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But I Don't Wanna Channel (ATTN MoN)


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Ageless faces. Great Serpent rings. Shawls. The Flame of Tar Valon. White Dresses. Banded dresses. All were things she had been taught to hate since she was old enough to hate. The Blue she was with, Solia, nearly had to push her through the doors of the White Tower. Allrianne felt like crawling out of her skin being around so many women who could channel. Many were novices in their spotless white dresses, but there were handfuls of Aes Sedai here and there. Too many for her taste. Any were too much. Solia guided her down a maze of hallways. A smart Aes Sedai. Had she been leading, Allrianne would have surely bolted for the door. The door out to be specific.


They approached a very large, intricate door and Solia Sedai stopped to give Allri a few "reminders". "Now child, no unnecessary crying, no cursing of Aes Sedai, no whining about wanting to die rather than channel, no digging your fingernails into your arms, and certainly no tantrums." She knocked on the sturdy door and went in without waiting for a reply.


"Good day, Larindhra. I have a girl for your novice books. The heir to House Viventi no less. I have tested her myself and taught her how to embrace the Source, but she only accomplished that once." Allrianne shuddered recalling that horrid memory. The witch was talking about her like one would a trophy. "She appears to have made a block of sorts out of her Whitecloak teachings, so she might need some work done on her. And be sure to keep her away from knives. Her emotions are very unstable and I've caught her many times abusing herself, attempting to take her own life, and trying to run away." All the while, Larindhra had not been able to get a word in edgewise.


Allrianne Viventi

The test of Larindhra's patience

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  • 2 weeks later...

Larindhra braced herself when Solia barged in almost ahead of her knock. Most Aes Sedai were perturbed about the dwindling number of novices, but the Blue purely had a bee in her bonnet about it. When she wasn’t badgering Larindhra about it And just what under the Light am I supposed to do about it?, she was out hunting for girls in the most odd places. Which had led to some unpleasant encounters for her, and some trouble for the Tower, at times. Aes Sedai were not supposed to channel in Tear!


Before she could say a word, Solia started talking nineteen to the dozen. Always a sign that she was on slightly shaky ground, that. Before long it became clear exactly why Solia wouldn’t quite meet her eyes. Or stop talking long enough for Larindhra to ask her some very pointed questions. First a Seafolk girl as good as abducted right off the docks, and now an Amadician? And not just any girl, but a high born noble, no less. There was going to be no end of trouble over this! But that was not the end of it, either. Larindhra’s face grew stonier by the second as heard the litany of all the things the girl had done, and tried to do, to herself. She very much doubted the child would ever attain the Shawl, if she had such an unstable personality, but instead of leaving the girl be, Solia had taught her to embrace the Source?  Well, there was nothing for it now but to take the girl on, at least until she was safe to let go.


Larindhra very much wanted to ask Solia some pointed questions, like where exactly she had found the girl, and what her parents had to say about the matter, but that would have to wait until there were no other ears around. Schooling her face to show only a warm friendliness, she dismissed Solia then turned to her latest charge. “Sit down, child, so we can get you sorted out. Let’s have a cup of tea while you tell me what all you know about Aes Sedai and channelling.” Reaching for the teapot, Larindhra wondered what nonsense the child had been taught, and how she would set about unteaching it.



Larindhra Reyne

Mistress of Novices


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Allri sat nervously at Solia's prodding. The Blue was very persuasive. Larindhra Sedai handed her a cup of strong smelling tea with a faint smell of pears. She eyed the tea as suspiciously as possible and decided not to drink it. It could be poisoned for all she knew. These Aes Sedai could be up to anything. They likely wanted her dead. The right time was all they were waiting for.


She quietly began to give her opinion of Aes Sedai. "Aes Sedai are horrible minions to the Dark One. They use the One Power, something that humans should not do. By using it, you prove you are Darkfriends. Anyone who sympathizes with Aes Sedai must also be Darkfriends. Channeling the One Power is forbidden to those who walk in the Light, for it is the Creator's to use."


She continued. "I am no Darkfriend. I walk in the Light." her voice was slowly getting stronger, but it was barely out of a whisper. "I do not wish to channel. I do not wish to be one of your accursed 'Sisters'."


She finished, then her face began to crack. Tears formed on the side of her eyes. She broke. Her forehead slammed right down onto the solid desk with a loud thump accompanying her ferocious sobs. Her fists landed beside her knocking her cup of tea over, spilling the boiling hot contents onto her arm and the left side of her face. She felt the pain and welcomed it. She deserved it for being able to touch the One Power, something she knew to be the Dark One's work. The embrace of pain was suddenly accompanied by a light. She embraced it as well, assuming it to be something else. The joy of life filled her for just a few seconds. To a trained channeler, the glow of saidar would have appeared around her just briefly before winking out. Her head shot up off the  desk, eyes wide. She gave off a bone-chilling shriek of terror.


Allrianne Viventi

Hates her life


OOC: Yes, that was her block in action. ;D She can only touch it when she feels pain...but she hates it. ;D Have fun, Elgee.

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Larindhra sipped her tea calmly as she listened to Allrianne spout the usual Whitecloak drivel. Nothing new or inventive there, just verbatim repeating of official Child of the Light doctrine. She was hard put not to snort contemptuously. Light, but she had no patience with people who forgot they had brains! How could anyone think the One Power itself was evil? That was like saying a butter knife was evil – utter nonsense. Obviously an object could not inherently be good or evil, only the person wielding it! The same went for the One Power. But trying to explain that to one of those boneheaded … well, best not to get herself riled up about that right now.


