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We've Been Cursed (attn: Corwin)


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Since gaining the heron on her sword Thera had been spending time with some of the Blademasters in residence. Corwin, the man she had beaten had become something of a friend over the weeks. He had a temper and was gruff but he was just the kind of man Thera needed to be around. Spending hours a day and every night with Jasine had made Thera grow soft and at times even sappy in her love. In her job, and if she ever wanted to have hope of finding another bondmate, she needed to be the best at her craft. That is why she had asked Corwin to go away with her for a few days, for training. He’d seemed reluctant at first, which likely had something to do with his Aes Sedai, but finally agreed.


Packing light Thera threw in almost nothing in the way of clothes, but tossed in a full purse, just in case there was a chance to gamble.  It was something that Serena had never approved up, but she was free of that now. Turning to toss in her extra flint and steel she jammed her leg against her bed frame and ended up hoping around the room cursing everything under the sun. When the throbbing subsided she picked the flint up from where it had fallen on the floor and threw it into her saddle bags.


Tossing the bags over her shoulders she shut the door to the house she and Jasine shared and started towards the stables. Walking through the yards she stopped to give encouragement to a few trainee’s who were slacking in their training and a few harsh words to those who were doing nothing at all. Turning away from the last group of young recruits Thera’s feet tangled and she tripped over her own boots and hit the dirt in a dusty cloud. Cursing and ignoring the laughter she dusted off her pants and stalked to the stables. Had she been smart she would have turned around right then and tucked herself back into bed, but instead she saddled BlueRose, pinching her thumb in the straps and rode out to meet Corwin at the North gate.


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Corwin awoke that morning in his hammock, a place he had not been in some time.  But he and Eqwina were in the middle of another fight.  It seemed like their relationship walked on such a razors edge.  This time, their fight was all the worse, more than likely because of their relationship reaching the level it had.  Grumbling, he questioned why he had even agreed to this trip, but as he felt the bond he was reminded.  He felt her anger, and that was all.  At this distance it must have been a roaring fire for him to feel it.


As he got out of the hammock two of the lines finally snapped and he fell on his back.  Over the years the hammock had seen a lot.  Many of his lovers, and lately not the best weather.  It was a wonder the thing had lasted this long.  Packing the last of his things, Corwin prepared to leave.  As he left though he was frozen quite sudden.  Trying to leave me again?  I've told you what would happen.  Corwin had been too busy worrying about other things to notice Eqwina was coming.  As she walked around to face him, Corwin just looked her right in the eyes.  I see you got my note about the journey.  Well if you would have finished reading it, you would have seen it was only going to be for a few days, and you are too angry to want me around anyway.  Corwin could feel the anger pulsing, wanting to influence his mood.  It was a battle to keep her from dominating his emotions.  Sometimes Corwin just didn't know what the woman wanted.  She would switch on and off so quickly.  She was the most fickle woman he had ever known.


But she released him and Corwin decided he had better just leave without any more words.  Anything he could say or do would just make things worse.  As he walked away he turned to look back at her and only saw her backside.  The bond was solidly walled off that he had no idea what she was feeling.  As he walked his head went right into a low branch and he heard Eqwina bust out laughing.  If she had been watching him he would have suspected she was using the Power, but Corwin knew she couldn't use it on something she couldn't see.


Reaching the North Gate, Corwin found Thera waiting and couldn't wait to get away.  Your idea, you lead the way.

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Mounting BlueRose Thera set a fast pace out the gates, not stopping to look back. With every mile she put between herself and the Tower she felt relief. She felt guilt as well; she hated to leave Jasine as much as she was, but he couldn’t know the pain that just being within the same walls with Serena caused her. It was ripping her heart from her chest and even a few days away was welcome.


Once the shining walls were out of side Thera stopped to rest the horses. Swinging her leg over the side she got her feet tangled and hit the ground on her back. Staring up at the cloud filled sky Thera didn’t move. There was no air in her lungs and every muscle felt tensed to the point where it would break. Lifting her head just slightly Thera groaned. Oh what a day! Squeezing her eyes shut Thera concentrated on un-tensing her muscles and when she opened her eyes again Corwin was standing over her, fighting a smile. The grin look odd on his hard face, but it was enough to make her laugh. Taking his hand she got up and dusted off her back as best she could. “If this keeps happening you may have to tie me to my horse to get me back to Tar Valon.”


“Lets ride a little but farther before we make camp.” Corwin didn’t object to getting farther away from his torment. Thera wondered what had possessed the man to allow himself to be bonded after all this time. Maybe she would get a chance to ask him when they made camp. Eyeing BlueRose cautiously Thera put one foot in the stirrup and checked her footing twice before bounding up onto his back. No sooner than she thought her seat safe a bird swooped down headed straight for her and Thera had to lay flat on Blue’s back to keep from having her head taken off. “Light! I might not even make it past today.” When they stopped that night Thera saw to the horses with no incident, but as soon as she pulled out her belt knife to clean the fish they had caught she nicked her finger , almost taking it clean off. “Blood and Bloody Ashes I cant take anymore of this!” Nursing her finger she went over and sat by the fire, glaring at the flames.


“Do you ever think that you can lay every problem in your life to one woman? Or at least to Aes Sedai?”

