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Hey, all. I am the one known as raptorclaw, and more recently as Arseface. There is something WRONG here. My third account? Jesus Christ.


Ahem. You know what's cool? Anagrams are cool, and being extremely bored, I checked an anagram generator for some WOT stuff. Here's a few:


Robert Jordan

Job and Terror


Rand al'Thor

Darn harlot


Mat Cauthon

Macho taunt


Matrim Cauthon

I'm macho(,) truant


Perrin Aybara

Brain rare pay


al'Lan Mandragoran

Darn! An anal glamor


Nynaeve al'Meara

A very anal enema


That's pretty awesome, dontcha think? My favorites are Lan and Nynaeve's... hahaha...


Forgive me if this is weird, I'm really sleepy, its... 3.40

  • Community Administrator

umm, why have you made 3 accounts? were the first two banned? If so, that is a bannable offense.


No, they were not banned. I step very carefully around here. It's just... I lost the computer for AGES, and then when I tried to come back... I think that was my fault. But now, with Arseface, I have no idea. It says the username does not match up with raptorclaw@gmail.com.


Bannable? You mean, if someone thinks the other two were banned and I was back, I WOULD be banned? That would suck. Like, seriously.


Well, insomnia has me firmly in its grip. Here's some more.


Well, a lot more. I love the last one.


'Galad Damodred'

anagrams to

'Dead add glamor.'


'Galadedrid Damodred'

anagrams to

'Middle-aged, odd radar.'


'Lews Therin Telamon'

anagrams to

'Sentimental howler.'


'Lews Therin Kinslayer'

anagrams to

'Trashily sleek winner.'



anagrams to

'Real fan.'


'Meirin Eronaile'

anagrams to

'Mire or inane lie.'



anagrams to

'Aha! Slime.'


'Elan Morin Tedronai'

anagrams to

'I'm an irate Londoner.'



anagrams to

'End madder.'



anagrams to

'Hide gnome.'


'Ishar Morrad Chuain'

anagrams to

'Hurrah! I am sardonic.'


'Morgase Trakand'

anagrams to

'Dark on megastar.'


'Artur Hawkwing'

anagrams to

'Gawk ruin wrath.'


'Featherless Hawkwing'

anagrams to

'Few harshest weakling.'



anagrams to

'Ha! Saint.'



anagrams to

'Add a rat.'


'Taardad Aiel'

anagrams to

'Radiate a lad.'


'The Wheel of Time'

anagrams to

'Feel white-hot me.'


'Aes Sedai'

anagrams to

'A disease.'



anagrams to



'Tar Valon'

anagrams to

'Anal or TV.'


'Age of Legends'

anagrams to

'Edges of angel.'



anagrams to

'Carnal, old.'



anagrams to

'Nasal rage.'



anagrams to

'Alert anger.'


'White Tower'

anagrams to

'Wet wit hero.'


'Traveling People'

anagrams to

'Loving apple-tree.'


'Elyas Machera'

anagrams to

'A cheesy alarm.'


'Thom Merrilin'

anagrams to

'Trim him loner.'


'Berelain sur Paendrag'

anagrams to

'Dear superbrain angel.'



anagrams to

'As a nerd.'


'Arad Doman'

anagrams to

'Damn! A road.'



anagrams to

'On a brat.'



anagrams to

'Nice hair.'


'Elaida Sedai'

anagrams to

'As ideal idea.'


'Elaida a'Roihan'

anagrams to

'Aha! Alien radio.'


'Elaida do Avriny a\'Roihan'

anagrams to

'Avidly a diarrhoea anion.'


'Charles Oliver Rigney'

anagrams to

'Ogrishly. Irrelevance.'


'Charles Oliver Signey Sr'

anagrams to

'Revilingly crass heroes.'


'Siuan Sanche'

anagrams to

'Ha! Nuisances.'


'Cadsuane Melaidhrin'

anagrams to

'Acid-head in numerals.'


'Lelaine Sedai'

anagrams to

'A senile ideal.'


'Verin Mathwin'

anagrams to

'Vein in warmth.'



anagrams to

'Do the Mr.'


'Siuan Sedai'

anagrams to

'Issue an aid.'



anagrams to

'Darn land.'



anagrams to

'It disheartens.'


It must dishearten, mustn't it? Must... sleep...

  • Community Administrator
Bannable? You mean, if someone thinks the other two were banned and I was back, I WOULD be banned? That would suck. Like, seriously.


It all depends if you were banned or not, If you werent you have nothing to worry about creatin a new account.

However if you were after the 2nd or 3rd time you get an ip ban :P


Certainly... here's a link:




Enjoy. You can get really awesome software that intelligently produces MILLIONS of this, but I will not pay.


'Leonardo da Vinci'

anagrams to

'Vindaloo and rice.'


Hmm... I have the memberlist in front of me here, and I'm not on it. As Featherless I am, but 'Arseface' is nowhere here... this is madness. Ah well, this one works... for now. :shock:

  • Community Administrator

Well, you do realize that about 1-3 months ago, the boards went down, they got a new server updated the software, and everyone had to re-register right?

Well, you do realize that about 1-3 months ago, the boards went down, they got a new server updated the software, and everyone had to re-register right?




No, I didn't. See, my Internet was down for a very long time due to some problem with WorldCALL, that, conforming to Pakistan's crappy standards, refused to do anything about it for like, 3 months? Four? And by the time I got back, first few days of May, everything looked different but everyone seemed to be going along the same way, so... well, I had no reason to think I'd have to reregister. Thanks a lot again, Sinister.


Okay, I've managed to sleep, but what the hell, might as well keep it up:


'Alviarin Sedai'

anagrams to

'In a dire saliva.'



anagrams to

'A menial.'


'Red Ajah'

anagrams to

'Jar head.'


'The Dragon Reborn'

anagrams to

'Drab to greenhorn.'


'The Shadow Rising'

anagrams to

'Toadish whingers.'


'The Fires of Heaven'

anagrams to

'Offensive heather.'


'The Path of Daggers'

anagrams to

'Haggard of the pest.'


'Crossroads of Twilight'

anagrams to

'Worst fascist girlhood.'


'The Great Serpent'

anagrams to

'The gnat pesterer.'


'Artur Paendrag Tanreall'

anagrams to

'Prenatal arranged ultra.'

Well' date=' you do realize that about 1-3 months ago, the boards went down, they got a new server updated the software, and everyone had to re-register right?[/quote']


ah, that would explain why there is no account over 3 months old in this site


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