world to be found even in a remote village out here? Peace would not come without someone to stop those that would wantonly do violence.


Rurak paused and allowed Arutha to quietly gain control of his emotions before responding. "A sad tale indeed Arutha...Light, I wish there was somewhere we could find peace in this world. I spent the last few years trying to find it, and I'll tell you right now, it's nowhere to be found. At least you haven't done some of the things I've done. I..." Could I really say it to this man? I'd never talked about it before, but clearly this man had bared his soul, Rurak could only return the favor. "Truth be told Arutha I was a soldier once for the band of the red hand. I was an archer, and a pretty good one at that. I held a position of command, but I've had to do awful things in war...I won't go into details, you've seen how awful a battle of any kind can be for yourself. With only rage in my heart slowly each death ate away a part of me until one fateful...one fateful..." Man, why can't I get it out? Rurak thought to himself. "...one fateful day...it was a fierce battle and I was cut off from my group...I...I shot a young boy. I didn't mean to do it, and light help me I'd take it back if I could, give my life right now in his place...but I can't...I cant...That's why I told you to forget the past. You cannot change it, and it only brings you heartache. I spent the last two years trying to atone for that one mistake and I haven't succeeded. I've promised to fight to end war, to fight so that 14 & 15 year old boys don't have to end up in a war zone, so that some mother doesn't have to find out that their son has died without ever having truly experienced life..." Steeling himself against the pain of the memories, Rurak visibly closed himself off from everything they had been talking about and forced a smile onto his face. Well...looks like you got me talking too. Sad things to be discussing, let's get some rest, it's gonna be a good long trip ahead of us."


Just as Rurak predicted, the trip was a long and arduous one. They talked along the way but neither of them really let their emotions show. For the most part they were both content to allow each other to silently dwell on their pasts and how the future might bring the promised peace of mind. A couple of weeks later they arrived early in the morning in front of the Citadel. "There she is Arutha, the Citadel of the Band of the Red Hand. A lot's changed since I was last here." As they neared the gates Rurak shouted out to make sure their intentions weren't misinterpreted. "Hello the Citadel, We are two travelers looking to join or re-join up with this fine group of soldiers, if you'll have us...May we come into the citadel?"

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Heather meandered about the front of the Citadel, loaf of bead caught in her mouth with three more she was hugging in her arms. They were still warm from the oven. The chefs got along well with her, so she got to pinch extra food. Of course if they didn't let her, she would lurk outside the window looking hungry until they gave her something, but that was irrelevant and completely beside the point. She could out-eat many of the men, and she always seemed to be hungry. The medics always marveled at her "amazing metabolism", whatever that meant.


She peered around. Hmmm, now where is Saira? That girl needs to eat more. she thought to herself. She began her meander once again and suddenly stopped when she saw two men coming in the gate. New recruits, perhaps? her eyes lit up and she tried to greet them. 'Tried' because her teeth were still clutching a fresh loaf. She quickly ripped it out with a not very free hand and chewed as fast as she could. I wonder why it always takes longer to chew your food when you're in a hurry. Swalloing, she greeted them once more. "Hi! Welcome to the Band of the Red Hand! May I interest you in a bread roll?" she said extending one of the un-bitten loaves towards the duo.


Heather al'Morris

As blond as she seems

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The gurads outside, at least the ones they could see signaled them through without any bother. Rurak would stake his life on the fact that some of Kedyn's scouts were out there in the forest though watching as well...or were they even Kedyn's scouts anymore? Quite a trip down memory lane. Things were definitely not the way he had left them. Also, embarassingly enough, it seemed that Rurak had forgotten where the recruiters office was, but he had a little too much pride to let his newest acquaintance know that.


Luckily for Rurak, another member of the band intervened before he had to let his situation be know. A young lady stepped in front of their path, though she seemed to be having problems speaking at first, though from the fact that she had a full bread roll in her mouth it was easily explained. Not wanting to embarass the soldier, Rurak simply waited. "Hi! Welcome to the Band of the Red Hand! May I interest you in a bread roll?"