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Corwin deiced to climb down when the woman wasn't getting up and couldn't help but laugh at it all.  Eqwina was so far away, thus so much of the... more interesting part of his life was far away.  It brought a smile to his face, but it also brought a longing to return.  It's only a few days. I can survive this.  Besides, she doesn't want me around right now.


Corwin was in his saddle and waiting when the woman was ready, and when the hawk almost took off the woman's head there was another snicker.  Only this one was cut short as what he could only assume was the hawk's mate, decided to have perfect aim for his head with it's waste.  Corwin didn't want to leave it there, so he wiped it off and then cleaned his hand behind his saddle.  Not much could have ruined the moment faster.


Fishing started off bad as well.  Grabbing a pole, Corwin happened to grab right where the hook was hiding.  It wasn't in too deeply, but it still bothered Corwin that so much was happening to both of them.  Sometimes he wondered if Eqwina had some kind of way to use the Power to have his day ruined.  But in all reality he knew she wasn't that petty.


Do you ever think that you can lay every problem in your life to one woman? Or at least to Aes Sedai?  Corwin didn't know what to make of the woman.  She was right, and it certainly was a feeling he reciprocated.  Sometimes I think they are here to test our devotion to the Light.  But that is our life, devoted to their protection.  Settling back, Corwin stared at the stars and the embers from the fire fly across his vision.  His thoughts went to the bond, he wouldn't feel anything from this far except how far away she was.

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Thera snorted in response to Corwin, he seemed to have the truth of it there. Almost every day of her bond with Serena had been a test of Thera’s devotion. Whether the woman was running off on her own, or in a temper, or simply poking at her for fun Thera had always held hard to not only her love for Serena, but her love for the White Tower and the Light and all they represented. Still nursing a hurt finger Thera was careful as she lifted the pan off the flames and set in on the ground too cool.


Once she was sure that there would be no burning she removed the fish and served them to both she and Corwin. Settling back down with her back against the log she brought a piece of fish to her mouth and flinched as a large smile crawled in instead. Flinging the plate and the fish she bit down on the spider and starting spitting at the small insect pieces in her mouth. Corwin laughed again but with less mirth than before. He seemed to be having his own string of bad luck today. A small voice in the back of her mind wondered if his Aes Sedai had anything to do with their bad day.


Picking up another piece of fish and checking it profusely for bugs she managed to eat the rest of it without any added “flavor”.  “I have a bottle of ale in my bags if you would like some.” He made a no committal noise but Thera went to fetch it anyway. After the day she’d had she was in need of some numbing. Breaking the wax seal she took and long drink and passed the mug to Corwin who took only a sip before passing it back. The next time Thera went to pass it the clay jar felt as if it were made of glass and it slipped right out of her hands and into the fire. She only had a second to react before the camp fire flared up to the sky. Throwing herself over the log she felt the heat creep into her legs and sear her flesh. Cursing she looked down to see that her pants had been burned away below her knees and the skin that showed was tender and pink.


Shaking her curls and throwing back her head Thera screamed at the top of her lungs until she had no more breath. The night seemed silent when she finally quieted.


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Stalking..well more limping over to her saddle bags Thera took out another jar of Brandy and this time she opened it and downed half before returning to the fire. There was such a thing as bad luck but this was bordering on ridicules. Thera and Corwin spent the rest of the night in silence, neither one seemed to want to talk. With the day they’d been having it wasn’t a surprise, the wrong word or movement could send either one of them up in flames.


Thera fell asleep with the brandy jar still in her hand and her head spinning from how much she’d drank. When the sun came through the trees they lit first on Thera’s red gold curls, but even in the early light it was easy to see the black specs that covered her from head to toe. Tiny ants had crawled towards the brandy jar and found a host on the poor sleeping Mistress of Trainees. When she woke up the scream she let out could be heard half a mile away.


Jumping into the river fully clothed might not have been the best idea, but in an irrational hung over state it seemed the perfect solution. It wasn’t until she got back to the camp that she realized she’d been left alone. Corwin’s supplies and the man himself was gone. She started to curse him, but the realized that she would escape herself if she could. The bad luck seemed to be sticking close to her side. With no change of clothes and her pants burned off to her knees, and soaking wet besides Thera had no choice but to head back to Tar Valon. It was not a pleasant ride and by the time she got to the pearly gates her clothes were dried stiff and caked with dust and a few dead ants still marred her skin. Several of the guards gave her guarded looks, but she could hear their laughter when he back was turned. A few were even brave enough to laugh openly and comment on her legs. The last of those earned himself and kick in the jaw as she road past, but even that did not stop the laughter entirely.


Finally the gates to the stables were in sight and Thera almost flew from BlueRose’s back, which given the last 24 hours was not the best idea, but she was so relieved to be home that she didn’t realize her error until she was once again on her back. This time even Thera could not stop the laughter, which soon turned to tears that left her clutching her sides and gasping for breath. Really how much bad luck could one person have?




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It was time for Corwin to do what he did best.  Leave.  Therea had gone to sleep and Corwin was about to sleep when he found a snake in his bedding.  This trip was obviously a bad idea from the start and he wasn't going to have anymore of it.  Packing his things, Corwin left to return to the Tower.  Now it was just a question of what Eqwina was going to do.

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