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Be gone Aes Sedai!! (attn Perivar)


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Andolf looked up to see the setting sun with its beautiful colors, something he had grown to cherish.  In his life it was one of the few things that still brought enjoyment to his life.  His business took him away from home so much that he had missed most of his son’s childhood.  Though he knew that Julia loved him, he knew she held it against him being gone so much.


This one job should give him enough money that he wouldn’t have to go out for a while.  They had just found an Aes Sedai with only a couple guards.  Neither of them had the vanishing cloth though, so none of them must be a Warder.  In Andolf’s business it paid to have knowledge of those kinds of things.  Payment was staying in business and keeping you head.  When he told the others about his find, almost none of them wanted anything to do with this “mission”. 


Andolf wasn’t going to give up on it though.  There were ten of them, and only 3 of them.  As long as they moved fast, she wouldn’t be able to do too much damage.  It was a debate every night, until finally he told them he was going with or without them.  The truth was he wouldn’t, but his loyal friends stood by him, Merrin and Jak.  Luckily they also held a lot of sway, so all but Trevor stood with him that evening.


Trevor had never liked his leadership.  A few times he had tried to lead missions, but they always ended in failure, and so the men always came back to Andolf asking him to lead.  The mission was simple.  The other men would distract the guards, while Andolf came from behind to take out the Aes Sedai.  That was the plan at least, and Andolf prayed to the Creator that his men would be safe.

The woman was quite the idiot though, she was leaving her guards.  Andolf was used to these games of cat and mouse though, he merely needed to wait for the right time.  He more than likely could have done this alone, but he wanted the other men just in case.  If nothing else they could rush her.


As she was passing though some of the thicker trees, Jak made his move.  Rushing up deftly, he would have gotten her without a sound, only his sleeve got caught on a limb, thus twisting his body since he didn’t notice at first, and Jak tripped on a root.  The Aes Sedai’s head snapped, but Andolf was there to grab her from the other side before the woman could do anything.  A quick blow to the head crumpled her.


Picking the woman up, Andolf and the men quickly went back to camp to relish in their victory.



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Perivar knew she would follow and refused to respond to her calling him to halt.  The fool woman rode alongside him and grabbed Nightdancer's reins.  He thought briefly of unseating her.  She knew full well that his warhorse would respond to his heels and knees.  Her holding his reins meant little to Nightdancer.  He glared at her though, that was a fool stunt.  She held onto the reins for a moment until she realized that he would not move.


Perivar nodded as she said how they would have to work together if they planned on making their way back to the Tower without being bonded to that cursed woman.  Even though he agreed his eyes still shot daggers at her.  "Yes, we have all made mistakes.  I...I am sorry if I was hard on you.  I did not mean to overstep my bounds."  He was not very good at apologies or any form of social interaction for that matter.  That was all she would get for now...


The next day the tracks they found made him curse that fool Aes Sedai.



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His apology was no more than partially heart felt, but she would accept it for now. There were other things to worry about that were FAR more important. Dismounting to study the ground Thera tried to discern if any of the tracks could have been made my Andrial. 

“Light blast the fool woman. Who knows who could have made these tracks or where they are now” Kicking a rock that was on the path Thera continued to mutter to herself as she searched.


From the best she could tell, there had been a scuffle of some sort and then the tracks led off into the woods. It would be too much to think that they had been made by anyone other than Andrial and whoever had taken her captive. She spill her theory to Perivar, hoping that he could see some other way, but the grim set to his eyes said that her story was likely close to the truth. “Whoever has her was either very lucky or a very big fool. What worries me is that if this was more than just chance that means they have been trailing us for some time.” Shame rose in her cheeks and she started cursing again. Had they not been so distracted by trying to fend off the Aes Sedai they would have seen the clear signs that this was coming. “I say we set up camp and make a plan”


If there was a chance they were still being watched the appearance had to be just right. Shooting meaningful glances at Perivar she hoped he understood.