"Why yes...private is it? That would be fabulous, my traveling companion and I haven't had much fresh food since we left Camelyn a few weeks back." Taking one of the proffered bread rolls Rurak savored each bite. From the taste it must have been fresh baked. "Actually Private....what was your name?" "Heather al'Morris" the private responded. "Ah, yes, Heather, well actually, my companion here needs to sign in over at the recruiters office, so if you wouldn't mind escorting him over there. I actually will be tagging along with you, seems I need to re-enlist as well."

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Well, at least these chaps seemed nice. "The recruiters office! Oh, I know where that is. Been there a million times! Follow me!" She said, stuffing her bread back in her mouth and trotting off, not checking to see if they were following. She had her loaf eaten by the time she got to the office, and she hungrily eyed the last one. It did look so very delicious, but she wanted to save one for Saira! The girl needed to eat, but so did she. Such internal conflict.


Turns out the men did follow her there, so she gave the door a quick knock, then went in to the recruiters office. She tried to speak, the looked very shocked to find the other bread roll in her mouth. Light, I don't even remember doing that! She pulled it out, the spoke again. "Hello, I've got a couple strapping young lads here to sign up." She saluted, then back into the corner to gnaw her bread, allowing the duo to approach.


Heather al'Morris

Nom nom nom


OOC: I don't know who plays the recruiter, or if there even is one. I suppose just NPC it. :)

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Rurak was stunned at this private. She seemed to have a lot of energy and...how should he put it...she seemed a little bit ditzy. Arutha had gone quiet, being in unfamiliar territory, and Rurak left him alone to ponder on the sights as they walked through the citadel to the recruiter's office. It wasn't long before they were at the door before the recruiter's office. The girl knocked then announced them. "Hello, I've got a couple strapping young lads here to sign up." Grinning, Rurak realized that he really wasn't all that older than the girl, though inside he felt old. The girl also didn't realize that in about a minute, it was likely that Rurak would be her ranking officer.


Stepping forward Rurak introduced himself. "hello sir, I am Rurak Gistere, formerly an Sergeant of the Archers Division here in the Band of the Red Hand. I was issued a discharge two years ago and would like to re-enlist with the band if you have room. Also" turning, Rurak clapped his hand on Arutha's shoulder and steered him in front of the recruiter's desk. "This young man would like to join the band of the red hand as well. The scouts division I believe?" Rurak said questioningly while eying arutha. At a nod from the man. They both went silent awaiting the recruiter's reply.


Turning, the recruit pawed through some files before pulling one out. Glancing at the top, Rurak could see his name on it. After perusing the file for about a minute the recruiter spoke up. "It says here you've left the band twice. Once as a deserter, and a second time on a medical discharge. What makes you think we'll allow you back into the band a third time, and who's to say you're not gonna leave again?"


Rurak really wished that the recruiter would have had the grace to keep that part of his file private. Truth be told he hadn't told Arutha about the desertion, and he didn't want any of his soldiers under him thinking ill of him as the girl probably now would. Stiffening, Rurak carefully worded his reply. "Sir, as you are well aware in that file, I turned myself in for that desertion and accepted the accompanying punishment, knowing full well that the maximum penalty was death. As for the medical discharage, you can also see from my file the extenuating circumstances behind it, and also that it was signed by the head of the band himself. Now, as for why I wish to return... I have seen that there is no other path out there left to me. The world will turn to battle sooner or later, and I'd rather fight on the side of the light, and where better to do it than among my former comrades in arms?"


Having finished his simple yet heartfelt speech, Rurak settled back to wait on the recruiters reply. The recruiter simply stared at him for a while...finally after a minute of awkward silence, the recruiter spoke. "If we weren't so desperate for more men to fight against the shadow, I'd turn you down, however...we need officers. Also your record shows that when you served, you served well. We'll use you. Don't leave the band a third time. I promise you that the penalty this time if you leave will likely be death. As for your command assignment." The recruiter waved his hand over in the direction of the private leaning against the wall. "You will assume command over Private Heather's unit. She is an archer as well, and she will show you where you need to go.'