She had to keep a tight hold on her temper, though. That anyone could accuse her, of all people, of being a Darkfriend, galled her beyond belief. She could still see the bloodied bodies of her whole family in her mind’s eye. Her family, who had been brutally murdered by Darkfriends. Only over a century of training prevented the pain and rage she still felt from showing on her face. That, and the pity she felt for this child, who had no choice in where she was born. The Tower had patience, and no matter how long it took, Allrianne would be brought round eventually.


Larindhra’s eyes widened in shock when the child spilled the almost boiling hot tea on herself, but pity was not the emotion she felt when Allrianne suddenly embraced the Source. In a flash Larindhra wove Spirit to cut the child off from the Power, but Allrianne lost it again before she had to resort to that. The shriek and quite impressive display of hysteria that followed left Larindhra with no option, really. She could not abide hysterics. It wasn’t too intricate a weave, but it produced a lot of icy cold water. Right on top of the shrieking child.



Larindhra Reyne

Mistress of Novices

Dealing with hysterics in a warm and fuzzy way


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Eyes wide, she nearly screamed again was the freezing cold water ran down her face, neck, back, and everywhere else, soaking and chilling her to the bone. She held her scream back. She was getting tired of fighting this woman. This witch with these powers to summon water from nowhere. That same power that allegedly she had. And she hated it. She managed to speak once she composed herself. "I'm...alright now. Just...carry on and let's get this over with."


"Very well." Larindhra got up and walked around the table. She went to put her hands on Allri's head and Allri let out a "No, don't touch me!" Larindhra swatted Allri's hands away and grabbed her head. Chills visited her once again as Larindhra administered Healing, her minor burns fading away. When the Mistress of Novices' hands were gone, she wiped the spots where they had been, expecting some sort of Darkfriend filth to be there. Suddenly she was very aware of a sudden hunger. Hmmm, odd that I'm suddenly hungry. "So now that you've violated me, what next?"



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The icy water had the desired effect, cutting of the girls wails in mid-cry. Soothing silence descended, apart from the odd hiccup the girl could not quite suppress. Nodding in satisfaction, Larindhra turned her attention to the damage the scalding hot tea had done. Her abilities at Healing weren’t very much, but probably enough for this; she would have to Delve the chit to find out. Rising, she rounded her desk to take Alliance’s head in her hands. This required a slap to the girl’s hands, which were trying to prevent her. The wailed “Don’t touch me!” had solicited only a disgusted snort.


The injuries were superficial, luckily, and just within Larindhra’s ability. Rather laboriously weaving Air, Water and Spirit, she Healed the superficial burns. She debated drying the child too, but sniffed and left her like that. Call her a Darkfriend, indeed! “Let me make something perfectly clear to you, child. My whole family were killed by Darkfriends, so don’t you ever accuse me of being one again, not if you want to sit down some time in the next ten years without your backside flaming!”


“Now – enough of this nonsense.” She firmly opened the Novice book and dipped her quill in the ink jar. “Your full name, age and place of birth? Speak up, child!” Larindhra gave Allrianne a very firm look, which eventually brought fourth the information requested. She almost winced as she wrote Amadicia. The Mother was going to need some soothing over this, but she had the girl now, and she wasn’t about to give her up. A search of her little store room yielded a set of novice whites that would fit the girl reasonably well. “Put these on, child; the colour should make you happy, at least,” she added with a roll of the eye. She turned her back to give the girl some privacy, though it seemed to take her a very long time to change into her new clothes.


“Now come with me.” Larindhra’s voice brooked no nonsense, and neither did her demeanour as she led her newest, albeit extremely reluctant, recruit to her room. “You will stay here until your mentor sends for you; her name is Taeadra Culthane  of the White Ajah. I suggest you mind your manners with her.” Taeadra would take not one whit of nonsense from the girl, but could also be counted on to squelch the child’s theories with pure, cold, logic instead of flying into an incoherent rage. Her rages were usually cold … very cold.



Larindhra Reyne

Mistress of Novices

Not impressed at being called a Darkfriend, either  :P :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

Allri's eyes widened only slightly at this woman's defense against being a Darkfriend. It could be true, or it could be a story she uses to make people think higher of her. She wasn't about to believe it, in any case. Aes Sedai were notorious liars.


“Your full name, age and place of birth? Speak up, child!”


Allrianne just looked at her. Why would that matter? she wondered. But the look Larindhra brooked no nonsense, so she gave in. "My name is Allrianne Angelicia Viventi. 16 and born in Amador, Amadicia." She watched the Red scribble down the information, then get up and dig in a small closet.


“Put these on, child; the colour should make you happy, at least.”


She arched her eyebrow. They thought that by putting her in all white, that it would convince her that she wasn't in training to be a Darkfriend Aes Sedai. How amateur. At least Larindhra had the decency to not look at her while she was changing. She examined the simple, white garb, checking for powders, poisons, or anything else not normally in a dress. She slowly undressed and cautiously put the dress on. It felt...fine. Once she was done, Larindhra led her away and down a series of corridors. How big was this place, anyways? She was led into a small room with some very basic furnishings. Three beds, one of which appeared to be in use. She had a roommate?


“You will stay here until your mentor sends for you; her name is Taeadra Culthane  of the White Ajah. I suggest you mind your manners with her.”


Allri nodded and the Mistress of Novices left. White Ajah? She hadn't heard much about these Ajahs that Aes Sedai divided themselves into. She had heard plenty about the Blue on her way here, but her knowledge of others was less than basic. The only thing she thought she knew about the White was something about logic. Maybe it was White to further convince her of the lack of Darkfriends in the Tower. Not likely. She sat on her bed and waited for this Taeadra to call for her.



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