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Perivar listened as Thera cursed the Aes Sedai and was glad that her anger was not directed at him.  He had been more harsh than he should have with her.  Even though he was angered by her actions she was still his superior.  He certainly did not mean to be disrespectful, that simply was not his way but he would not take kindly to derogatory words towards Kabria.


The tracks led off into the woods.  Mistress Thera's assessment seemed logical but could her captors have been fool enough to simply drag her into the woods without covering their tracks?  Well if they had they would be in for a surprise.  Especially is Andrial Sedai was conscious enough to channel when they attempted to break her free.  He nodded as she mentioned the fact that they had apparently been trailed without their knowledge.  They were so consumed about fending the woman off that they had neglected their duties.  Perivar's cheeks matched Mistress Thera's and he added a few curses to hers. 


Perivar saw the look she gave him and resisted the urge to look around.  It dawned on him, if they had not gone far then perhaps they were watching the road.  Perivar lifted one of Nightdancer's hooves then pulled out a hoof pick from his saddlebags and made as if he was removing a stone.  Using the opportunity he spoke to Mistress Thera.  "Did you spot someone watching us?" 

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Glancing from the corner of her eye she saw small movement in the trees. In one swift motion she slid a throwing knife down her sleeve and whipped her arm back to throw. The blade gleamed in the light and there was a rustling as the person saw their fate. The blade struck home with a sickening silence and Thera took off in the direction her blade had gone. “Does that answer your question Perivar?” she muttered as they ran.


Thera was not mad at him, but at herself for allowing such a foolish mistake. The man who had been spying on them tried to run with her knife blade sticking out from his shoulder, but a swift kick to his back sent him sprawling to the grassy floor. In an instant Perivar was kneeling on his back and wrenching the man’s good arm up behind him so he couldn’t move.


“Tell us where you took her.” The man didn’t say a word so Thera went and crouched down in front of him where he could see her eyes. With her arms folded on her knees she only stared at him for a moment, giving him another chance to answer. “Look…. I know that you took her and you have to know that I am going to find her. So why don’t we save ourselves both a lot of time, and you a lot of pain, and you can tell me where your camp is and any other information you think we might need.”

She pulled her blade from his shoulder and without bothering to wipe of the blood began bouncing in on her palm, sending small sprays of blood into the kidnappers face and on to her hands. Intimidation and interrogation were never her favorite tasks, but she would do what was necessary to get the Aes Sedai back. If anyone was going to kill the woman it would be here and Perivar, not a random group of bandits.


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It took Merrin 5 minutes to catch his breath before he could talk, and with the hurry he came in, Andolf didn't like the looks of it.  After the tense moments had passed, Merrin related the story of Jak deciding to get close to the two guards and getting caught.  Merrin didn't stay for longer than that, thankfully.


Unfortunately it had been Jak.  The boy was fiercely loyal, but he could never take pain that well.  And he could already hear Trevor roaring about Andolf's stupidity going to cause the deaths of them all.  If only it hadn't been Jak.  Andolf didn't know how he was going to convince the boys to stick by his side.  Trevor was on a tirade, and more than likely, Merrin wasn't going to be able to keep all the boys with the group.  Jak had always been the one everyone liked.


Taking a look at the Aes Sedai, Andolf questioned himself yet again about the soundness of his judgment.  Perhaps this wasn't the smartest thing he could have done.  Saddle the horses.  We need to move.  There was a ruckus of movement as everyone broke camp as quick as they could.  Andolf could see Trevor going between the men in preparations and knew what the man was up to.  Checking the Aes Sedai himself, Andolf made sure she was well drugged for this jaunt outside.


It was about an hour after camp had been broken that Trevor came forward with many of the men.  We're leaving Andolf.  We're not staying for this suicide.  With a snort Andolf turned his horse, they were a lost cause anyway.  You never wanted to be one of us from the start Trevor, I'm just surprised to see so many willing to be drug down with you.  Andolf changed direction and hopped his men would follow.  But with the horse in tow that had the Aes Sedai strapped to it, he didn't have much room he could maneuver to see his men.  He knew Merrin would follow, and maybe a couple others, but most of the men were all lost now.