The recruiter then waved Arutha forward. "As for you young man, those that join the band must foreswear all allegiances to follow the band of the red hand. Do you foreswear all allegiances to king or throne and agree to follow wherever the band of the red hand should go." Wathcing, Rurak could see that Arutha was a bit intimidated by the words, but could see him visibly steel himself. "I forsewear all allegiance to any country or ruler and agree to follow wherever my commanders should lead." "Great" The recruiter replied. "Just sign here and I'll have private heather show you the way to your quarters, and also to the quartermaster to pick up your gear."


"Oh, Sergeant Gistere?" "Yes Sir?" Rurak responded. "You're gonna want to report to the quartermaster's too. You're gonna need uniforms again." "Yes sir!"


Leaving the office, Rurak draped an arm of Arutha's shoulders. "See, that wasn't so bad, the recruiter gave me a much harder time than he gave you!" Rurak said laughing. It was an awkward laugh though. Rurak just hoped Arutha wouldn't ask about the details of that desertion. He already knew about the other reason for leaving. At the same time, Rurak turned to heather. "So, heather, you're an archer? Well, if you need anything, just let me know, I'll help you with whatever I can. However, after we stop by the quartermaster's could you direct us to the mess? I'm starving, and judging from the noises my companion's stomach is making, he's as hungry from some good food as I am."



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  Arutha followed Rurak and his new aquaintance Healther out of the recruiting office as she led them to the quartermaster's shop. Walking through the crowded streets Arutha was amazed at how much the Band's camp resembled a small city.  There were shops of every sort necessary for an army and some that were not so neccessary. The streets were crowded with soldiers rushing around conducting their daily responsibilities or some that were just enjoying some off time.  I might fit in here after all, Arutha thought to himself.  He really was happy to away fromlife on the streets and was very much looking forward to sleeping in an actual bed that night. 

  Arutha's happiness quickly turned to awkwardness as he was fitted for uniforms at the quartermaster's.  The uniform was itchy but bearable.  Rurak told him that the itchiness would go away after a few washes.  After they had been issued uniforms, Arutha private uniforms and Rurak fancy Sergeant uniforms with his rank insignia nice and shiny displayed for all to see, Heather led them to the mess hall.  Arutha was just as happy at the thought of a hot meal as he was the bed.  He could tell that most of the soldiers were none too impressed with the quality of the food served but to Arutha's noisy stomach it was as good as the Bel Tine feast his mother and sisters used to prepare every year.  The thought of his family sitting down to the feast brought tears to his eyes.  Rurak looked back at him questioningly but Arutha brushed it off placing the blame for his watery eyes on the smoky mess hall.

  After they had had their fill Rurak led him outside.  "Well would you like to see your barracks?" he said to Arutha, "They aren't the best, but i assure you it will be a favorable improvement on your previous living arragements."

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After having gotten fitted for all their stuff and chowing down on a nice warm meal, Rurak led them off to the barracks. They were simple buildings meant to perform their given function and no more. Inside the barracks were crowded with soldiers. No one seemed to glance twice at the newest private, after all, new recruits were coming in all the time. They did take askance however at Rurak. After all, it's not often you seem someone coming away from the quartermaster's with a crisp Uniform and the rank of a Sargeant. Rurak gave those with questioning glances with a cool nod.


Feeling a little stifled by the press of soldiers, Rurak helped settle Arutha in his bunk and then took him on a tour of the citadel. He showed him the armory, the different yards for swordfighting, horsemanship, and archery. They got lost quite frequently since things had changed a bit, but neither of them cared. Finally at the end of the night they grabbed some food from a group of soldiers at the campfire. After passing the night enjoying the company, Rurak turned to Arutha. "all right, best if we turn in now, we've got a long day ahead of us, and I'll see you bright and early for archery training down at the range. Don't stay up too late." And with that, Rurak headed off to his bed.

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