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Perivar was formulating a plan in his head when he saw Mistress Thera make her move.  As quick as a viper her arm went back then forward.  The throwing knife was a blur.  He lost sight of it but heard the sickening thud and smiled knowing that she had hit her mark.  He eyed Mistress Thera as she muttered to him as they ran.  As they ran he caught sight of the man who had a throwing knife sticking from his shoulder desperately trying to get away from them.  Perivar had to run around Nightdancer to join the pursuit so to his dismay Mistress Thera was several strides ahead of him.


Naturally Mistress Thera caught the man first sending him sprawling to the ground with a swift kick.  Perivar flounced on the man kneeling on his back which produced a satisfying grunt.  He wrenched the man's arm back so that he dare not move.  “Tell us where you took her.” he growled at the man wrenching his arm a little more.  The man did not say a word.  He was about to ask, no demand again though Mistress Thera crouched in front of the man.  She took over from there.


Perivar watched her curiously with a new found respect for the woman.  She was hard, much harder than he had ever imagined.  He hoped that Jasine took care with her, she was not a woman to mess with.  He smiled, that was a silly thought to have at the moment.  It did not take much for the man to begin answering her questions.  Light if their roles were reversed Perivar thought he would be answering the questions as well.  A very hard woman.  He waited for Mistress Thera to tell him her plans. 

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The small splatters of blood covered the kidnappers face, but still he didn’t talk. She could see the tension in Perivar’s face, to much harder and the man’s arm was going to break. If they were going to get answers it had to be now. Flipping the knife in her hand she held it by the hilt and ran it slowly down the side of his neck; causing a long red scratch that began bubbling with blood. The man screamed but Thera threw back her head and laughed.


“You scream over a scrape? There will be worse to come if you don’t start talking.” Again she gave him time to answer, keeping her caramel brown eyes locked on his green. “Did you know…” she said almost casually “That there are over a thousand ways to torture a man and keep him alive through them all.” Her plump lips pulled back in a vicious snarl and that was all it took. The man flooded them with information and names, descriptions and all the plans he knew.


Leaning over Thera wiped the remaining blood of her knife and slipped it back up her sleeve not even sparing a glance for their captive. “Dress his wound and then tie him up. We’ll leave him here, for now. If he is telling the truth we will pick him up on the way back..if not..” One eyebrow quirked when she looked at the pathetic sniveling man and she walked back to their horses without another word. Something in what the man said was bothering her, but not what one would think. He had called her ma’am, was she really old enough for that title? Or had it been fear? Or even a show of respect? Thera desperately hoped it was one of the latter. She already regretted the day that she would begin to show her true age. Without the bond she feared that it wasn’t too soon. It was a foolish thing to worry about when there was an Aes Sedai to save, but warrior or not Thera was still a woman in love.


Perivar returned quickly with a grimace on his face, but Thera did ask the cause. It didn’t matter anyway as long as he was able to do his job. “I say we head East” the direction the captive had mentioned. “and look for signs if the party is as large as the man claims you and I will see signs before we get too far.”

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Perivar returned to Mistress Thera after doing as she instructed.  This trip had been a nightmare and he took it out on their captor.  Before dressing the man's wound and binding him up he gave him a few bruises for his trouble.  The man was lucky he was alive, Perivar had half a mind to kill the man.  He deserved as much though Mistress Thera would not take kindly to him killing the man.  The last time he made himself judge, jury, and executioner had not gone so well.  That sparked the thought of his return to Tar Valon and that fateful night after their raising ceremony.  That was the thought on his mind as he returned to Mistress Thera.


"Sounds like as good a plan as any." He said sounding determined as he strung his horsebow.  He half vaulted into the saddle and dug his heels into Nightdancer following Mistress Thera east.  They would find her and someone would pay.



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Not more than three miles from where they begin Thera begin to see signs of a large party on the move. Leaning down from her saddle to get a better look at the tracks she could clearing see them headed for a deeper woods. Not long after that she saw tracks of them changing direction and then it appeared as if the party disbanded. Riding back to Perivar she moved BlueRose close enough that their knees were touching, careful to see that her warhorse did not nip at Perivar’s. “It looks like they disbanded, which means one of two things. Either they are laying wait in ambush of us, or some decided the risk was too great. As much as I would like to I would not bet on the second.”


She had tried to teach all her students to be prepared for the worst, and surely Perivar’s own life in the Borderlands had prepared him for as much, but a little reminder never hurt.


Given their two choices Thera opted for the second and began to make her plan accordingly, asking her friends advice, hoping to melt away a little more of the tension between them.


“So, do we go ahead on foot or risk the noise and continue on as are?”

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Perivar sat in his saddle scanning the area as Mistress Thera studied the tracks.  She quickly returned giving him her assessment.  Nightdancer stamped a hoof eager to be away and Perivar reached down to pat his warhorse's neck.  Mistress Thera had moved her warhorse BlueRose close so that there knees werer touching.  It made him uncomfortable, he knew she thought of him more as her trainee than anything yet the closeness still made him uneasy though he hoped he did a good job of hiding it. 


Perivar wanted to rush in on horseback, warhorses charging could certainly cause fear in your enemy though they would also hear them coming.  If they were prepared for a charge then he and Mistress Thera would be at a disadvantage.  Best not to underestimate their enemies.  The worst thing is that they knew nothing of what they faced.


Perivar knew Mistress Thera did not need to ask him, she was trying to include him for some reason.  "It is always best to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.  As much as I would love to charge in there on horseback I think that would be the worst thing that we could do especially if they have scouts out.  I say we proceed on foot coming in from opposite directions, if we find them camped of course.  If I can get into a good position I can take out a few with my horsebow and create a diversion for you.  They should be so focused on me that you should be able to get in amongst them without them noticing you until you decide to strike.  Hopefully once you strike it will be too late for them to do anything but die."  He said with a mischievous grin, the men deserved worse than death but it would have to be enough. 


Perivar wanted to be the one to rush in but it was logical that Mistress Thera be the one.  As much as it grated to admit it, Mistress Thera was definately more skilled than he was.  That and she carried throwing knives not a bow.  He didn't like to admit that anyone was better than him but it was reality, there was always someone better than you.  No doubt she was far better than him.

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Thera looked at her saddle and the bow tucked under the girth, but had to dismiss it out of hand. Two bows would be more effective, if they had more arms to draw them. With only the two of them and more than a dozen men if their captive was to be believed she would need both of her hands free.


A sound plan Perivar. I will circle around the back side and you come from the other, once you arrive and are with in range give me a count to ten before you release an arrow, to make sure I am in place.” With the men already on the run and likely scared any single they tried to give however well disguised would surely be notice, so it was best to trust that they both knew what to do. “Remember Perivar a count of ten”


Headed back the way they had came and staying wide right of where the camp lay, Thera kept her eyes and her ears open for any sign that her approach was being watched. These men were bandits, little more than amateur thieves, but it was always those you least expected that surprised you. The sounds of quiet voices drifted to her ears and Thera dropped low in the under brush and crept forward, careful not to make a sound. Through the trees she could see the men, but no sign of Andrial. Unless one of those that had broken off had her, she had to be with this group. Picking up her head and slowly pulling her feet underneath her until she was crouched she tried to see around the throng of men, but from her vantage she couldn’t be sure of what she saw. The blue she saw on the ground could have been part of Andrial’s clock or just another rag, either way soon she would know.


The first arrow flew almost directly across from where Thera was crouched and the second came as fast. When all the heads were turned and focused towards the shots Thera ran in and jumped to kick the man closest to her in the back. He went down in a crumpled heap and her fist came up with knife in hand just in time to stop another from taking off her head. Dropping low to the ground she kicked the feet out from under the third man as an arrow bloomed in his chest. Had she not kicked him it would have hit him square in the throat. Three men still faced Thera, not at all put off by the arrows that still flew. There wasn’t enough room to draw her sword, so she walked a slow circle trying to keep them all in sight, with a dagger in one fist and a throwing knife in the other. As if all were controlled by one mind they rushed at her from every side. Too focused on the fight for her life, Thera did not have time to see if Perivar had recovered Andrial Sedai.


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So she was convinced that she would make it around to the other side before he was setup.  A ten count was not much room for error.  Well at least if she was late it would be better than her springing the trap early he thought.  If they came after him then he could lead them away while she went in and retrieved Andrial Sedai. 


Stealthfully Perivar made his way to the makeshift camp.  He picked a spot next to a large oak with a good view of the brigand's camp.  The camp was in disarray, for a moment he worried that the Aes Sedai was not with this group.  Well there was only one way to find out.  He could not see Mistress Thera though somehow he knew she was there.  If she wasn't...he pushed the thought away.  The arrow was already nocked, he quickly formed the flame then pushed everything into it thereby assuming the void.  He became one with the bow, one with the arrow, one with his target.  He loosed the arrow and did not need to follow it to know that it struck home.  The sickening thud sounded on the outside of the void as he had another arrow nocked and drawn back as he locked onto his next target.  He loosed and caught the blur that was Mistress Thera coming out of the trees directly opposite of his position.  He nocked and loosed a third arrow, this time he followed it and nearly winced as he saw Mistress Thera engage his target. 


The combat was too close for bows now so he rushed in with his sword drawn to search for Andrial Sedai while Mistress Thera faced down the rest of the Brigands.  He glanced at Mistress Thera as she faced three of the brigands.  She was more than capable though he wanted to rush to her aid.  He argued with himself for a moment then resumed his search for the Aes Sedai.  He found her lying on the ground amidst the saddlebags and gear.  By her rumpled appearance she had been unceremoniously dumped on the ground when they stopped to make camp.  He fell to his knees beside her sighing in relief as he saw her chest rise.  She was unconcious but she was alive.  Quickly he scooped her up then made for the picket line where the horses were hobbled.  Perivar draped her over her saddle then took up her mount's reins and led the horse away from the camp in the direction where his and Mistress Thera's warhorses were waiting.


Perivar picked the Aes Sedai from her saddle and sank to his knees with her cradled in his arms.  He was trying albeit unsuccessfully to wake Andrial Sedai when Mistress Thera returned.  "She is breathing, but I cannot wake her."  He said to her as she approached.  She seemed relieved that they had recovered the Aes Sedai though she looked concerned over her unconcious state.  That or she knew what they would be subjected to when Andrial Sedai woke.

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Dropping low to the ground she took the feet out from underneath the first man, rolled to the side just in time to stop a sword thrust through her chest. With one man on the ground the other two heightened their attack, but they were sloppy and Thera waited patiently for their first mistake. It came quickly and she left all three men groaning on the ground, two nursing wounds from her knives.


Ignoring the small gashes on her legs that burned as she walked, she headed straight across the camp to where their horses waited. Relieved to see a third horse, she did not notice at first that Andrial’s eyes were still closed. "She is breathing, but I cannot wake her."


Dropping to her knees beside Perivar her callused fingers moved softly along the Aes Sedai scalp, searching for any sign of a break. Her skull felt firm, but worry creased Thera’s face. If they couldn’t wake her, that meant that there could be damage beyond her skills to repair. Time was of the essence now, if she was bleeding inside it wouldn’t matter which direction they took, it would be too late. If it was something less serious they would stand a better chance of turning back then trying to cross the mountains. Then again that would be what the brigands would expect. “We will make for Katar, there should be someone there who can help her. If she’d not woken up by then.”


As much as she loathed and despised the woman, she didn’t want her to die like this. That and it would be her who would have to explain to her the Aes Sedai what had happened.


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